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Professor ROGER KNAGGS's Outputs (67)

Difficulties with prescribed opioids: a cross-sectional survey of primary care patients in England, United Kingdom (2025)
Journal Article
Wilson, L. E., Knaggs, R. D., Avery, A. J., Thornley, T., Moss, J., Baamer, R. M., & Boyd, M. J. (2025). Difficulties with prescribed opioids: a cross-sectional survey of primary care patients in England, United Kingdom. PAIN Reports, 10(2), Article e1246.

Knowledge of the potential for harm and adverse effects from long-term opioid medicines has led to reduced prescribing in recent years. However, the number of patients receiving opioid prescriptions from primary care in England remains... Read More about Difficulties with prescribed opioids: a cross-sectional survey of primary care patients in England, United Kingdom.

Enhancing the trustworthiness of pain research: A call to action. (2024)
Journal Article
ENTRUST-PE Network, O’Connell, N. E., Belton, J., Crombez, G., Eccleston, C., Fisher, E., Ferraro, M. C., Hood, A., Keefe, F., Knaggs, R., Norris, E., Palermo, T. M., Pickering, G., Pogatzki-Zahn, E., Rice, A. S., Richards, G., Segelcke, D., Smart, K. M., Soliman, N., Stewart, G., …Williams, A. C. C. (2024). Enhancing the trustworthiness of pain research: A call to action. Journal of Pain,

The personal, social and economic burden of chronic pain is enormous. Tremendous research efforts are being directed toward understanding, preventing, and managing chronic pain. Yet patients with chronic pain, clinicians and the public are sometimes... Read More about Enhancing the trustworthiness of pain research: A call to action..

The association between drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a case-control study (2024)
Journal Article
Swiderski, M., Vinogradova, Y., Knaggs, R. D., Harman, K., Harwood, R. H., Prasad, V., Persson, M. S. M., Figueredo, G., Layfield, C., & Gran, S. (2025). The association between drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a case-control study. British Journal of Dermatology, 192(3), 440-449.

Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is an autoimmune skin disease that affects mainly older people. Numerous drugs have been previously associated with BP based on case series and small hospital-based studies. More reliable and precise estimates of a... Read More about The association between drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a case-control study.

The association between drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a case-control study (2024)
Journal Article
Swiderski, M., Vinogradova, Y., Knaggs, R. D., Harman, K., Harwood, R. H., Prasad, V., Persson, M. S. M., Figueredo, G., Layfield, C., & Gran, S. (2025). The association between drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a case-control study. British Journal of Dermatology, 192(3), 440-449.

Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is an autoimmune skin disease that affects mainly older people. Numerous drugs have been previously associated with BP based on case series and small hospital-based studies. More reliable and precise estimates of a... Read More about The association between drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a case-control study.

Pharmacological Pain Treatment in Older Persons (2024)
Journal Article
Pickering, G., Kotlińska‑Lemieszek, A., Krcevski Skvarc, N., O’Mahony, D., Monacelli, F., Knaggs, R., Morel, V., & Kocot‑Kępska, M. (2024). Pharmacological Pain Treatment in Older Persons. Drugs and Aging, 41(12), 959-976.

Pharmacological pain treatment in older persons is presented by a multi-disciplinary group of European pain experts. Drugs recommended for acute or chronic nociceptive pain, also for neuropathic pain and the routes of administration of choice are the... Read More about Pharmacological Pain Treatment in Older Persons.

Peri-operative pain management in adults: a multidisciplinary consensus statement from the Association of Anaesthetists and the British Pain Society (2024)
Journal Article
El-Boghdadly, K., Levy, N. A., Fawcett, W. J., Knaggs, R. D., Laycock, H., Baird, E., Cox, F. J., Eardley, W., Kemp, H., Malpus, Z., Partridge, A., Partridge, J., Patel, A., Price, C., Robinson, J., Russon, K., Walumbe, J., & Lobo, D. N. (2024). Peri-operative pain management in adults: a multidisciplinary consensus statement from the Association of Anaesthetists and the British Pain Society. Anaesthesia, 79(11), 1220-1236.

This is a consensus document produced by expert members of a Working Party established by the Association of Anaesthetists and the British Pain Society. It has been seen and approved by their Committee and Board respectively. It is supported by the E... Read More about Peri-operative pain management in adults: a multidisciplinary consensus statement from the Association of Anaesthetists and the British Pain Society.

ENTRUST-PE: An Integrated Framework for Trustworthy Pain Evidence (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
O'Connell, N., Richards, G. C., Soliman, N., Ferraro, M. C., Segelcke, D., Eccleston, C., Stewart, G., Smart, K. M., Palermo, T. M., Rice, A. S., Vollert, J., Wainwright, E., Williams, A., Crombez, G., Wilkinson, J., Pogatzki-Zahn, E., Turk, D., Keefe, F., Pickering, G., Knaggs, R., …Norris, E. ENTRUST-PE: An Integrated Framework for Trustworthy Pain Evidence

The personal, social and economic burden of chronic pain is enormous. Yet patients with chronic pain, clinicians and the public are often poorly served by an evidence architecture that contains multiple structural weaknesses which reduce confidence i... Read More about ENTRUST-PE: An Integrated Framework for Trustworthy Pain Evidence.

“Application of five different strategies to define a cohort of patients with knee osteoarthritis in a large primary care database” (2024)
Journal Article
Taqi, A., Gran, S., & Knaggs, R. D. (2024). “Application of five different strategies to define a cohort of patients with knee osteoarthritis in a large primary care database”. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 30(7), 1429-1435.


Electronic health records (EHR) are frequently used for epidemiological research including drug utilisation studies in a defined population such as the population with knee osteoarthritis (KOA). We sought to describe the process of defi... Read More about “Application of five different strategies to define a cohort of patients with knee osteoarthritis in a large primary care database”.

Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Woodcock, C., Cornwall, N., Dikomitis, L., Harrisson, S. A., White, S., Helliwell, T., Knaggs, R., Hodgson, E., Pincus, T., Santer, M., Mallen, C., Ashworth, J., & Jinks, C. (2024). Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study. BJGP Open, 8(3), Article BJGPO.2023.0221.

Background Opioids are frequently prescribed for persistent non-cancer pain despite limited evidence of long-term effectiveness and risk of harm. Evidence-based interventions to address inappropriate opioid prescribing are lacking.

Aim To explore... Read More about Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study.

Acceptability of a proposed practice pharmacist-led review for opioid-treated patients with persistent pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development (2023)
Journal Article
Cornwall, N., Knaggs, R., Woodcock, C., Ashworth, J., Harrisson, S. A., Dikomitis, L., White, S., Helliwell, T., Hodgson, E., Pincus, T., Santer, M., Mallen, C. D., Jinks, C., & on behalf of the PROMPPT team. (2024). Acceptability of a proposed practice pharmacist-led review for opioid-treated patients with persistent pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development. British Journal of Pain, 18(3), 274-291.

Introduction Regular review of patients prescribed opioids for persistent non-cancer pain (PCNP) is recommended but not routinely undertaken. The PROMPPT (Proactive clinical Review of patients taking Opioid Medicines long-term for persistent Pain led... Read More about Acceptability of a proposed practice pharmacist-led review for opioid-treated patients with persistent pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development.

Frequency and impact of medication reviews for people aged 65 years or above in UK primary care: an observational study using electronic health records (2023)
Journal Article
Joseph, R. M., Knaggs, R. D., Coupland, C. A., Taylor, A., Vinogradova, Y., Butler, D., Gerrard, L., Waldram, D., Iyen, B., Akyea, R. K., Ashcroft, D. M., Avery, A. J., & Jack, R. H. (2023). Frequency and impact of medication reviews for people aged 65 years or above in UK primary care: an observational study using electronic health records. BMC Geriatrics, 23(1), Article 435.

Background Medication reviews in primary care provide an opportunity to review and discuss the safety and appropriateness of a person’s medicines. However, there is limited evidence about access to and the impact of routine medication reviews for old... Read More about Frequency and impact of medication reviews for people aged 65 years or above in UK primary care: an observational study using electronic health records.

Health economic impact of moderate-to-severe chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis in England: a retrospective analysis of linked primary and secondary care data (2023)
Journal Article
Coates, G., Clewes, P., Lohan, C., Stevenson, H., Wood, R., Tritton, T., Knaggs, R., Dickson, A. J., & Walsh, D. (2023). Health economic impact of moderate-to-severe chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis in England: a retrospective analysis of linked primary and secondary care data. BMJ Open, 13(7), Article e067545.

Objective: Despite the prevalence of osteoarthritis (OA) in England, few studies have examined the health economic impact of chronic pain associated with OA. The aim of this study was to compare outcomes in patients with moderate-to-severe chronic pa... Read More about Health economic impact of moderate-to-severe chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis in England: a retrospective analysis of linked primary and secondary care data.

Risks and benefits of oral modified-release compared with oral immediate-release opioid use after surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Liu, S., Athar, A., Quach, D., Patanwala, A. E., Naylor, J. M., Stevens, J. A., Levy, N., Knaggs, R. D., Lobo, D. N., & Penm, J. (2023). Risks and benefits of oral modified-release compared with oral immediate-release opioid use after surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Anaesthesia, 78(10), 1225-1236.

Prescription of modified-release opioids for acute postoperative pain is widespread despite evidence to show their use may be associated with an increased risk of adverse effects. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to examine the availabl... Read More about Risks and benefits of oral modified-release compared with oral immediate-release opioid use after surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

005 Association between prescription drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a UK population-based study (2023)
Journal Article
Swiderski, M., Vinogradova, Y., Knaggs, R., Harman, K., Harwood, R., Prasad, V., Persson, M. S. M., Figueredo, G., Layfield, C., & Gran, S. (2023). 005 Association between prescription drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a UK population-based study. British Journal of Dermatology, 188(Supplement_4), Article ljad113.005.

Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is the most common autoimmune blistering skin disease, manifested by painful itching of the skin and mucous membranes. Despite high mortality, poor quality of life and increasing incidence in older people, BP can be overlooked... Read More about 005 Association between prescription drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a UK population-based study.

Impact of modified-release opioid use on clinical outcomes following total hip and knee arthroplasty: a propensity score-matched cohort study (2023)
Journal Article
Liu, S., Patanwala, A. E., Naylor, J. M., Levy, N., Knaggs, R., Stevens, J. A., Bugeja, B., Begley, D., Khor, K. E., Lau, E., Allen, R., Adie, S., & Penm, J. (2023). Impact of modified-release opioid use on clinical outcomes following total hip and knee arthroplasty: a propensity score-matched cohort study. Anaesthesia, 78(10), 1237-1248.

Modified-release opioids are often prescribed for the management of moderate to severe acute pain following total hip and knee arthroplasty, despite recommendations against their use due to increasing concerns regarding harm. The primary objective of... Read More about Impact of modified-release opioid use on clinical outcomes following total hip and knee arthroplasty: a propensity score-matched cohort study.

Predictors of persistent postoperative opioid use following colectomy: a population‐based cohort study from England (2023)
Journal Article
Baamer, R. M., Humes, D. J., Toh, L. S., Knaggs, R. D., & Lobo, D. N. (2023). Predictors of persistent postoperative opioid use following colectomy: a population‐based cohort study from England. Anaesthesia, 78(9), 1081-1092.

This retrospective cohort study on adults undergoing colectomy from 2010 to 2019 used linked primary (Clinical Practice Research Datalink), and secondary (Hospital Episode Statistics) care data to determine the prevalence of persistent postoperative... Read More about Predictors of persistent postoperative opioid use following colectomy: a population‐based cohort study from England.

The association between prescription drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a UK population-based study (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Swiderski, M., Vinogradova, Y., Knaggs, R., Harman, K., Harwood, R., Prasad, V., Persson, M. S., Figueredo, G., Layfield, C., & Gran, S. The association between prescription drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a UK population-based study

Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is a serious skin disease that results in large painful blisters developing over the body and occurs most commonly in older people (over 70 years). Despite several comorbidities such as stroke and a threefold inc... Read More about The association between prescription drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a UK population-based study.

O128 Time trends in opioid prescribing after discharge following colectomy in England: a cross-sectional study (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Baamer, R., Humes, D., Toh, L., Knaggs, R., & Lobo, D. O128 Time trends in opioid prescribing after discharge following colectomy in England: a cross-sectional study

Introduction Opioid prescribing patterns after discharge following colectomy within a population from England are not well characterised. This study aimed to report changes in opioid prescribing prevalence, formulation choices and opioid analgesics o... Read More about O128 Time trends in opioid prescribing after discharge following colectomy in England: a cross-sectional study.

O087 Predictors of persistent opioid use after discharge following colectomy: a population-based cohort study from England (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Baamer, R., Humes, D., Toh, L., Knaggs, R., & Lobo, D. O087 Predictors of persistent opioid use after discharge following colectomy: a population-based cohort study from England

Introduction Little is known regarding whether opioid prescriptions following colectomy lead to persistent use. We aimed to determine the prevalence of persistent post-discharge opioid use following colectomy, stratified by preadmission opioid exposu... Read More about O087 Predictors of persistent opioid use after discharge following colectomy: a population-based cohort study from England.