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Professor BETTINA RENZ's Outputs (6)

Western Estimates of Russian Military Capabilities and the Invasion of Ukraine (2023)
Journal Article
Renz, B. (2023). Western Estimates of Russian Military Capabilities and the Invasion of Ukraine. Problems of Post-Communism, 71(3), 219-231.

The poor performance of the Russian military during the invasion of Ukraine came as a surprise to many in the West. This prompted a debate about why Russian capabilities had been overestimated. Fingers were pointed at the work of Western military ana... Read More about Western Estimates of Russian Military Capabilities and the Invasion of Ukraine.

Russian responses to the changing character of war (2019)
Journal Article
Renz, B. (2019). Russian responses to the changing character of war. International Affairs, 95(4), 817-834.

For much of the post-Soviet era there was a widespread belief that improving capabilities required for dealing with local small wars and insurgencies was the central focus of Russian military reforms. As a result, Moscow's military assertiveness and... Read More about Russian responses to the changing character of war.

Russia's Military Revival (2018)
Renz, B. (2018). Russia's Military Revival. Polity

Russian annexation of Crimea and the subsequent air campaign over Syria took the world by surprise. The capabilities and efficiency of Moscow’s armed forces during both operations signalled to the world that Russia was back in business as a significa... Read More about Russia's Military Revival.