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Re-Configuring Identity Postpartum and Sustained Abstinence or Relapse to Tobacco Smoking

Brown, Tracey J.; Bauld, Linda; Hardeman, Wendy; Holland, Richard; Naughton, Felix; Orton, Sophie; Ussher, Michael; Notley, Caitlin

Re-Configuring Identity Postpartum and Sustained Abstinence or Relapse to Tobacco Smoking Thumbnail


Tracey J. Brown

Linda Bauld

Wendy Hardeman

Richard Holland

Felix Naughton

Michael Ussher

Caitlin Notley


Relapse to smoking postpartum is a common and important public health problem. Difficulty in adjusting to a non-smoking identity is a key factor prompting relapse. However, postpartum relapse prevention interventions rarely focus upon offering support for identity change. We conducted an exploratory inductive analysis of a dataset from the Prevention of Return to Smoking Postpartum (PReS) study to understand identity constructs and experiences of pre- and postpartum women (smokers and ex-smokers), partners and health professionals. Data were obtained from 77 unique participants via focus groups, interviews, email or online questionnaires, and were analyzed by two researchers independently, using NVivo 12. Four main themes emerged reflecting identity transition from the pre- to the postpartum period: (i) Pregnancy and the categorization of smoking status; (ii) the disruption of motherhood and loss of self; (iii) adapting to a maternal non-smoking identity; and (iv) factors influencing sustained abstinence versus relapse to smoking. Postpartum relapse prevention interventions need to consider support for women, and the whole family unit, in adjusting to a new identity as a non-smoking mother. Smoking status should be revisited throughout pregnancy and into the postpartum period to aid the long-term integration of smoke-free behavior.


Brown, T. J., Bauld, L., Hardeman, W., Holland, R., Naughton, F., Orton, S., Ussher, M., & Notley, C. (2019). Re-Configuring Identity Postpartum and Sustained Abstinence or Relapse to Tobacco Smoking. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(17), 1-11.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 23, 2019
Online Publication Date Aug 28, 2019
Publication Date Aug 28, 2019
Deposit Date Aug 29, 2019
Publicly Available Date Aug 29, 2019
Journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Print ISSN 1661-7827
Electronic ISSN 1660-4601
Publisher MDPI
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 16
Issue 17
Article Number 31396
Pages 1-11
Keywords tobacco smoking; return to smoking; smoking prevention; pregnancy; postpartum; social identity; qualitative research
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Aug 29, 2019