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Descriptive analysis of national bovine viral diarrhoea test data in England (2016–2020) (2022)
Journal Article
Prosser, N. S., Hill, E. M., Armstrong, D., Gow, L., Tildesley, M. J., Keeling, M. J., Kaler, J., Ferguson, E., & Green, M. J. (2022). Descriptive analysis of national bovine viral diarrhoea test data in England (2016–2020). Veterinary Record, 191(5), Article e1854.

Background: Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) causes substantial economic losses to the cattle industry; however, control and eradication can be achieved by identifying and removing persistently infected cattle from the herd. Each UK nation has sep... Read More about Descriptive analysis of national bovine viral diarrhoea test data in England (2016–2020).

Modelling livestock infectious disease control policy under differing social perspectives on vaccination behaviour (2022)
Journal Article
Hill, E. M., Prosser, N. S., Ferguson, E., Kaler, J., Green, M. J., Keeling, M. J., & Tildesley, M. J. (2022). Modelling livestock infectious disease control policy under differing social perspectives on vaccination behaviour. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(7), Article e1010235.

The spread of infection amongst livestock depends not only on the traits of the pathogen and the livestock themselves, but also on the veterinary health behaviours of farmers and how this impacts their implementation of disease control measures. Cont... Read More about Modelling livestock infectious disease control policy under differing social perspectives on vaccination behaviour.

Cattle farmer psychosocial profiles and their association with control strategies for bovine viral diarrhea (2022)
Journal Article
Prosser, N. S., Green, M. J., Ferguson, E., Tildesley, M. J., Hill, E. M., Keeling, M. J., & Kaler, J. (2022). Cattle farmer psychosocial profiles and their association with control strategies for bovine viral diarrhea. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(4), 3559-3573.

Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) is endemic in the United Kingdom and causes major economic losses. Control is largely voluntary for individual farmers and is likely to be influenced by psychosocial factors, such as altruism, trust, and psychological prox... Read More about Cattle farmer psychosocial profiles and their association with control strategies for bovine viral diarrhea.