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Dr MIRIAM GOLDING-DAY's Outputs (12)

Orthotist involvement in early gait rehabilitation after stroke: A cross-sectional survey of orthotists in the United Kingdom (2024)
Journal Article
Golding-Day, M., Young, J., Charlton, P., Houston, B., Thomas, S., & Walker, M. (2024). Orthotist involvement in early gait rehabilitation after stroke: A cross-sectional survey of orthotists in the United Kingdom. Prosthetics and Orthotics International,

The role of the orthotist in early gait rehabilitation after stroke in the United Kingdom is currently poorly understood.

The objective of this study was to capture current opinion and practice of orthotists on their ro... Read More about Orthotist involvement in early gait rehabilitation after stroke: A cross-sectional survey of orthotists in the United Kingdom.

Early specialist orthotic interventions for the lower limb in adult stroke patients: a systematic literature review (2022)
Journal Article
Golding-Day, M., Prince, N., Thomas, S., Horne, J., Thomas, L., & Walker, M. (2022). Early specialist orthotic interventions for the lower limb in adult stroke patients: a systematic literature review. Journal of the International Foot & Ankle Foundation, 1(9),

Background: Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability worldwide, estimated to affect up to 50% of stroke survivors. Many stroke survivors use orthotic splints and braces to help address difficulties with mobility and gait dysfunction both ear... Read More about Early specialist orthotic interventions for the lower limb in adult stroke patients: a systematic literature review.

Orthotic intervention following stroke: a survey of physiotherapist, occupational therapist and orthotist practice and views in the UK (2022)
Journal Article
Golding-Day, M. R., Walker, M. F., & Whitehead, P. J. (2022). Orthotic intervention following stroke: a survey of physiotherapist, occupational therapist and orthotist practice and views in the UK. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 29(6), 1-16.

Background/Aims Orthoses are often used to promote mobility and rehabilitation for patients in the UK after a stroke. The perspective of stroke therapists in the UK is an important factor determining current practice and orthotic provision. The purpo... Read More about Orthotic intervention following stroke: a survey of physiotherapist, occupational therapist and orthotist practice and views in the UK.

A Biopsychosocial Intervention for Stroke Carers (BISC): development and description of the intervention (2022)
Journal Article
Kontou, E., Thomas, S. A., Cobley, C., Fisher, R., Golding-Day, M. R., & Walker, M. F. (2022). A Biopsychosocial Intervention for Stroke Carers (BISC): development and description of the intervention. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 10(1), 92-103.

Objective: Family members of stroke survivors are often not supported for their caring role, with many reporting adjustment difficulties. This paper describes the development and content of a group-based intervention for informal carers of stroke sur... Read More about A Biopsychosocial Intervention for Stroke Carers (BISC): development and description of the intervention.

Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults and their carers (BATH-OUT): a qualitative extended follow-up study with concurrent nested outcome assessments (2020)
Journal Article
Golding-Day, M., & Whitehead, P. (2020). Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults and their carers (BATH-OUT): a qualitative extended follow-up study with concurrent nested outcome assessments. BMJ Open, 10(11), Article e035701.

Objective: We previously completed a nested qualitative interview study, as part of a feasibility randomised controlled trial with 21 older adults and five carers who had an accessible shower installed in their home. The objective of this study was t... Read More about Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults and their carers (BATH-OUT): a qualitative extended follow-up study with concurrent nested outcome assessments.

Optimising Psychoeducation for Transient Ischaemic Attack and Minor Stroke Management (OPTIMISM): Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (2020)
Journal Article
Kontou, E., Walker, M., Thomas, S., Watkins, C., Griffiths, H., Golding-Day, M., Richardson, C., & Sprigg, N. (2020). Optimising Psychoeducation for Transient Ischaemic Attack and Minor Stroke Management (OPTIMISM): Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial. AMRC Open Research, 2, Article 24.

Background: A transient ischaemic attack (TIA) and minor stroke are medical emergencies and often a warning sign of future strokes if remain untreated. Few studies have investigated the long-term psychosocial effects of TIA and minor stroke. Secondar... Read More about Optimising Psychoeducation for Transient Ischaemic Attack and Minor Stroke Management (OPTIMISM): Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial.

Biopsychosocial intervention for stroke carers (BISC): results of a feasibility randomised controlled trial and nested qualitative interview study (2020)
Journal Article
Walker, M. F., Birchall, S., Cobley, C., Condon, L., Fisher, R., Fletcher-Smith, J., Golding-Day, M. R., Greensmith, C., Kontou, E., Matias, O., Sprigg, N., Thomas, S. A., & Whitehead, P. J. (2020). Biopsychosocial intervention for stroke carers (BISC): results of a feasibility randomised controlled trial and nested qualitative interview study. Clinical Rehabilitation, 34(10), 1268-1281.

Objective: To determine the feasibility of recruiting to and delivering a biopsychosocial intervention for carers of stroke survivors.
Design: Feasibility randomised controlled study with nested qualitative interview study. Setting: The interventio... Read More about Biopsychosocial intervention for stroke carers (BISC): results of a feasibility randomised controlled trial and nested qualitative interview study.

An audit of dressing practice by occupational therapists in acute stroke settings in England (2020)
Journal Article
Worthington, E., Whitehead, P., Li, Z., Golding-Day, M., & Walker, M. (2020). An audit of dressing practice by occupational therapists in acute stroke settings in England. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(11), 664-673.

Introduction: Dressing independence is commonly affected after stroke, with clinical guidelines recommending that dressing practice should routinely be provided for those with dressing difficulties. The aim of this study was to update the literature... Read More about An audit of dressing practice by occupational therapists in acute stroke settings in England.

The lived experience of bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults and their carers (BATH‐OUT): A qualitative interview study (2019)
Journal Article
Whitehead, P. J., & Golding‐Day, M. R. (2019). The lived experience of bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults and their carers (BATH‐OUT): A qualitative interview study. Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(6), 1534-1543.

The onset of disability in bathing may be followed by disability in other daily activities for older adults. A bathing adaptation usually involves the removal of a bath or inaccessible shower and replacement with a level, easy access shower. The purp... Read More about The lived experience of bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults and their carers (BATH‐OUT): A qualitative interview study.

Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults (BATH-OUT): results of a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) (2018)
Journal Article
Whitehead, P. J., Golding-Day, M. R., Belshaw, S., Dawson, T., James, M., & Walker, M. F. (2018). Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults (BATH-OUT): results of a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT). BMC Public Health, 18, 1-11.

Background: Housing adaptations have been identified as an important environmental and prevention intervention for older adults, which may improve health and quality of life. The onset of disability in bathing can act as a warning for further disabil... Read More about Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults (BATH-OUT): results of a Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT).

Interventions to reduce dependency in bathing in community dwelling older adults: a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Golding-Day, M., Whitehead, P., Radford, K., & Walker, M. (2017). Interventions to reduce dependency in bathing in community dwelling older adults: a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 6(1),


The onset of bathing disability for older adults has been found to be an indicator and potential precursor of further disability. Thus interventions targeting bathing may prevent or delay further disability and the use of health and soc... Read More about Interventions to reduce dependency in bathing in community dwelling older adults: a systematic review.

Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults (BATH-OUT): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT) (2016)
Journal Article
Whitehead, P. J., James, M., Belshaw, S., Dawson, T., Day, M. R., & Walker, M. F. (2016). Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults (BATH-OUT): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT). BMJ Open, 6(10), 1-7.

Introduction The Care Act 2014 has placed a responsibility on local authorities in England to provide services that prevent deterioration and minimise the use of other health and social care services. Housing adaptations have been identified as 1 of... Read More about Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults (BATH-OUT): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (RCT).