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Outputs (41)

Electromagnetic heating for industrial kilning of malt: a feasibility study (2016)
Journal Article
Ferrari-John, R., Katrib, J., Zerva, E., Davies, N., Cook, D. J., Dodds, C., & Kingman, S. (in press). Electromagnetic heating for industrial kilning of malt: a feasibility study. Food and Bioprocess Technology,

Industrial malting operations use ~800kWh/t of energy to produce the heat required to kiln malt. Electromagnetic heating technologies are suggested as a way to potentially improve the energy efficiency of the kilning processing. In this work, the pot... Read More about Electromagnetic heating for industrial kilning of malt: a feasibility study.

The minor flagellin of Campylobacter jejuni (FlaB) confers defensive properties against bacteriophage infection (2016)
Journal Article
Lis, L., & Connerton, I. F. (in press). The minor flagellin of Campylobacter jejuni (FlaB) confers defensive properties against bacteriophage infection. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7,

A screen of bacteriophages infecting a panel of Campylobacter jejuni PT14 gene knock-out mutants identified a role for the minor flagellin encoded by the flaB gene, in the defense of the host against CP8unalikevirus bacteriophage CP_F1 infection. Ina... Read More about The minor flagellin of Campylobacter jejuni (FlaB) confers defensive properties against bacteriophage infection.

Draft genome sequence of the bacteriophage vB_Eco_slurp01. (2016)
Journal Article
Sazinas, P., Smith, C., Suhaimi, A., Hobman, J. L., Dodd, C. E., & Millard, A. (2016). Draft genome sequence of the bacteriophage vB_Eco_slurp01. Genome Announcements, 4(6),

Bacteriophage vB_Eco_slurp01 was isolated from porcine feces using Escherichia coli MG1655 as a host. With a genome size of 348 kb, vB_Eco_slurp01 is one of the largest bacteriophages isolated to date.

H2S biosynthesis and catabolism: new insights from molecular studies (2016)
Journal Article
Rose, P., Moore, P. K., & Zhu, Y. Z. (2017). H2S biosynthesis and catabolism: new insights from molecular studies. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 74(8), 1391-1412.

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has profound biological effects within living organisms and is now increasingly being considered alongside other gaseous signalling molecules, such as nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO). Conventional use of pharmacologi... Read More about H2S biosynthesis and catabolism: new insights from molecular studies.

Crystallisation in water-in-cocoa butter emulsions: role of the dispersed phase on fat crystallisation and polymorphic transition (2016)
Journal Article
Di Bari, V., Macnaughtan, W., Norton, J., Sullo, A., & Norton, I. (2017). Crystallisation in water-in-cocoa butter emulsions: role of the dispersed phase on fat crystallisation and polymorphic transition. Food Structure, 12, 82-93.

The present work is one of the first to focus on the role of emulsified water droplets on the crystallisation behaviour of water-in-cocoa butter emulsions under quiescent conditions (i.e. absence of any externally applied force). Cocoa butter (CB) sy... Read More about Crystallisation in water-in-cocoa butter emulsions: role of the dispersed phase on fat crystallisation and polymorphic transition.

Mashing with unmalted sorghum using a novel low temperature enzyme system: impacts of sorghum grain composition and microstructure (2016)
Journal Article
Holmes, C. P., Casey, J., & Cook, D. (2017). Mashing with unmalted sorghum using a novel low temperature enzyme system: impacts of sorghum grain composition and microstructure. Food Chemistry, 221,

Brewing lager beers from unmalted sorghum traditionally requires the use of high temperature mashing and exogenous enzymes to ensure adequate starch conversion. Here, a novel low-temperature mashing system is compared to a more traditional mash in te... Read More about Mashing with unmalted sorghum using a novel low temperature enzyme system: impacts of sorghum grain composition and microstructure.

Prior consumption of a fat meal in healthy adults modulates the brain’s response to fat (2016)
Journal Article
Eldeghaidy, S., Marciani, L., Hort, J., Hollowood, T. A., Singh, G., Bush, D., Foster, T., Taylor, A. J., Busch, J., Spiller, R. C., Gowland, P. A., & Francis, S. T. (2016). Prior consumption of a fat meal in healthy adults modulates the brain’s response to fat. Journal of Nutrition, 146(11), 2187-2198.

Background: Consumption of fat is regulated by reward and homeostatic pathways, but no studies have examined the role of the intake of a high fat meal (HFM) on subsequent brain activation to oral stimuli.
Objective: We evaluated how prior consumptio... Read More about Prior consumption of a fat meal in healthy adults modulates the brain’s response to fat.

Pickering particles prepared from food waste (2016)
Journal Article
Gould, J., Garcia-Garcia, G., & Wolf, B. (2016). Pickering particles prepared from food waste. Materials, 9(791),

In this paper, we demonstrate the functionality and functionalisation of waste particles as an emulsifier for oil-in-water (o/w) and water-in-oil (w/o) emulsions. Ground coffee waste was chosen as a candidate waste material due to its naturally high... Read More about Pickering particles prepared from food waste.

The properties of HPMC: PEO extended release hydrophilic matrices and their response to ionic environments (2016)
Journal Article
Hu, A., Chen, C., Mantle, M. D., Wolf, B., Gladden, L. F., Rajabi-Siahboomi, A., Missaghi, S., Mason, L., & Melia, C. D. (2017). The properties of HPMC: PEO extended release hydrophilic matrices and their response to ionic environments. Pharmaceutical Research, 34(5), 941-956.


Investigate the extended release behaviour of compacts containing mixtures of hydrophilic HPMC and PEO in hydrating media of differing ionic strengths.

The extended release behaviour of various HPMC:PEO compacts was investigate... Read More about The properties of HPMC: PEO extended release hydrophilic matrices and their response to ionic environments.

Sodium ion interaction with psyllium husk (Plantago sp.) (2016)
Journal Article
Jimoh, M., MacNaughtan, W., Williams, H., Greetham, D., Linforth, R., & Fisk, I. D. (2016). Sodium ion interaction with psyllium husk (Plantago sp.). Food and Function, 7(9), 4041-4047.

The nature of and factors effecting sodium interactions with psyllium were investigated in vitro. In a batch extraction system, psyllium mucilage gel retained at least 50% of sodium across a range of concentrations (5–300 mg sodium per g psyllium) an... Read More about Sodium ion interaction with psyllium husk (Plantago sp.).