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Outputs (36)

The Effects of Economic Policy Instruments of Diffuse Water Pollution from Agriculture: A Comparative Analysis of China and the UK (2023)
Journal Article
Zou, J., Chen, X., Liu, F., Wang, F., Wu, B., & Yang, N. (2023). The Effects of Economic Policy Instruments of Diffuse Water Pollution from Agriculture: A Comparative Analysis of China and the UK. Water, 15(4), Article 637.

The world is facing the challenge of increasing grain production and improving the environment, in which the treatment of diffuse water pollution from agriculture (DWP) is the important content. Traditional administrative means are still unable to so... Read More about The Effects of Economic Policy Instruments of Diffuse Water Pollution from Agriculture: A Comparative Analysis of China and the UK.

Impact of charged ionic species (NaCl and KCl) on the generation of color and volatile aroma compounds during caramelization (2022)
Journal Article
XU, S., LIU, Y., MU, X., CHEN, H., TAO, G., SUN, Z., YANG, N., MA, F., & FISK, I. D. (2023). Impact of charged ionic species (NaCl and KCl) on the generation of color and volatile aroma compounds during caramelization. Food Science and Technology, 43, Article e97622.

During the process of caramelization, volatile and non-volatile flavor and color are generated via the degradation of carbohydrates. This research investigated the effect of the types and concentrations of salts including NaCl and KCl on the generati... Read More about Impact of charged ionic species (NaCl and KCl) on the generation of color and volatile aroma compounds during caramelization.

Impact of agro-forestry systems on the aroma generation of coffee beans (2022)
Journal Article
Xu, S., Liu, Y., Ma, F., Yang, N., Virginio Filho, E. D. M., & Fisk, I. D. (2022). Impact of agro-forestry systems on the aroma generation of coffee beans. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, Article 968783.

A long experiment has been established since 2000 at CATIE (Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center), Turrialba, Costa Rica. Twenty agro-forestry systems with different shade types and managements (organic and non-organic) consisti... Read More about Impact of agro-forestry systems on the aroma generation of coffee beans.

The role of capsaicin stimulation on the physicochemical properties of saliva and aroma release in model aqueous and oil systems (2022)
Journal Article
Hu, X., Ayed, C., Chen, J., Fisk, I., & Yang, N. (2022). The role of capsaicin stimulation on the physicochemical properties of saliva and aroma release in model aqueous and oil systems. Food Chemistry, 386(132824),

Capsaicin increases saliva production, but the impact of this additional saliva on the food matrix is unknown. This study aimed to explain the impact of capsaicin on saliva properties and in-vivo release of 14 aroma compounds in aqueous [aqu] and oil... Read More about The role of capsaicin stimulation on the physicochemical properties of saliva and aroma release in model aqueous and oil systems.

APCI-MS/MS - An Enhanced Tool for the Real-Time Evaluation of Volatile Isobaric Compounds (2021)
Book Chapter
Yang, N., Ford, C., & Fisk, I. (2021). APCI-MS/MS - An Enhanced Tool for the Real-Time Evaluation of Volatile Isobaric Compounds. In J. D. Beauchamp (Ed.), Dynamic Flavor: Capturing Aroma Using Real-Time Mass Spectrometry (87-98). American Chemical Society.

Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (APCI-MS) can be used for the real-time analysis of volatile compounds both in vitro and in vivo. Recent developments of this technique, which are demonstrated herein, couple the APCI ion sou... Read More about APCI-MS/MS - An Enhanced Tool for the Real-Time Evaluation of Volatile Isobaric Compounds.

Impact of cooking on the sensory perception and volatile compounds of Takifugu rubripes (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, D., Yang, N., Fisk, I. D., Li, J., Liu, Y., & Wang, W. (2022). Impact of cooking on the sensory perception and volatile compounds of Takifugu rubripes. Food Chemistry, 371, Article 131165.

Takifugu rubripes is well-known for its unique flavour but can also develop a putrid off-note. To eliminate off-note and promote desirable flavour, four cooking processes (boiling, steaming, microwave-heating and roasting) were explored to determine... Read More about Impact of cooking on the sensory perception and volatile compounds of Takifugu rubripes.

Impact of capsaicin on salt release and salt perception during consumption of salt and salt-capsaicin solutions (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yang, N., Yang, Q., Zhao, J., Fan, X., Chen, J., & Fisk, I. (2021, May). Impact of capsaicin on salt release and salt perception during consumption of salt and salt-capsaicin solutions. Presented at 16th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, online

The mechanism on how capsaicin could affect salt release in the mouth and its saltiness perception was unknown. This is the first study designed to investigate the impact of capsaicin on salt release in the tongue and correlate with its perception du... Read More about Impact of capsaicin on salt release and salt perception during consumption of salt and salt-capsaicin solutions.

Identification of aroma compounds in a commonly prescribed oral nutritional supplement and associated changes in olfactory abilities with human ageing (2021)
Journal Article
Lester, S., Cornacchia, L., Corbier, C., Taylor, M. A., Ayed, C., Yang, N., Lim, M., Linforth, R., & Fisk, I. (2021). Identification of aroma compounds in a commonly prescribed oral nutritional supplement and associated changes in olfactory abilities with human ageing. Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 16518.

Undernutrition is prevalent in the older adult population. Oral nutritional supplements (ONS) are a clinically effective nutritional intervention, however, patient acceptance of ONS can be limited by their palatability. While sensory attributes such... Read More about Identification of aroma compounds in a commonly prescribed oral nutritional supplement and associated changes in olfactory abilities with human ageing.

Evaluation of volatile metabolites as potential markers to predict naturally-aged seed vigour by coupling rapid analytical profiling techniques with chemometrics (2021)
Journal Article
Zhang, T., Ayed, C., Fisk, I. D., Pan, T., Wang, J., Yang, N., & Sun, Q. (2022). Evaluation of volatile metabolites as potential markers to predict naturally-aged seed vigour by coupling rapid analytical profiling techniques with chemometrics. Food Chemistry, 367, Article 130760.

Rapid volatile detection methods for seed vigour rely heavily on artificial ageing (AA), however the comparability of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to natural ageing (NA) and practicability of the detection models were not well known. In this stu... Read More about Evaluation of volatile metabolites as potential markers to predict naturally-aged seed vigour by coupling rapid analytical profiling techniques with chemometrics.

Acute changes to breast milk composition following consumption of high-fat and high-sugar meals (2021)
Journal Article
Ward, E., Yang, N., Muhlhausler, B. S., Leghi, G. E., Netting, M. J., Elmes, M. J., & Langley-Evans, S. C. (2021). Acute changes to breast milk composition following consumption of high-fat and high-sugar meals. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 17(3), Article e13168.

© 2021 The Authors. Maternal & Child Nutrition published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Breast milk composition is influenced by habitual diet, yet little is known about the short-term effects of changes in maternal diet on breast milk macronutrient c... Read More about Acute changes to breast milk composition following consumption of high-fat and high-sugar meals.