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Evaluating the effect of maternal non-communicable disease on adverse pregnancy outcomes and birthweight in Pakistan, a facility based retrospective cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Wainwright, E., Sheikh, I., Qureshi, R., Yousuf, S., Khan, R., & Elmes, M. (2024). Evaluating the effect of maternal non-communicable disease on adverse pregnancy outcomes and birthweight in Pakistan, a facility based retrospective cohort study. Scientific Reports, 14, Article 571.

Background: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) claim 74% of global lives, disproportionately affecting lower and middle-income countries like Pakistan. NCDs may increase the risk of preterm birth (PTB), caesarean section (CS), and low birthweight. This... Read More about Evaluating the effect of maternal non-communicable disease on adverse pregnancy outcomes and birthweight in Pakistan, a facility based retrospective cohort study.

Evaluating the effect of maternal non-communicable disease on adverse pregnancy outcomes and birthweight in Pakistan, a facility based retrospective cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Wainwright, E., Sheikh, I., Qureshi, R., Yousuf, S., Khan, R., & Elmes, M. (2024). Evaluating the effect of maternal non-communicable disease on adverse pregnancy outcomes and birthweight in Pakistan, a facility based retrospective cohort study. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 571.

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) claim 74% of global lives, disproportionately affecting lower and middle-income countries like Pakistan. NCDs may increase the risk of preterm birth (PTB), caesarean section (CS), and low birthweight. This study aims... Read More about Evaluating the effect of maternal non-communicable disease on adverse pregnancy outcomes and birthweight in Pakistan, a facility based retrospective cohort study.

The impact of maternal obesity on in vivo uterine contractile activity during parturition in the rat (2023)
Journal Article
Muir, R., Khan, R., Shmygol, A., Quenby, S., & Elmes, M. (2023). The impact of maternal obesity on in vivo uterine contractile activity during parturition in the rat. Physiological Reports, 11(5), Article e15610.

Maternal obesity is associated with increased risk of prolonged and dysfunctional labor and emergency caesarean section. To elucidate the mechanisms behind the associated uterine dystocia, a translational animal model is required. Our previous work i... Read More about The impact of maternal obesity on in vivo uterine contractile activity during parturition in the rat.

Expression of cholesterol packaging and transport genes in human and rat placenta: impact of obesity and a high-fat diet (2019)
Journal Article
Draycott, S. A., Daniel, Z., Khan, R., Muhlhausler, B. S., & Langley-Evans, S. C. (2019). Expression of cholesterol packaging and transport genes in human and rat placenta: impact of obesity and a high-fat diet. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 11(3), 222-227.

Evidence suggests that sub-optimal maternal nutrition has implications for the developing offspring. We have previously shown that exposure to a low-protein diet during gestation was associated with upregulation of genes associated with cholesterol t... Read More about Expression of cholesterol packaging and transport genes in human and rat placenta: impact of obesity and a high-fat diet.