Communication of prostate cancer cells with bone cells via extracellular vesicle RNA; a potential mechanism of metastasis
Journal Article
Probert, C., Dottorini, T., Speakman, A., Hunt, S., Nafee, T., Fazeli, A., Wood, S., Brown, J. E., & James, V. (2019). Communication of prostate cancer cells with bone cells via extracellular vesicle RNA; a potential mechanism of metastasis. Oncogene, 38(10), 1751-1763.
© 2018, The Author(s). The role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as vehicles for cell-to-cell communication between a tumour and its environment is a relatively new concept. The hypothesis that EVs may be critical in co-opting tissues by tumours to ge... Read More about Communication of prostate cancer cells with bone cells via extracellular vesicle RNA; a potential mechanism of metastasis.