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Dr VIRGINIA PANIZZO's Outputs (41)

Hydrological isolation accelerates algal blooms in floodplain lakes: Biomarker evidence from Dongting Lake, China and its satellite lake (2025)
Journal Article
Zeng, L., Panizzo, V. N., Wang, Z., Huang, X., Chen, X., & McGowan, S. (2025). Hydrological isolation accelerates algal blooms in floodplain lakes: Biomarker evidence from Dongting Lake, China and its satellite lake. Water Research, 279, Article 123430.

Hydrological disconnection from main channels (either via natural siltation or due to construction of hydrological infrastructures) is modifying biogeochemical cycling in river-floodplain systems. Knowledge on how this process influences phytoplankto... Read More about Hydrological isolation accelerates algal blooms in floodplain lakes: Biomarker evidence from Dongting Lake, China and its satellite lake.

Land use, hydroclimate and damming influence organic carbon sedimentation in a flood pulse wetland, Malaysia (2024)
Journal Article
McGowan, S., Lacey, J. H., Engels, S., Boyle, J., Briddon, C., Leng, M. J., Moorhouse, H. L., Panizzo, V., & Shafiq, M. (2024). Land use, hydroclimate and damming influence organic carbon sedimentation in a flood pulse wetland, Malaysia. Journal of Quaternary Science,

Water bodies located in floodplains and tropical forests are known to be important carbon stores, but many are subjected to intensive pressures from damming, land use and climate changes. Sedimentary records preserve long-term archives for understand... Read More about Land use, hydroclimate and damming influence organic carbon sedimentation in a flood pulse wetland, Malaysia.

Human activity controls nitrogen loads in a large sub-tropical delta from 2000 to 2020 (2024)
Journal Article
Do, N. T., Trinh, D. A., Panizzo, V. N., McGowan, S., Runeckles, H., Henderson, A. C., Large, A. R., & Hackney, C. R. (2025). Human activity controls nitrogen loads in a large sub-tropical delta from 2000 to 2020. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 213, Article 108021.

Nitrogen (N) is crucial for agricultural yield, but its overuse in fertilisation and presence in uncollected wastewater from urbanization causes eutrophication. The Red River Delta in Vietnam is facing rapidly increasing water quality issues. Here, M... Read More about Human activity controls nitrogen loads in a large sub-tropical delta from 2000 to 2020.

Riverine connectivity modulates elemental fluxes through a 200- year period of intensive anthropic change in the Magdalena River floodplains, Colombia (2024)
Journal Article
Salgado, J., Jaramillo-Monroy, C., Link, A., Lopera-Congote, L., Velez, M. I., Gonzalez-Arango, C., Yang, H., Panizzo, V. N., & McGowan, S. (2025). Riverine connectivity modulates elemental fluxes through a 200- year period of intensive anthropic change in the Magdalena River floodplains, Colombia. Water Research, 268(Part A), Article 122633.

Tropical floodplain lakes are increasingly impacted by human activities, yet their pathways of spatial and temporal degradation, particularly under varying hydrological connectivity regimes and climate change, remain poorly understood. This study exa... Read More about Riverine connectivity modulates elemental fluxes through a 200- year period of intensive anthropic change in the Magdalena River floodplains, Colombia.

Diatom silicon isotope ratios in Quaternary research: Where do we stand? (2024)
Journal Article
Frings, P. J., Panizzo, V. N., Sutton, J. N., & Ehlert, C. (2024). Diatom silicon isotope ratios in Quaternary research: Where do we stand?. Quaternary Science Reviews, 344, Article 108966.

Silicon stable isotope ratios (expressed as δ30Si) in biogenic silica have been widely used as a proxy for past and present biogeochemical cycling in both marine and lacustrine settings, in particular for nutrient utilization reconstructions. Yet an... Read More about Diatom silicon isotope ratios in Quaternary research: Where do we stand?.

Anthropogenic impacts on the water chemistry of a transboundary river system in Southeast Asia (2024)
Journal Article
Trinh, D. A., Do, N. T., Panizzo, V. N., McGowan, S., Salgado, J., Large, A. R., Henderson, A. C., & Vu, T. T. (2024). Anthropogenic impacts on the water chemistry of a transboundary river system in Southeast Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X, 12, Article 100183.

The Red River originating from Yunnan province, China is the second largest river in Vietnam in terms of length and discharge. Combination of water chemistry monitoring data of 4 years (2018–2022) from different sub-basins of the Red River (the Da, L... Read More about Anthropogenic impacts on the water chemistry of a transboundary river system in Southeast Asia.

Investigating the role of hydrological connectivity on the processing of organic carbon in tropical aquatic ecosystems (2024)
Journal Article
Pereira, R., Panizzo, V. N., Bischoff, J., McGowan, S., Lacey, J., Moorhouse, H., Zelani, N. S., Ruslan, M. S., & Fazry, S. (2024). Investigating the role of hydrological connectivity on the processing of organic carbon in tropical aquatic ecosystems. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, Article 1250889.

Inland waters are highways of carbon and nutrient flows between the land and ocean. Aquatic environments integrate multiple sources and processes over space and time that influence ecosystem functionality. The complexity of these systems and their mu... Read More about Investigating the role of hydrological connectivity on the processing of organic carbon in tropical aquatic ecosystems.

Identifying the controls on nitrate and metabolic state within the Red River delta (Vietnam) with the use of stable isotopes (2023)
Journal Article
Smith, A. C., Leng, M. J., McGowan, S., Panizzo, V. N., Ngo, T. T. T., Luu, T. N. M., Matiatos, I., Do, T. N., Ta, T. T., & Trinh, A. D. (2024). Identifying the controls on nitrate and metabolic state within the Red River delta (Vietnam) with the use of stable isotopes. Journal of Hydrology, 628, Article 130467.

In many places around the world, anthropogenic activities have resulted in nitrate (NO3−) pollution and changes in the metabolic state of aquatic ecosystems. Here we combined stable isotope and physico-chemical monitoring to assess the sources of NO3... Read More about Identifying the controls on nitrate and metabolic state within the Red River delta (Vietnam) with the use of stable isotopes.

Using lake sediments to assess the long-term impacts of anthropogenic activity in tropical river deltas (2023)
Journal Article
Walton, R. E., Moorhouse, H. L., Roberts, L. R., Salgado, J., Ladd, C. J., Do, N. T., Panizzo, V. N., Tri Van, P. D., Downes, N. K., Trinh, D. A., Mcgowan, S., Taylor, S., & Henderson, A. C. (2024). Using lake sediments to assess the long-term impacts of anthropogenic activity in tropical river deltas. Anthropocene Review, 11(2), 442-462.

Tropical river deltas, and the social-ecological systems they sustain, are changing rapidly due to anthropogenic activity and climatic change. Baseline data to inform sustainable management options for resilient deltas is urgently needed and palaeoli... Read More about Using lake sediments to assess the long-term impacts of anthropogenic activity in tropical river deltas.

Prehistoric population expansion in Central Asia promoted by the Altai Holocene Climatic Optimum (2023)
Journal Article
Xiang, L., Huang, X., Sun, M., Panizzo, V. N., Huang, C., Zheng, M., Chen, X., & Chen, F. (2023). Prehistoric population expansion in Central Asia promoted by the Altai Holocene Climatic Optimum. Nature Communications, 14(1), Article 3102.

How climate change in the middle to late Holocene has influenced the early human migrations in Central Asian Steppe remains poorly understood. To address this issue, we reconstructed a multiproxy-based Holocene climate history from the sediments of K... Read More about Prehistoric population expansion in Central Asia promoted by the Altai Holocene Climatic Optimum.

Urbanization and seasonality strengthens the CO 2 capacity of the Red River Delta, Vietnam (2022)
Journal Article
Salgado, J., Duc, T. A., Nga, D. T., Panizzo, V. N., Bass, A. M., Zheng, Y., Taylor, S., Roberts, L. R., Lacey, J. H., Leng, M. J., & McGowan, S. (2022). Urbanization and seasonality strengthens the CO 2 capacity of the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Environmental Research Letters, 17(10), Article 104052.

Tropical rivers are dynamic CO2 sources. Regional patterns in the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and relationships with other a/biotic factors in densely populated and rapidly developing river delta regions of Southeast Asia are still poorly constrai... Read More about Urbanization and seasonality strengthens the CO 2 capacity of the Red River Delta, Vietnam.

In flux: Annual transport and deposition of suspended heavy metals and trace elements in the urbanised, tropical Red River Delta, Vietnam (2022)
Journal Article
Roberts, L. R., Do, N. T., Panizzo, V. N., Taylor, S., Watts, M., Hamilton, E., McGowan, S., Trinh, D. A., Leng, M. J., & Salgado, J. (2022). In flux: Annual transport and deposition of suspended heavy metals and trace elements in the urbanised, tropical Red River Delta, Vietnam. Water Research, 224, Article 119053.

Due to the depositional environment, river deltas are said to act as filters and sinks for pollutants. However, many deltas are also densely populated and rapidly urbanizing, creating new and increased sources of pollutants. These sources pose the ri... Read More about In flux: Annual transport and deposition of suspended heavy metals and trace elements in the urbanised, tropical Red River Delta, Vietnam.

Tropical Asian mega-delta ponds: Important and threatened socio-ecological systems (2021)
Journal Article
Moorhouse, H. L., Roberts, L. R., McGowan, S., Panizzo, V. N., Barker, P., Salehin, M., Do, T. N., Nguyen Thanh, P., Rahman, M. F., Ghosh, T., Das, S., Hackney, C., Salgado, J., Roy, M., Opel, A., Henderson, A. C., & Large, A. R. G. (2021). Tropical Asian mega-delta ponds: Important and threatened socio-ecological systems. Geo: Geography and Environment, 8(2), Article e00103.

This paper uses multimedia to showcase the narratives and lived experiences of those who live and work in tropical Asian mega-deltas, and as such is the first journal article of its kind in the field of Regional Geography. Using videos, photography a... Read More about Tropical Asian mega-delta ponds: Important and threatened socio-ecological systems.

The GCRF Living Deltas Hub: using water quality monitoring and lived experiences to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals  (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Roberts, L. R., Moorhouse, H. L., Truong, O., Nguyen Thanh, P., McGowan, S., Panizzo, V. N., Barker, P., Do, N. T., Rahman, F. M., Salgado, J., Ghosh, T., Das, S., Salehin, M., Amin Chowdhury, A. I., Henderson, A. C., & Large, A. R. (2021, April). The GCRF Living Deltas Hub: using water quality monitoring and lived experiences to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals . Presented at EGU General Assembly 2021 (vEGU21: Gather Online), Online

The Indian Sundarbans: Biogeochemical Dynamics and Anthropogenic Impacts (2021)
Book Chapter
Das, S., Ghosh, T., Walton, R. E., Zheng, Y., Bass, A. M., McGowan, S., Moorhouse, H. L., Roberts, L. R., Panizzo, V. N., & Henderson, A. C. (2021). The Indian Sundarbans: Biogeochemical Dynamics and Anthropogenic Impacts. In T. Ghosh, & S. Das (Eds.), Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of the East Coast of India (239-260). Springer

Transport and storage of anthropogenic contaminants in the Red River Delta, Vietnam  (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Panizzo, V., Roberts, L., Do, N., Taylor, S., Watts, M., Hamilton, E., McGowan, S., Trinh, D., Leng, M., & Salgado, J. (2021, April). Transport and storage of anthropogenic contaminants in the Red River Delta, Vietnam . Presented at EGU General Assembly 2021 (vEGU21: Gather Online), Online

Supply and transformation of organic matter in Tasik Chini and its role in underpinning lake ecosystem functioning (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Panizzo, V. N., Pereira, R., Bischoff, J., McGowan, S., Lacey, J., Moorhouse, H., Fazry, S., & Ruslan, M. S. (2021, March). Supply and transformation of organic matter in Tasik Chini and its role in underpinning lake ecosystem functioning. Presented at International eConference of Science and Biosphere Reserve (IECSBR) 2021, Virtual Conference

In tropical wetlands, seasonal connectivity with upstream river systems leads to large transformations in limnological characteristics, differences in Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) sources and the succession of aquatic communities. These are all imp... Read More about Supply and transformation of organic matter in Tasik Chini and its role in underpinning lake ecosystem functioning.

Understanding the drivers of ecosystem change at Tasik Chini to inform sustainable management (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lacey, J., Leng, M., Mcgowan, S., Panizzo, V., Pereira, R., Boyle, J., Engels, S., Idris, M., Mills, K., Ryves, D., Shafiq, M., & Vane, C. (2021, March). Understanding the drivers of ecosystem change at Tasik Chini to inform sustainable management. Presented at International eConference of Science and Biosphere Reserve (IECSBR) 2021, Virtual Conference

Tropical areas are subject to increasing environmental pressures as a combined result of climate change and human impact on the landscape, which threaten significantly the quality and biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems. Recent economic development... Read More about Understanding the drivers of ecosystem change at Tasik Chini to inform sustainable management.

Changing nutrient cycling in Lake Baikal, the world’s oldest lake (2020)
Journal Article
Swann, G. E. A., Panizzo, V. N., Piccolroaz, S., Pashley, V., Horstwood, M., Roberts, S., Vologina, E., Piotrowska, N., Sturm, M., Zhdanov, A., Granin, N., Norman, C., McGowan, S., & Mackay, A. W. (2020). Changing nutrient cycling in Lake Baikal, the world’s oldest lake. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(44), 27211-27217.

Copyright © 2020 the Author(s). Published by PNAS. Lake Baikal, lying in a rift zone in southeastern Siberia, is the world's oldest, deepest, and most voluminous lake that began to form over 30 million years ago. Cited as the "most outstanding exampl... Read More about Changing nutrient cycling in Lake Baikal, the world’s oldest lake.

Using stable isotopes to estimate young water fractions in a heavily regulated, tropical lowland river basin (2020)
Journal Article
Trinh, A. D., Do, T. N., Panizzo, V. N., McGowan, S., & Leng, M. J. (2020). Using stable isotopes to estimate young water fractions in a heavily regulated, tropical lowland river basin. Hydrological Processes, 34(22), 4239-4250.

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd The young water fraction of streamflow (Fyw), an important hydrological variable, has been calculated for the first time, for a monsoon-fed coastal catchment in northern Vietnam. Oxygen stable isotopes (δ18O) from six r... Read More about Using stable isotopes to estimate young water fractions in a heavily regulated, tropical lowland river basin.