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Outputs (29)

Effects of feed nutrients on growth, development and the deposition of protein and fat in Tenebrio molitor larvae (2025)
Journal Article
Tamim, B., Salter, A., Parr, T., & Brameld, J. (2025). Effects of feed nutrients on growth, development and the deposition of protein and fat in Tenebrio molitor larvae. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1-14.

An understanding of the impact of dietary nutritional composition on growth, development and composition of Tenebrio molitor larvae (mealworms) could help optimise production systems. Replicate containers of mealworms fed for 24 days on synthetic cel... Read More about Effects of feed nutrients on growth, development and the deposition of protein and fat in Tenebrio molitor larvae.

Effects of feeding earthworm or vermicompost on early life performance of broilers under challenging dietary conditions (2024)
Journal Article
Daş, G., Brameld, J. M., Parr, T., Seyedalmoosavi, M. M., Görs, S., & Metges, C. C. (2024). Effects of feeding earthworm or vermicompost on early life performance of broilers under challenging dietary conditions. Poultry Science, 103(12), Article 104341.

We investigated if feeding earthworms (EW) or vermicompost (VC) to broilers improves performance and aids in coping with dietary challenges from a soluble non-starch polysaccharide (NSP)-enriched diet (negative control diet; CON-). Newly-hatched male... Read More about Effects of feeding earthworm or vermicompost on early life performance of broilers under challenging dietary conditions.

Comparative analyses of the nutritional and antinutritional composition of pod flours from Neltuma spp. (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae) species from drylands of Mexico, Kenya and Tanzania (2024)
Journal Article
González-Carranza, Z. H., Bone, G., Castro-Castro, A., González-Elizondo, M. S., Soto-Luzania, X., López-Franco, Y. L., Koech, O., Parr, T., Kilawe, C. J., Velázquez-Quiñones, S. E., González -Laredo, R. F., & Ríos-Saucedo, J. C. (2024). Comparative analyses of the nutritional and antinutritional composition of pod flours from Neltuma spp. (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae) species from drylands of Mexico, Kenya and Tanzania. Future Foods, 10, Article 100434.

Identifying novel risk-resilient diets is urgent to address food insecurity and tackle global hunger and malnutrition. This study evaluated the suitability of mesquite (Neltuma spp.) pod flours as food staples for human nourishment and compared nutri... Read More about Comparative analyses of the nutritional and antinutritional composition of pod flours from Neltuma spp. (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae) species from drylands of Mexico, Kenya and Tanzania.

The juvenile hormone analogue, pyriproxifen, alters protein and fat composition of Tenebrio molitor larvae (2024)
Journal Article
Hill, V., Lopez-Viso, C., Brameld, J., Salter, A., & Parr, T. (2024). The juvenile hormone analogue, pyriproxifen, alters protein and fat composition of Tenebrio molitor larvae. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 10(9), 1633–1644 .

Maximising the yield of product from livestock is common practice in the agriculture industry and there is potential to extend this practice to the emerging insect industry, to produce high-quality, sustainable protein. Tenebrio molitor larvae, commo... Read More about The juvenile hormone analogue, pyriproxifen, alters protein and fat composition of Tenebrio molitor larvae.

Active vitamin D increases myogenic differentiation in C2C12 cells via a vitamin D response element on the myogenin promoter (2024)
Journal Article
Alliband, K. H., Parr, T., Jethwa, P. H., & Brameld, J. M. (2024). Active vitamin D increases myogenic differentiation in C2C12 cells via a vitamin D response element on the myogenin promoter. Frontiers in Physiology, 14, Article 1322677.

Background: Skeletal muscle development during embryogenesis depends on proliferation of myoblasts followed by differentiation into myotubes/multinucleated myofibers. Vitamin D (VD) has been shown to affect these processes, but there is conflicting e... Read More about Active vitamin D increases myogenic differentiation in C2C12 cells via a vitamin D response element on the myogenin promoter.

Changes in nutrient composition and gene expression in growing mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) (2023)
Journal Article
Lopez-Viso, C., Castellanos-Uribe, M., May, T., Brameld, J., Salter, A., & Parr, T. (2023). Changes in nutrient composition and gene expression in growing mealworms (Tenebrio molitor). Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 10(4), 601-610.

Insects are of high interest as a sustainable source of nutrients to be included in the food production system. The larvae of Tenebrio molitor, commonly known as yellow mealworms (MW), have a high protein content, which means potential applications i... Read More about Changes in nutrient composition and gene expression in growing mealworms (Tenebrio molitor).

Fermentation technology enhances the nutritional quality of underutilized Bambara groundnut – a review (2023)
Journal Article
Tee, A. J., Lim, Y. S., Brameld, J. M., Massawe, F., Parr, T., & Salter, A. M. (2023). Fermentation technology enhances the nutritional quality of underutilized Bambara groundnut – a review. Food Biotechnology, 37(2), 106-135.

Bambara groundnut (BG) offers great potential for sustainable food and nutritional security in the face of a growing population and changing climate. However, its utilization remains restricted by the hard-to-cook phenomenon of seed and the presence... Read More about Fermentation technology enhances the nutritional quality of underutilized Bambara groundnut – a review.

The effects of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes on the in vitro release of xylooligosaccharides and monosaccharides varies across six varieties of wheat (2022)
Journal Article
Dale, T., Bedford, M. R., King, J., Tucker, G. A., Brameld, J. M., & Parr, T. (2023). The effects of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes on the in vitro release of xylooligosaccharides and monosaccharides varies across six varieties of wheat. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 295, Article 115526.

Wheat is a widely used cereal grain for pig and poultry feeds globally. Despite this, there are noticeable differences in its nutritive value, potentially due to varying characteristics like inherent non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) content and compos... Read More about The effects of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes on the in vitro release of xylooligosaccharides and monosaccharides varies across six varieties of wheat.

The effects of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes on the in vitro generation of xylooligosaccharides and monosaccharides is dependent upon cereal type (2022)
Journal Article
Dale, T., Bedford, M. R., Tucker, G. A., Brameld, J. M., & Parr, T. (2022). The effects of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes on the in vitro generation of xylooligosaccharides and monosaccharides is dependent upon cereal type. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 292, Article 115406.

Fibrolytic enzymes are routinely added to non-ruminant livestock feeds to help degrade the non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) contents and thereby improve feed efficiency. This study investigated the range of xylooligosaccharides (XOS) and monosaccharid... Read More about The effects of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes on the in vitro generation of xylooligosaccharides and monosaccharides is dependent upon cereal type.

In vitro Effects of Biologically Active Vitamin D on Myogenesis: A Systematic Review (2021)
Journal Article
Alliband, K. H., Kozhevnikova, S. V., Parr, T., Jethwa, P. H., & Brameld, J. M. (2021). In vitro Effects of Biologically Active Vitamin D on Myogenesis: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, Article 736708.

Vitamin D (VD) deficiency is associated with muscle weakness. A reduction in the incidence of falls in the elderly following VD supplementation and identification of the VD receptor within muscle cells suggests a direct effect of VD on muscle, but li... Read More about In vitro Effects of Biologically Active Vitamin D on Myogenesis: A Systematic Review.