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Challenges facing sustainable protein production: Opportunities for cereals (2023)
Journal Article
Safdar, L. B., Foulkes, M. J., Kleiner, F. H., Searle, I. R., Bhosale, R. A., Fisk, I. D., & Boden, S. A. (2023). Challenges facing sustainable protein production: Opportunities for cereals. Plant Communications, 4(6), Article 100716.

Rising demands for protein worldwide are likely to drive increases in livestock production, as meat provides ∼40% of dietary protein. This will come at a significant environmental cost, and a shift toward plant-based protein sources would therefore p... Read More about Challenges facing sustainable protein production: Opportunities for cereals.

Reviving grain quality in wheat through non-destructive phenotyping techniques like hyperspectral imaging (2023)
Journal Article
Safdar, L. B., Dugina, K., Saeidan, A., Yoshicawa, G. V., Caporaso, N., Gapare, B., Umer, M. J., Bhosale, R. A., Searle, I. R., Foulkes, M. J., Boden, S. A., & Fisk, I. D. (2023). Reviving grain quality in wheat through non-destructive phenotyping techniques like hyperspectral imaging. Food and Energy Security, 12(5), Article e498.

A long-term goal of breeders and researchers is to develop crop varieties that can resist environmental stressors and produce high yields. However, prioritising yield often compromises improvement of other key traits, including grain quality, which i... Read More about Reviving grain quality in wheat through non-destructive phenotyping techniques like hyperspectral imaging.

Root angle is controlled by EGT1in cereal crops employing anantigravitropic mechanism (2022)
Journal Article
Fusi, R., Rosignoli, S., Lou, H., Sangiorgi, G., Bovina, R., Pattem, J. K., Borkar, A. N., Lombardi, M., Forestan, C., Milner, S. G., Davis, J. L., Lale, A., Kirschner, G. K., Swarup, R., Tassinari, A., Pandey, B. K., York, L. M., Atkinson, B. S., Sturrock, C. J., Mooney, S. J., …Salvi, S. (2022). Root angle is controlled by EGT1in cereal crops employing anantigravitropic mechanism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,

Root angle in crops represents a key trait for efficient capture of soil resources. Root angle is determined by competing gravitropic versus anti-gravitropic offset (AGO) mechanisms. Here we report a new root angle regulatory gene termed ENHANCED GRA... Read More about Root angle is controlled by EGT1in cereal crops employing anantigravitropic mechanism.