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Dr MARNIE BRENNAN's Outputs (8)

Understanding veterinary practitioners’ responses to adverse events using a combined grounded theory and netnographic natural language processing approach (2024)
Journal Article
Gibson, J., Oxtoby, C., Brennan, M. L., & White, K. (2024). Understanding veterinary practitioners’ responses to adverse events using a combined grounded theory and netnographic natural language processing approach. PLoS ONE, 19(12), Article e0314081.

Support that mitigates the detrimental impact of adverse events on human healthcare practitioners is underpinned by an understanding of their experiences. This study used a mixed methods approach to understand veterinary practitioners’ responses to a... Read More about Understanding veterinary practitioners’ responses to adverse events using a combined grounded theory and netnographic natural language processing approach.

European Network for Optimization of Veterinary Antimicrobial Therapy (ENOVAT) guidelines for antimicrobial use in canine acute diarrhoea (2024)
Journal Article
Jessen, L. R., Werner, M., Singleton, D., Prior, C., Foroutan, F., Ferran, A. A., Arenas, C., R. Bjørnvad, C., Lavy, E., Allerton, F., Allensbach, K., Guardabassi, L., Unterer, S., Bodnárová, T., Windahl, U., Brennan, M. L., Weese, J. S., & Scahill, K. (2024). European Network for Optimization of Veterinary Antimicrobial Therapy (ENOVAT) guidelines for antimicrobial use in canine acute diarrhoea. Veterinary Journal, 307, Article 106208.

Acute diarrhoea is a common presentation in dogs, and a common reason for antimicrobial prescription and nutraceutical use. This evidence-based guideline provides recommendations for antimicrobial and probiotic treatment of canine acute diarrhoea (CA... Read More about European Network for Optimization of Veterinary Antimicrobial Therapy (ENOVAT) guidelines for antimicrobial use in canine acute diarrhoea.

Scoping review exploring the evidence base on Vitis vinifera toxicity in dogs after ingestion: Clinical effects, treatments and types of V. vinifera (2024)
Journal Article
Downs, J., Zoltowska, A., Hackney, T., Gardner, D. S., Ashmore, A., & Brennan, M. L. (2024). Scoping review exploring the evidence base on Vitis vinifera toxicity in dogs after ingestion: Clinical effects, treatments and types of V. vinifera. Veterinary Record, 195(7), Article e4536.

Treatment of Vitis vinifera fruit (VVF) ingestion can be challenging due to no clear toxic dose, signalment factors and variable clinical signs. Current treatment guidance is generalised: decontamination, aggressive fluid therapy, monitor... Read More about Scoping review exploring the evidence base on Vitis vinifera toxicity in dogs after ingestion: Clinical effects, treatments and types of V. vinifera.

Exploring the evidence base on grape (Vitis vinifera; VV) toxicity in dogs after ingestion - clinical effects, treatments, and types of VV fruit (VVF) implicated: A scoping review (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Downs, J., Zoltowska, A., Hackney, T., Gardner, D., Ashmore, A., & Brennan, M. (2024, March). Exploring the evidence base on grape (Vitis vinifera; VV) toxicity in dogs after ingestion - clinical effects, treatments, and types of VV fruit (VVF) implicated: A scoping review. Presented at BSAVA Congress 2024, Manchester, UK

Reimagining the language of engagement in a post-stakeholder world (2024)
Journal Article
Reed, M. S., Merkle, B. G., Cook, E. J., Hafferty, C., Hejnowicz, A. P., Holliman, R., Marder, I. D., Pool, U., Raymond, C. M., Wallen, K. E., Whyte, D., Ballesteros, M., Bhanbhro, S., Borota, S., Brennan, M. L., Carmen, E., Conway, E. A., Everett, R., Armstrong-Gibbs, F., Jensen, E., …Stroobant, M. (2024). Reimagining the language of engagement in a post-stakeholder world. Sustainability Science, 19(4), 1481-1490.

Language matters in shaping perceptions and guiding behaviour. The term stakeholder is widely used, yet little attention is paid to the possibility that its use may inadvertently perpetuate colonial narratives and reinforce systemic inequities. In th... Read More about Reimagining the language of engagement in a post-stakeholder world.

Antimicrobial prophylaxis in companion animal surgery: A scoping review for European Network for Optimization of Antimicrobial Therapy (ENOVAT) guidelines (2024)
Journal Article
Sørensen, T. M., Scahill, K., Ruperez, J. E., Olejnik, M., Swinbourne, F., Verwilghen, D. R., Nolff, M. C., Baines, S., Marques, C., Vilen, A., Duarte, E. L., Dias, M., Dewulf, S., Wichtowska, A., Valencia, A. C., Pelligand, L., Broens, E. M., Toutain, P. L., Alishani, M., Brennan, M. L., …Allerton, F. (2024). Antimicrobial prophylaxis in companion animal surgery: A scoping review for European Network for Optimization of Antimicrobial Therapy (ENOVAT) guidelines. Veterinary Journal, 304, Article 106101.

Surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis (SAP) is widely used to reduce the risk of surgical site infections (SSI), but there is uncertainty as to what the proportion of SSI reduction is. Therefore, it is difficult for surgeons to properly weigh the costs,... Read More about Antimicrobial prophylaxis in companion animal surgery: A scoping review for European Network for Optimization of Antimicrobial Therapy (ENOVAT) guidelines.

Cross‐sectional survey of sources of information accompanying veterinary product advertisements in two professional print publications (2024)
Journal Article
White, C., Basham, N., Floyd, S., Morrow, L., Dean, R. S., & Brennan, M. L. (2024). Cross‐sectional survey of sources of information accompanying veterinary product advertisements in two professional print publications. Veterinary Record, 194(8), Article e3902.

Veterinarians should be able to easily access scientific evidence about medical products and devices to incorporate into their clinical decision making. While the characteristics and quality of supporting information accompanying device a... Read More about Cross‐sectional survey of sources of information accompanying veterinary product advertisements in two professional print publications.