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Dr SOPHIE ORTON's Outputs (22)

Are E-cigarettes associated with postpartum return to smoking? Secondary analyses of a UK pregnancy longitudinal cohort (2022)
Journal Article
Orton, S., Taylor, L., Laing, L., Lewis, S., Ussher, M., Coleman, T., & Cooper, S. (2022). Are E-cigarettes associated with postpartum return to smoking? Secondary analyses of a UK pregnancy longitudinal cohort. BMJ Open, 12(4), Article e061028.

Objectives: Postpartum return to smoking (PPRS) is an important public health problem. E-cigarette (EC) use has increased in recent years, and in a contemporary UK pregnancy cohort, we investigated factors, including ECs use, associated with PPRS.... Read More about Are E-cigarettes associated with postpartum return to smoking? Secondary analyses of a UK pregnancy longitudinal cohort.

The development and acceptability testing of an app-based smart survey system to record smoking behaviour, use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and e-cigarettes (2022)
Journal Article
Huang, Y., Emery, J., Naughton, F., Cooper, S., McDaid, L., Dickinson, A., Clark, M., Kinahan-Goodwin, D., Thomson, R., Phillips, L., Lewis, S., Orton, S., & Coleman, T. (2022). The development and acceptability testing of an app-based smart survey system to record smoking behaviour, use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and e-cigarettes. BMC Research Notes, 15(1), Article 100.

Objective: Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) helps people stop smoking. Monitoring treatment adherence is important as poor adherence to NRT limits its effectiveness. As e-cigarettes contain nicotine, their use (‘vaping’) is likely to affect both NR... Read More about The development and acceptability testing of an app-based smart survey system to record smoking behaviour, use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and e-cigarettes.

Development of a Smoke-Free Home Intervention for Families of Babies Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care (2022)
Journal Article
Notley, C., Brown, T. J., Bauld, L., Boyle, E. M., Clarke, P., Hardeman, W., Holland, R., Hubbard, M., Naughton, F., Nichols, A., Orton, S., Ussher, M., & Ward, E. (2022). Development of a Smoke-Free Home Intervention for Families of Babies Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(6), Article 3670.

Neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) have a disproportionately higher number of parents who smoke tobacco compared to the general population. A baby’s NICU admission offers a unique time to prompt behaviour change, and to emphasise the dangerous hea... Read More about Development of a Smoke-Free Home Intervention for Families of Babies Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care.

Barriers and Facilitators to Staying Smoke-Free after Having a Baby, a Qualitative Study: Women’s Views on Support Needed to Prevent Returning to Smoking Postpartum (2021)
Journal Article
Phillips, L., Campbell, K. A., Coleman, T., Ussher, M., Cooper, S., Lewis, S., & Orton, S. (2021). Barriers and Facilitators to Staying Smoke-Free after Having a Baby, a Qualitative Study: Women’s Views on Support Needed to Prevent Returning to Smoking Postpartum. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), Article 11358.

Background: Postpartum return to smoking (PPRS) is a common and important public health problem. Interventions to prevent PPRS have not been shown to be effective. We aimed to qualitatively explore the barriers and facilitators to staying smoke-free... Read More about Barriers and Facilitators to Staying Smoke-Free after Having a Baby, a Qualitative Study: Women’s Views on Support Needed to Prevent Returning to Smoking Postpartum.

Financial Incentives for Preventing Postpartum return to Smoking (FIPPS): study protocol for a three-arm randomised controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article
Ussher, M., Best, C., Lewis, S., McKell, J., Coleman, T., Cooper, S., Orton, S., & Bauld, L. (2021). Financial Incentives for Preventing Postpartum return to Smoking (FIPPS): study protocol for a three-arm randomised controlled trial. Trials, 22(1), Article 512.

Background: Financial incentives are an effective way of helping women to stop smoking during pregnancy. Unfortunately, most women who stop smoking at this time return to smoking within 12 months of the infant’s birth. There is no evidence for interv... Read More about Financial Incentives for Preventing Postpartum return to Smoking (FIPPS): study protocol for a three-arm randomised controlled trial.

Smoking and vaping patterns during pregnancy and the postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort survey (2021)
Journal Article
Bowker, K., Lewis, S., Ussher, M., Naughton, F., Phillips, L., Coleman, T., Orton, S., McRobbie, H., Bauld, L., & Cooper, S. (2021). Smoking and vaping patterns during pregnancy and the postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort survey. Addictive Behaviors, 123, Article 107050.

Introduction: There is limited information about longitudinal patterns of vaping during pregnancy and the postpartum. We describe the prevalence, frequency, and reasons for vaping throughout pregnancy and postpartum. We also describe temporal pattern... Read More about Smoking and vaping patterns during pregnancy and the postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort survey.

Pregnant women’s use of e-cigarettes in the UK: a cross-sectional survey (2020)
Journal Article
Bowker, K., Lewis, S., Phillips, L., Orton, S., Ussher, M., Naughton, F., Bauld, L., Coleman, T., Sinclair, L., McRobbie, H., Khan, A., & Cooper, S. (2021). Pregnant women’s use of e-cigarettes in the UK: a cross-sectional survey. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 128(6), 984-993.

Objective: To estimate prevalence of vaping in pregnancy. Compare characteristics and attitudes between exclusive smokers and vapers, and between exclusive vapers and dual users (smoke and vape). Design: Cross-sectional survey. Setting: Hospitals acr... Read More about Pregnant women’s use of e-cigarettes in the UK: a cross-sectional survey.

Re-Configuring Identity Postpartum and Sustained Abstinence or Relapse to Tobacco Smoking (2019)
Journal Article
Brown, T. J., Bauld, L., Hardeman, W., Holland, R., Naughton, F., Orton, S., Ussher, M., & Notley, C. (2019). Re-Configuring Identity Postpartum and Sustained Abstinence or Relapse to Tobacco Smoking. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(17), 1-11.

Relapse to smoking postpartum is a common and important public health problem. Difficulty in adjusting to a non-smoking identity is a key factor prompting relapse. However, postpartum relapse prevention interventions rarely focus upon offering suppor... Read More about Re-Configuring Identity Postpartum and Sustained Abstinence or Relapse to Tobacco Smoking.

Interest in and use of smoking cessation support across pregnancy and postpartum (2019)
Journal Article
Naughton, F., Reeves Vaz, L., Coleman, T., Orton, S., Bowker, K., Leonardi-Bee, J., Cooper, S., Vanderbloemen, L., Sutton, S., & Ussher, M. (2020). Interest in and use of smoking cessation support across pregnancy and postpartum. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 22(7), 1178–1186.

Background: Limited research exists on interest in and use of smoking cessation support in pregnancy and postpartum.

Methods: A longitudinal cohort of pregnant smokers and recent ex-smokers were recruited in Nottinghamshire, UK (N=850). Data were... Read More about Interest in and use of smoking cessation support across pregnancy and postpartum.

Feasibility and Acceptability of ‘Opt-In’ Referrals for Stop Smoking Support in Pregnancy (2019)
Journal Article
Campbell, K. A., Campbell, K. A., Orton, S., Bowker, K., Cooper, S., & Coleman, T. (2019). Feasibility and Acceptability of ‘Opt-In’ Referrals for Stop Smoking Support in Pregnancy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8), 1-10.

Background: International guidelines recommend that following an early-pregnancy 'opt-out' referral for smoking cessation support, pregnant women who smoke should also be offered referrals at subsequent antenatal appointments ('opt-in' referrals). We... Read More about Feasibility and Acceptability of ‘Opt-In’ Referrals for Stop Smoking Support in Pregnancy.

Nicotine preloading for smoking cessation: the Preloading RCT (2018)
Journal Article
Aveyard, P., Lindson, N., Tearne, S., Adams, R., Ahmed, K., Alekna, R., Banting, M., Healy, M., Khan, S., Rai, G., Wood, C., Anderson, E. C., Ataya-Williams, A., Attwood, A., Easey, K., Fluharty, M., Freuler, T., Hurse, M., Khouja, J., Lacey, L., …Pokhrel, S. (2018). Nicotine preloading for smoking cessation: the Preloading RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 22(41), 1-84.

Background: Nicotine preloading means using nicotine replacement therapy prior to a quit date while smoking normally. The aim is to reduce the drive to smoke, thereby reducing cravings for smoking after quit day, which are the main cause of early rel... Read More about Nicotine preloading for smoking cessation: the Preloading RCT.

Views on and experiences of electronic cigarettes: a qualitative study of women who are pregnant or have recently given birth. (2018)
Journal Article
Bowker, K., Orton, S., Cooper, S., Naughton, F., Whitemore, R., Lewis, S., Bauld, L., Sinclair, L., Coleman, T., Dickinson, A., & Ussher, M. (in press). Views on and experiences of electronic cigarettes: a qualitative study of women who are pregnant or have recently given birth. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18,

Background: Electronic cigarettes (ECs) are increasingly used for reducing or stopping smoking, with some studies showing positive outcomes. However, little is known about views on ECs during pregnancy or postpartum and previous studies have nearly a... Read More about Views on and experiences of electronic cigarettes: a qualitative study of women who are pregnant or have recently given birth..

Effects on abstinence of nicotine patch treatment prior to quitting smoking: a parallel, two-arm, pragmatic randomised trial (2018)
Journal Article
Aveyard, P., Lewis, S., Coleman, T., Dickinson, A., Randall, C., Orton, S., & Perdue, J. (2018). Effects on abstinence of nicotine patch treatment prior to quitting smoking: a parallel, two-arm, pragmatic randomised trial. BMJ, 361, Article k2164.

Objectives: Standard smoking cessation pharmacotherapy is recommended in the post-quit period, but may also facilitate abstinence if used prior to quitting. The objective was to examine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of nicotine patch worn... Read More about Effects on abstinence of nicotine patch treatment prior to quitting smoking: a parallel, two-arm, pragmatic randomised trial.

Smoking and quit attempts during pregnancy and postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort (2017)
Journal Article
Cooper, S., Orton, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., Brotherton, E., Vanderbloemen, L., Bowker, K., Naughton, F., Ussher, M., Pickett, K. E., Sutton, S., & Coleman, T. (2017). Smoking and quit attempts during pregnancy and postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort. BMJ Open, 7(11), Article e018746.

Objectives Pregnancy motivates women to try stopping smoking, but little is known about timing of their quit attempts and how quitting intentions change during pregnancy and postpartum. Using longitudinal data, this study aimed to document women’s sm... Read More about Smoking and quit attempts during pregnancy and postpartum: a longitudinal UK cohort.

Predictors of postpartum return to smoking: a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Orton, S., Coleman, T., Coleman-Haynes, T., & Ussher, M. (in press). Predictors of postpartum return to smoking: a systematic review. Nicotine and Tobacco Research,

Background: Finding effective ways to help pregnant women quit smoking and remain abstinent is a major public health issue. Approximately half of UK women who smoke attempt cessation after conception; unfortunately, up to 75% return to smoking within... Read More about Predictors of postpartum return to smoking: a systematic review.

Smoking in pregnancy: who makes quit attempts whilst pregnant and what types of cessation support do they prefer? (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brotherton, E., Orton, S., & Coleman, T. Smoking in pregnancy: who makes quit attempts whilst pregnant and what types of cessation support do they prefer?. Presented at UKCRC16 Public Health Research Centres of Excellence Conference

Smoking in pregnancy is strongly associated with adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes. In England, 26% of women smoke at some point during pregnancy, and 12% smoke throughout. Reducing smoking during pregnancy is therefore an NHS priority... Read More about Smoking in pregnancy: who makes quit attempts whilst pregnant and what types of cessation support do they prefer?.

“I was a full time proper smoker”: A qualitative exploration of smoking in the home after childbirth among women who relapse postpartum (2016)
Journal Article
Orton, S., Coleman, T., Lewis, S., Cooper, S., & Jones, L. L. (2016). “I was a full time proper smoker”: A qualitative exploration of smoking in the home after childbirth among women who relapse postpartum. PLoS ONE, 11(6), e0157525.

Many women stop smoking during pregnancy but relapse shortly afterwards, potentially putting their infants at risk of secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure. Women who were able to stop during pregnancy may be a motivated group, receptive to m... Read More about “I was a full time proper smoker”: A qualitative exploration of smoking in the home after childbirth among women who relapse postpartum.

Smoking in the home after childbirth: prevalence and determinants in an English cohort (2015)
Journal Article
Orton, S., Coleman, T., Jones, L. L., Cooper, S., & Lewis, S. (2015). Smoking in the home after childbirth: prevalence and determinants in an English cohort. BMJ Open, 5(9), Article e008856.


Children's exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) is causally linked to childhood morbidity and mortality. Over 38% of English children (aged 4–15) whose parents are smokers are exposed to SHS in the home. Little is known about the prevale... Read More about Smoking in the home after childbirth: prevalence and determinants in an English cohort.