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Outputs (26)

Controlling salt and aroma perception through the inclusion of air fillers (2015)
Journal Article
Chiu, N., Hewson, L., Yang, N., Linforth, R., & Fisk, I. D. (2015). Controlling salt and aroma perception through the inclusion of air fillers. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 63(1), 65-70.

© 2015 The Authors. Global dietary sodium consumption significantly exceeds the WHO recommended intake levels, although strategies are available for sodium reduction, most are partial product-specific solutions. A wider range of approaches is urgentl... Read More about Controlling salt and aroma perception through the inclusion of air fillers.

The dynamic balance of import and export of zinc in Escherichia coli suggests a heterogeneous population response to stress (2015)
Journal Article
Takahashi, H., Oshima, T., Hobman, J. L., Doherty, N., Clayton, S. R., Iqbal, M., Hill, P. J., Tobe, T., Ogasawara, N., Kanaya, S., & Stekel, D. J. (2015). The dynamic balance of import and export of zinc in Escherichia coli suggests a heterogeneous population response to stress. Interface, 12(106), Article 20150069.

Zinc is essential for life, but toxic in excess. Thus all cells must control their internal zinc concentration. We used a systems approach, alternating rounds of experiments and models, to further elucidate the zinc control systems in Escherichia col... Read More about The dynamic balance of import and export of zinc in Escherichia coli suggests a heterogeneous population response to stress.

GYY4137, a Novel Water-Soluble, H2S-Releasing Molecule (2015)
Book Chapter
Rose, P., Dymock, B. W., & Moore, P. K. (2015). GYY4137, a Novel Water-Soluble, H2S-Releasing Molecule. In Hydrogen Sulfide in Redox Biology, Part A (143-167). Elsevier.

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is now recognized as the so called "third gasotransmitter" taking its place alongside nitric oxide and carbon monoxide. In recent years, H2S has been reported to exhibit a diverse range of pharmacological effects in biological... Read More about GYY4137, a Novel Water-Soluble, H2S-Releasing Molecule.

Campylobacter jejuni acquire new host-derived CRISPR spacers when in association with bacteriophages harboring a CRISPR-like Cas4 protein (2015)
Journal Article
Hooton, S. P., & Connerton, I. F. (2015). Campylobacter jejuni acquire new host-derived CRISPR spacers when in association with bacteriophages harboring a CRISPR-like Cas4 protein. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5(744),

Campylobacter jejuni is a worldwide cause of human diarrhoeal disease. Clustered Repetitively Interspaced Palindromic Repeats (CRISPRs) and associated proteins allow Bacteria and Archaea to evade bacteriophage and plasmid infection. Type II CRISPR sy... Read More about Campylobacter jejuni acquire new host-derived CRISPR spacers when in association with bacteriophages harboring a CRISPR-like Cas4 protein.

Response of Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 to metals (2015)
Book Chapter
Monsieurs, P., Hobman, J. L., Vandenbussche, G., Mergeay, M., & Van Hoult, R. (2015). Response of Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 to metals. In M. Mergay, & R. Van Houdt (Eds.), Metal response in Cupriavidus metallidurans Volume 1: From habitats to genes and proteins. Springer.

Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 displays resistance to a plethora of metals. Its response and underlying genetic determinants are dissected and detailed metal by metal (from arsenic to zinc). An important role for its megaplasmids pMOL28 and pMOL30 is... Read More about Response of Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34 to metals.

Measuring the emotional response to beer and the relative impact of sensory and packaging cues (2015)
Journal Article
Chaya, C., Pacoud, J., Ng, M. L., Fenton, A., & Hort, J. (2015). Measuring the emotional response to beer and the relative impact of sensory and packaging cues. Journal- American Society of Brewing Chemists, 73(1),

In today’s extremely competitive markets, recent studies have highlighted that using hedonic measurement alone is inadequate for evaluating consumer product experience. Measuring emotional response is suggested to provide a richer insight into consum... Read More about Measuring the emotional response to beer and the relative impact of sensory and packaging cues.