Valorisation of hop leaves for their bioactive compounds: Identification and quantification of phenolics across different varieties, crop years and stages of development
Journal Article
Calvert, D., Dew, T., Gadon, A., Gros, J., & Cook, D. (2025). Valorisation of hop leaves for their bioactive compounds: Identification and quantification of phenolics across different varieties, crop years and stages of development. Food Chemistry, 465(Part 2), Article 142005.
Hop leaves, a by-product from hop cone harvesting, contain phenolic compounds of potential value for food or beverage applications. However, the abundant phenolics in hop leaves remain largely unquantified. This study quantified phenolics in hop leav... Read More about Valorisation of hop leaves for their bioactive compounds: Identification and quantification of phenolics across different varieties, crop years and stages of development.