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Speeding up deferred acceptance (2025)
Journal Article
Gutin, G. Z., Karapetyan, D., Neary, P. R., Vickery, A., & Yeo, A. (in press). Speeding up deferred acceptance. Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design,

A run of the deferred acceptance (DA) algorithm may contain proposals that are sure to be rejected. In this paper we introduce the accelerated deferred acceptance algorithm that proceeds in a similar manner to DA but with sure-to-be rejected proposal... Read More about Speeding up deferred acceptance.

Bi-objective Optimization in Role Mining (2024)
Journal Article
Crampton, J., Eiben, E., Gutin, G., Karapetyan, D., & Majumdar, D. (2024). Bi-objective Optimization in Role Mining. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, 28(1), Article 5.

Role mining is a technique that is used to derive a role-based authorization policy from an existing policy. Given a set of users U, a set of permissions P, and a user–permission authorization relation UPA⊆U×P, a role mining algorithm seeks to comput... Read More about Bi-objective Optimization in Role Mining.

Solving the Workflow Satisfiability Problem using General Purpose Solvers (2022)
Journal Article
Karapetyan, D., & Gutin, G. (2023). Solving the Workflow Satisfiability Problem using General Purpose Solvers. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 20(6), 4474 - 4485.

The workflow satisfiability problem (WSP) is a well-studied problem in access control seeking allocation of authorised users to every step of the workflow, subject to workflow specification constraints. It was noticed that the number k of steps is ty... Read More about Solving the Workflow Satisfiability Problem using General Purpose Solvers.

2Zero project D5.1 Modelling And Simulation Report (2022)
Atkin, J., Karapetyan, D., De Maere, G., He, Y., Jackson, W., El Krari, M., & Siggs, T. 2Zero project D5.1 Modelling And Simulation Report. Innovate UK

This report summarises the work in the Modelling and Simulation Work Package, WP 2, of the 2Zero project (funded by Innovate UK, grant agreement number 74829) under UKRI’s Future Flight Challenge Fund. It discusses the simulation that was built, how... Read More about 2Zero project D5.1 Modelling And Simulation Report.

Pattern-Based Approach to the Workflow Satisfiability Problem with User-Independent Constraints (2019)
Journal Article
Karapetyan, D., J. Parkes, A., Gutin, G., & Gagarin, A. (2019). Pattern-Based Approach to the Workflow Satisfiability Problem with User-Independent Constraints. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 66, 85-122.

The fixed parameter tractable (FPT) approach is a powerful tool in tackling computationally hard problems. In this paper, we link FPT results to classic artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to show how they complement each other. Specifically, we... Read More about Pattern-Based Approach to the Workflow Satisfiability Problem with User-Independent Constraints.

Algorithm Configuration: Learning Policies for the Quick Termination of Poor Performers (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Karapetyan, D., Parkes, A. J., & Stützle, T. (2018, June). Algorithm Configuration: Learning Policies for the Quick Termination of Poor Performers. Presented at LION 12 Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference, Kalamata, Greece

© 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. One way to speed up the algorithm configuration task is to use short runs instead of long runs as much as possible, but without discarding the configurations that eventually do well on the long runs. We conside... Read More about Algorithm Configuration: Learning Policies for the Quick Termination of Poor Performers.

Markov Chain methods for the Bipartite Boolean Quadratic Programming Problem (2017)
Journal Article
Karapetyan, D., Punnen, A., & Parkes, A. J. (2017). Markov Chain methods for the Bipartite Boolean Quadratic Programming Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 260(2), 494-506.

We study the Bipartite Boolean Quadratic Programming Problem (BBQP) which is an extension of the well known Boolean Quadratic Programming Problem (BQP). Applications of the BBQP include mining discrete patterns from binary data, approximating matrice... Read More about Markov Chain methods for the Bipartite Boolean Quadratic Programming Problem.

Lessons from building an automated pre-departure sequencer for airports (2015)
Journal Article
Atkin, J. A. D., Karapetyan, D., Parkes, A. J., & Castro-Gutierrez, J. (2015). Lessons from building an automated pre-departure sequencer for airports. Annals of Operations Research, 252(2), 435-453.

© 2015, Springer Science+Business Media New York. Commercial airports are under increasing pressure to comply with the Eurocontrol collaborative decision making (CDM) initiative, to ensure that information is passed between stakeholders, integrate au... Read More about Lessons from building an automated pre-departure sequencer for airports.