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Outputs (5)

Machine learning on national shopping data reliably estimates childhood obesity prevalence and socio-economic deprivation (2025)
Journal Article
Long, G., Nica-Avram, G., Harvey, J., Lukinova, E., Mansilla, R., Welham, S., Engelmann, G., Dolan, E., Makokoro, K., Thomas, M., Powell, E., & Goulding, J. (2025). Machine learning on national shopping data reliably estimates childhood obesity prevalence and socio-economic deprivation. Food Policy, 131, Article 102826.

Deprivation pushes people to choose cheap, calorie-dense foods instead of nutritious but expensive alternatives. Diseases, such as obesity, cardiovascu-lar disease, and diabetes, resulting from these poor dietary choices place a significant burden on... Read More about Machine learning on national shopping data reliably estimates childhood obesity prevalence and socio-economic deprivation.

Predicting Healthy Start Scheme Uptake using Deprivation and Food Insecurity Measures (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Makokoro, K., Long, G., Harvey, J., Smith, A., Welham, S., Mansilla, R., Lukinova, E., & Goulding, J. (2024, May). Predicting Healthy Start Scheme Uptake using Deprivation and Food Insecurity Measures. Presented at 2nd Digital Footprints Conference: Linking Digital Data for Social Impact, Bristol, UK

Detecting iodine deficiency risks from dietary transitions using shopping data (2024)
Journal Article
Mansilla, R., Long, G., Welham, S., Harvey, J., Lukinova, E., Nica-Avram, G., Smith, G., Salt, D., Smith, A., & Goulding, J. (2024). Detecting iodine deficiency risks from dietary transitions using shopping data. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 1017.

Plant-based product replacements are gaining popularity. However, the long-term health implications remain poorly understood, and available methods, though accurate, are expensive and burdensome, impeding the study of sufficiently large cohorts. To i... Read More about Detecting iodine deficiency risks from dietary transitions using shopping data.