Does giving dairy calves with diarrhoea a combination of milk and rehydration fluids result in a faster recovery?
Journal Article
Payne, E., & Brennan, M. (2020). Does giving dairy calves with diarrhoea a combination of milk and rehydration fluids result in a faster recovery?. Veterinary Record, 187(9), 358-360.
Dr MARNIE BRENNAN's Outputs (2)
Comparing wound complications associated with midline and flank approaches for spaying cats (2020)
Journal Article
Stavisky, J., & Brennan, M. (2020). Comparing wound complications associated with midline and flank approaches for spaying cats. Veterinary Record, 186(6), 188-189. is no evidence that either a flank or midline approach for spaying cats is consistently associated with more wound complications, and, overall, complication rates appear to be low.