(Invited) Development of a New Experimental Procedure for Investigating the Dielectric Behaviour of Water Confined within Nanocavities
Journal Article
Whitt, D. P., Bouillard, J.-S. G., & Kemp, N. T. (2024). (Invited) Development of a New Experimental Procedure for Investigating the Dielectric Behaviour of Water Confined within Nanocavities. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2024-02(69), 4829-4829. https://doi.org/10.1149/ma2024-02694829mtgabs
Dr NEIL KEMP's Outputs (2)
Unique Coexistence of Two Resistive Switching Modes in a Memristor Device Enables Multifunctional Neuromorphic Computing Properties (2024)
Journal Article
Jaafar, A. H., Al Habsi, S. K. S., Braben, T., Venables, C., Francesconi, M. G., Stasiuk, G. J., & Kemp, N. T. (2024). Unique Coexistence of Two Resistive Switching Modes in a Memristor Device Enables Multifunctional Neuromorphic Computing Properties. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 16(33), 43816-43826. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.4c07820We report on hybrid memristor devices consisting of germanium dioxide nanoparticles (GeO2 NP) embedded within a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) thin film. Besides exhibiting forming-free resistive switching and an uncommon “ON” state in pristine con... Read More about Unique Coexistence of Two Resistive Switching Modes in a Memristor Device Enables Multifunctional Neuromorphic Computing Properties.