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Dr NAOKO ARAKAWA's Outputs (6)

A systematic review of contemporary competency-based education and training for pharmacy practitioners and students (2022)
Journal Article
McMullen, J., Arakawa, N., Anderson, C., Pattison, L., & McGrath, S. (2023). A systematic review of contemporary competency-based education and training for pharmacy practitioners and students. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 19(2), 192-217.

Background: The use of competency-based education (CBE) worldwide is increasing and has been advocated for by key reports in health professional education. Recent developments, including the first global competency framework for pharmacists published... Read More about A systematic review of contemporary competency-based education and training for pharmacy practitioners and students.

Steps forward for the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: President’s message (2022)
Journal Article
Tofade, T., & Arakawa, N. (2022). Steps forward for the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: President’s message. Pharmacy Education, 22(4), 34-41.

Academic Pharmacy Section (AcPS) of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) has a strong strategic implementation plan already in place. The Executive Committee (ExCo) determined ways forward by reviewing some key documents and conducting a... Read More about Steps forward for the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: President’s message.

Past, present, and future of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: Interviews with past presidents (2022)
Journal Article
Arakawa, N., Meštrović, A., & Tofade, T. (2022). Past, present, and future of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: Interviews with past presidents. Pharmacy Education, 22(4), 123-130.

Introduction: The Academic Pharmacy Section (AcPS) of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) celebrates 50 years of its establishment in 2022. In the last decade, the Section had significant growth in membership and strategic planning deve... Read More about Past, present, and future of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Academic Pharmacy Section: Interviews with past presidents.

Developing a FIP handbook for implementing competency-based education in pharmacy education (2022)
Journal Article
Arakawa, N., Akel, M., Anderson, C., Bajis, D., Darwish, R., Koster, A., McMullen, J., & Morris, M. (2022). Developing a FIP handbook for implementing competency-based education in pharmacy education. Pharmacy Education, 22(4), 150-154.

Competency-based education (CBE) is a viable educational approach to close a training gap between ever-changing health challenges and pharmacy and pharmaceutical education curricula. However, the implementation of CBE into initial professional educat... Read More about Developing a FIP handbook for implementing competency-based education in pharmacy education.

Developing pharmacists' competencies in Saudi Arabia: A proposed national competency framework to support initial education and professional development (2022)
Journal Article
Alfaifi, S., Bridges, S., & Arakawa, N. (2022). Developing pharmacists' competencies in Saudi Arabia: A proposed national competency framework to support initial education and professional development. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning,

Introduction: With the currently accelerating changes in pharmacists' roles in Saudi Arabia, evidence-based developmental tools are required to guide initial pharmacy education and define competencies for early career (foundation level) pharmacists'... Read More about Developing pharmacists' competencies in Saudi Arabia: A proposed national competency framework to support initial education and professional development.