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Prebiotic galactooligosaccharide feed modifies the chicken gut microbiota to efficiently clear Salmonella (2024)
Journal Article
Richards, P. J., Almutrafy, A., Liang, L., Flaujac Lafontaine, G. M., King, E., Fish, N. M., Connerton, A. J., Connerton, P. L., & Connerton, I. F. (2024). Prebiotic galactooligosaccharide feed modifies the chicken gut microbiota to efficiently clear Salmonella. mSystems, 9(8), Article e00754-24.

Chicken meat is contaminated with Salmonella from the gut of infected chickens during slaughter. Eradication of Salmonella from broiler chickens through hygiene measures and/or vaccination is not cost-effective; complementary approaches are required.... Read More about Prebiotic galactooligosaccharide feed modifies the chicken gut microbiota to efficiently clear Salmonella.

Influence du sevrage et de l’addition de levures vivantes sur la population bactérienne fécale chez le porcelet (2016)
Journal Article
King, E., Richard, P., Samson, A., Schetelat, E., Le Bon, M., Dodd, C. E., Chevaux, E., Baulez, M., & Mellits, K. H. (in press). Influence du sevrage et de l’addition de levures vivantes sur la population bactérienne fécale chez le porcelet. Journees de la Recherche Porcine en France, 48,

Influence of weaning and live yeast on faecal bacteria populations in pigs

The current studies describe how the diversity of faecal bacteria is affected by weaning and incorporation of live yeast into the post-weaning diet of pigs. Pigs were weane... Read More about Influence du sevrage et de l’addition de levures vivantes sur la population bactérienne fécale chez le porcelet.