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Physiological concentrations of dietary polyphenols regulate vascular endothelial cell expression of genes important in cardiovascular health (2009)
Journal Article
Nicholson, S. K., Tucker, G. A., & Brameld, J. M. (2010). Physiological concentrations of dietary polyphenols regulate vascular endothelial cell expression of genes important in cardiovascular health. British Journal of Nutrition, 103(10), 1398-1403.

Previous cell culture-based studies have shown potential health beneficial effects on gene expression of dietary polyphenols, including those found in red wine and green tea. However, these studies have tended to use higher concentrations (2-100m) th... Read More about Physiological concentrations of dietary polyphenols regulate vascular endothelial cell expression of genes important in cardiovascular health.

Examination of myosin heavy chain isoform expression in ovine skeletal muscles (2009)
Journal Article
Hemmings, K. M., Parr, T., Daniel, Z. C., Picard, B., Buttery, P. J., & Brameld, J. M. (2009). Examination of myosin heavy chain isoform expression in ovine skeletal muscles. Journal of Animal Science, 87(12), 3915-3922.

The contractile and associated metabolic characteristics of muscles are determined by their myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression. In large mammals, the level of MHCIIB expression, which is associated with fast glycolytic-type muscle fibers, ha... Read More about Examination of myosin heavy chain isoform expression in ovine skeletal muscles.

Prokineticin 2 is a hypothalamic neuropeptide that potently inhibits food intake (2009)
Journal Article
Gardiner, J. V., Bataveljic, A., Patel, N. A., Bewick, G. A., Roy, D., Campbell, D., Greenwood, H. C., Murphy, K. G., Hameed, S., Jethwa, P. H., Ebling, F. J., Vickers, S. P., Cheetham, S., Ghatei, M. A., Bloom, S. R., & Dhillo, W. S. (2010). Prokineticin 2 is a hypothalamic neuropeptide that potently inhibits food intake. Diabetes, 59(2), 397-406.

OBJECTIVE-Prokineticin 2 (PK2) is a hypothalamic neuropeptide expressed in central nervous system areas known to be involved in food intake. We therefore hypothesized that PK2 plays a role in energy homeostasis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - We inves... Read More about Prokineticin 2 is a hypothalamic neuropeptide that potently inhibits food intake.

Dynamics of INSL3 Peptide Expression in the Rodent Testis (2009)
Journal Article
Anand-Ivell, R., Heng, K., Hafen, B., Setchell, B., & Ivell, R. (2009). Dynamics of INSL3 Peptide Expression in the Rodent Testis. Biology of Reproduction, 81(3), 480-487.

The Leydig cell-specific factor insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3) is involved in testicular descent during embryo development, and has been suggested to regulate spermatogenesis and bone metabolism in the adult. Using a new, sensitive assay specific for... Read More about Dynamics of INSL3 Peptide Expression in the Rodent Testis.

The effects of beta-adrenergic agonist (BA) and growth hormone (GH) on metabolic characteristics and factors involved in determining skeletal muscle fibre type in growing lambs (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hemmings, K., Parr, T., Daniel, Z., Buttery, P., & Brameld, J. (2009, September). The effects of beta-adrenergic agonist (BA) and growth hormone (GH) on metabolic characteristics and factors involved in determining skeletal muscle fibre type in growing lambs. Presented at XIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, Clermont Ferrand, France

Myosin heavy chain expression in ovine skeletal muscles (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hemmings, K., Parr, T., Daniel, Z., Picard, B., Buttery, P., & Brameld, J. (2024, September). Myosin heavy chain expression in ovine skeletal muscles. Presented at XIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, Clermont Ferrand

Amino Acid Uptake and Yeast Gene Transcription During Industrial Brewery Fermentation (2009)
Journal Article
Gibson, B. R., Boulton, C. A., Box, W. G., Graham, N. S., Lawrence, S. J., Linforth, R. S., & Smart, K. A. (2009). Amino Acid Uptake and Yeast Gene Transcription During Industrial Brewery Fermentation. Journal- American Society of Brewing Chemists, 67(3), 157-165.

Amino acid utilization by yeast during brewer's wort fermentation influences both the fermentation performance and flavor profile of the finished product. To better understand the relationship between the yeast cell and wort amino acid composition, o... Read More about Amino Acid Uptake and Yeast Gene Transcription During Industrial Brewery Fermentation.

S-propargyl-cysteine protects both adult rat hearts and neonatal cardiomyocytes from ischemia/hypoxia injury: The contribution of the hydrogen sulfide-mediated pathway (2009)
Journal Article
Wang, Q., Liu, H. R., Mu, Q., Rose, P., & Zhu, Y. Z. (2009). S-propargyl-cysteine protects both adult rat hearts and neonatal cardiomyocytes from ischemia/hypoxia injury: The contribution of the hydrogen sulfide-mediated pathway. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 54(2), 139-146.

In this study, we determined the cardioprotective effects of S-propargyl-cysteine (SPRC), a structural analog of S-allylcysteine (SAC), using in vivo models of acute myocardial infarction (MI) and in vitro hypoxic cardiomyocytes models. MI was create... Read More about S-propargyl-cysteine protects both adult rat hearts and neonatal cardiomyocytes from ischemia/hypoxia injury: The contribution of the hydrogen sulfide-mediated pathway.

Demographic, physical and lifestyle factors associated with androgen status: The Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study (FAMAS) (2009)
Journal Article
Atlantis, E., Martin, S. A., Haren, M. T., O'Loughlin, P. D., Taylor, A. W., Anand-Ivell, R., Ivell, R., & Wittert, G. A. (2009). Demographic, physical and lifestyle factors associated with androgen status: The Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study (FAMAS). Clinical Endocrinology, 71(2), 261-272.

Objective Plasma androgen levels are inversely associated with health in men, the age-related decline of which may result from factors other than ageing per se. This study aimed to determine the effects of demographic, physical and lifestyle factors... Read More about Demographic, physical and lifestyle factors associated with androgen status: The Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study (FAMAS).