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Chain length affects pancreatic lipase activity and the extent and pH–time profile of triglyceride lipolysis

Benito-Gallo, Paloma; Franceschetto, Alessandro; Wong, Jonathan C.M.; Marlow, Maria; Zann, Vanessa; Scholes, Peter; Gershkovich, Pavel

Chain length affects pancreatic lipase activity and the extent and pH–time profile of triglyceride lipolysis Thumbnail


Paloma Benito-Gallo

Alessandro Franceschetto

Jonathan C.M. Wong

Vanessa Zann

Peter Scholes


Triglycerides (TG) are one of the most common excipients used in oral lipid-based formulations. The chain length of the TG plays an important role in the oral bioavailability of the co-administered drug. Fatty acid (FA) chain-length specificity of porcine pancreatic lipase was studied by means of an in vitro lipolysis model under bio-relevant conditions at pH 6.80. In order to determine the total extent of lipolysis, back-titration experiments at pH 11.50 were performed. Results suggest that there is a specific chain length range (C2–C8) for which pancreatic lipase shows higher activity. This specificity could result from a combination of physicochemical properties of TGs, 2-monoglycerides (2-MGs) and FAs, namely the droplet size of the TGs, the solubility of 2-MGs within mixed micelles, and the relative stability of the FAs as leaving groups in the hydrolysis reaction. During experimentation, it was evident that an optimisation of lipolysis conditions was needed for tighter control over pH levels so as to better mimic in vivo conditions. 1 M NaOH, 3.5 mL/min maximum dosing rate, and 3 μL/min minimum dosing rate were the optimised set of conditions that allowed better pH control, as well as the differentiation of the lipolysis of different lipid loads.


Benito-Gallo, P., Franceschetto, A., Wong, J. C., Marlow, M., Zann, V., Scholes, P., & Gershkovich, P. (2015). Chain length affects pancreatic lipase activity and the extent and pH–time profile of triglyceride lipolysis. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 93,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 20, 2015
Online Publication Date May 1, 2015
Publication Date Jun 1, 2015
Deposit Date Aug 30, 2016
Publicly Available Date Aug 30, 2016
Journal European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
Print ISSN 0939-6411
Electronic ISSN 1873-3441
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 93
Keywords Lipid based drug delivery systems; Poorly water-soluble drugs; Oral bioavailability; Back-titration; Fatty acid; Monoglyceride
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Aug 30, 2016


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