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Dr ANNE EMERSON's Outputs (14)

Individuals with developmental disabilities make their own stylistic contributions to text written with physical facilitation (2023)
Journal Article
Nicoli, G., Pavon, G., Grayson, A., Emerson, A., Cortelazzo, M., & Mitra, S. (2023). Individuals with developmental disabilities make their own stylistic contributions to text written with physical facilitation. Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2, Article 1182884.

Introduction: For individuals with developmental disabilities (DD) such as autism, Down syndrome, or cerebral palsy, learning to express with language is a two-fold challenge because atypical cognitive capacity is compounded by sensorimotor coordinat... Read More about Individuals with developmental disabilities make their own stylistic contributions to text written with physical facilitation.

Touch may reduce cognitive load during assisted typing by individuals with developmental disabilities (2023)
Journal Article
Nicoli, G., Pavon, G., Grayson, A., Emerson, A., & Mitra, S. (2023). Touch may reduce cognitive load during assisted typing by individuals with developmental disabilities. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 17, Article 1181025.

Many techniques have attempted to provide physical support to ease the execution of a typing task by individuals with developmental disabilities (DD). These techniques have been controversial due to concerns that the support provider’s touch can infl... Read More about Touch may reduce cognitive load during assisted typing by individuals with developmental disabilities.

A Scoping Review of School-Based Strategies for Addressing Anxiety, Intolerance of Uncertainty and Prediction in Autistic Pupils (2023)
Journal Article
Emerson, A., & Costley, D. (2023). A Scoping Review of School-Based Strategies for Addressing Anxiety, Intolerance of Uncertainty and Prediction in Autistic Pupils. Education Sciences, 13(6), Article 575.

In a typical school day, young people need to do many tasks which rely on the ability to predict. Since prediction underpins cognitive and social skills, difficulties with prediction lead to multiple challenges to learning. In this review, we conside... Read More about A Scoping Review of School-Based Strategies for Addressing Anxiety, Intolerance of Uncertainty and Prediction in Autistic Pupils.

The case for trauma-informed behaviour policies (2022)
Journal Article
Emerson, A. (2022). The case for trauma-informed behaviour policies. Pastoral Care in Education, 40(3), 352-359.

Current behaviour policies, which focus around reward and deterrent, have only limited long-term effectiveness. They assume that students can exercise self-control and follow rules, when motivated to do so. Students with special educational needs and... Read More about The case for trauma-informed behaviour policies.

Trying to solve the ‘worst situation’ together: participatory autism research (2022)
Journal Article
Costley, D., Emerson, A., Ropar, D., Sheppard, E., McCubbing, A., Campbell Bass, S., Dent, S., Ellis, R., Limer, S., Phillips, S., & Ward Penny, J. (2022). Trying to solve the ‘worst situation’ together: participatory autism research. Educational Action Research, 1-18.

The importance of participatory autism research is discussed in relation to a project involving six autistic researchers and five non-autistic university researchers collaborating to investigate anxiety in autistic adolescents. The paper describes th... Read More about Trying to solve the ‘worst situation’ together: participatory autism research.

Engaging with parents in decision-making: The dilemma of the ideal and reality (2021)
Journal Article
Durgungoz, F. C., & Emerson, A. (2022). Engaging with parents in decision-making: The dilemma of the ideal and reality. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 25(3), 396-411.

Purpose: Recent studies suggest professionals engage with parents; however, literature shows that, in practice, there is a gap between what a parent’s role might be and their actual role in the intervention process. This study aims to close this gap... Read More about Engaging with parents in decision-making: The dilemma of the ideal and reality.

The anxiety caused by secondary schools for autistic adolescents: In their own words (2021)
Journal Article
Costley, D., Emerson, A., Ropar, D., & Sheppard, E. (2021). The anxiety caused by secondary schools for autistic adolescents: In their own words. Education Sciences, 11(11), Article 726.

Secondary schools are increasingly becoming inclusive of all students whatever their individual needs, but we question whether teachers understand enough about specific needs in order to effectively support all their students. Research indicates that... Read More about The anxiety caused by secondary schools for autistic adolescents: In their own words.

Decision Making of Speech and Language Therapists: Science or Intuition? (2021)
Journal Article
Durgungoz, F. C., & Emerson, A. (2023). Decision Making of Speech and Language Therapists: Science or Intuition?. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 70(6), 1189-1205.

Understanding decision-making as a process is essential in relation to the practice of many professions seeking to improve efficacy. The ideal of evidence-based practice can be challenging to implement in practice. This study is novel in examining th... Read More about Decision Making of Speech and Language Therapists: Science or Intuition?.

Conductive education: thirty years on (2019)
Journal Article
Emerson, A., & Holroyd, F. (2020). Conductive education: thirty years on. Disability and Society, 35(8), 1349-1354.

In 1989 Mike Oliver’s Current Issue about Conductive Education (CE) enabled disability activists and scholars to consider educational ‘tools’ and cures as potentially oppressive, and he expressed his view that CE was based on a set of assumptions abo... Read More about Conductive education: thirty years on.

‘Room of Gloom’: Reconceptualising Mothers of Children with Disabilities as Experiencing Trauma (2019)
Journal Article
Emerson, A. (2020). ‘Room of Gloom’: Reconceptualising Mothers of Children with Disabilities as Experiencing Trauma. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 25(2), 124-140.

The experience of having a child with disabilities can be traumatic due to the nature of the child’s condition, fears for life, uncertainty about future quality of life and how news of the condition is imparted. Mothers of children with disabilities... Read More about ‘Room of Gloom’: Reconceptualising Mothers of Children with Disabilities as Experiencing Trauma.

Transforming engagement: a case study of building intrinsic motivation in a child with autism (2016)
Journal Article
Emerson, A., & Dearden, J. (2017). Transforming engagement: a case study of building intrinsic motivation in a child with autism. British Journal of Special Education, 44(1), 8-25.

This longitudinal case study of 10 year old girl with autism and severe communication impairment measures the impact of the MORE (Means, Opportunities, Reasons and Expectations) approach to enhancing engagement and communication proposed by Emerson a... Read More about Transforming engagement: a case study of building intrinsic motivation in a child with autism.

Applying the ‘least dangerous assumption’ in regard to behaviour policies and children with special needs (2016)
Journal Article
Emerson, A. (in press). Applying the ‘least dangerous assumption’ in regard to behaviour policies and children with special needs. Pastoral Care in Education, 34(2),

Children with special needs and disabilities (SEND) in mainstream schools have a wide range of complex conditions rendering it impossible for teachers to fully understand all the complexities of their needs. Difficulties with understanding and self-c... Read More about Applying the ‘least dangerous assumption’ in regard to behaviour policies and children with special needs.

Four activities to promote student engagement with referencing skills (2014)
Journal Article
Williams, G. J., Emerson, A., Larkin, R. F., & Norman, C. (2014). Four activities to promote student engagement with referencing skills. Psychology Teaching Review, 20(1),

Teaching academic writing skills in a way that engages students in deep learning is difficult and there is a risk of encouraging surface learning approaches. Moreover, linking the experience of the research process to understanding the provenance of... Read More about Four activities to promote student engagement with referencing skills.

Accommodating to motor difficulties and communication impairments in people with autism: the MORE intervention model (2013)
Journal Article
Emerson, A., & Dearden, J. (2013). Accommodating to motor difficulties and communication impairments in people with autism: the MORE intervention model. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 7, Article 45.

Motor impairment in individuals with autism potentially impacts on their development in all spheres. This paper is particularly concerned with people with severe communication impairments suggesting that recognition of the impact of motor impairments... Read More about Accommodating to motor difficulties and communication impairments in people with autism: the MORE intervention model.