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Mrs JANINE ABRAMSON's Outputs (16)

Facilitating safe transition to home for preterm infants (FAST home): Protocol for a retrospective observational study (2025)
Journal Article
Szatkowski, L., Abramson, J., Tao, S., Seaton, S. E., Dorling, J., Arellano-Meza, M., Harvey, J., Harvey, T., & Ojha, S. (2025). Facilitating safe transition to home for preterm infants (FAST home): Protocol for a retrospective observational study. PLoS ONE, 20(2), Article e0318309.

Preterm infants (i.e., those born before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy) often require additional care and are admitted to neonatal units soon after birth. Readiness for discharge home typically requires a level of physiological maturity... Read More about Facilitating safe transition to home for preterm infants (FAST home): Protocol for a retrospective observational study.

Effects of implementation of a care bundle on rates of necrotising enterocolitis and own mother’s milk feeding in the East Midlands: protocol for a mixed methods impact and process evaluation study (2024)
Journal Article
Abramson, J., Szatkowski, L., Bains, M., Orton, E., Budge, H., Spruce, M., & Ojha, S. (2024). Effects of implementation of a care bundle on rates of necrotising enterocolitis and own mother’s milk feeding in the East Midlands: protocol for a mixed methods impact and process evaluation study. BMJ Open, 14(5), Article e078633.

Introduction: Prevention of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is vital for improving neonatal outcomes. Feeding own mother’s milk helps prevent NEC. Rates of own mother’s milk feeding in the East Midlands are lower than the national average and the inc... Read More about Effects of implementation of a care bundle on rates of necrotising enterocolitis and own mother’s milk feeding in the East Midlands: protocol for a mixed methods impact and process evaluation study.

Observational cohort study of use of caffeine in preterm infants and association between early caffeine use and neonatal outcomes (2023)
Journal Article
Szatkowski, L., Fateh, S., Abramson, J., Kwok, T. C., Sharkey, D., Budge, H., & Ojha, S. (2023). Observational cohort study of use of caffeine in preterm infants and association between early caffeine use and neonatal outcomes. Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 108(5), 505-510.

Objective: To quantify trends in caffeine use in infants born at <32 weeks' gestational age (GA), and to investigate the effects of early vs late caffeine on neonatal outcomes. Study design: Retrospective propensity score matched cohort study using r...

Sedation and analgesia from prolonged pain and stress during mechanical ventilation in preterm infants: is dexmedetomidine an alternative to current practice? (2022)
Journal Article
Ojha, S., Abramson, J., & Dorling, J. (2022). Sedation and analgesia from prolonged pain and stress during mechanical ventilation in preterm infants: is dexmedetomidine an alternative to current practice?. BMJ Paediatrics Open, 6(1), Article e001460.

Mechanical ventilation is an uncomfortable and potentially painful intervention. Opioids, such as morphine and fentanyl, are used for analgesia and sedation but there is uncertainty whether they reduce pain in mechanically ventilated infants. Moreove... Read More about Sedation and analgesia from prolonged pain and stress during mechanical ventilation in preterm infants: is dexmedetomidine an alternative to current practice?.

Episiotomy and Initiation of Human Milk Feeds: A Retrospective Observational Study (2021)
Journal Article
Servante, J., Abramson, J., Walker, K. F., & Ojha, S. (2021). Episiotomy and Initiation of Human Milk Feeds: A Retrospective Observational Study. Breastfeeding Medicine, 16(5), 407-413.

Objective: To investigate the association, in the United Kingdom, between having an episiotomy during childbirth and giving human milk by any modality as an infant's first feed. We also identified maternal demographic factors and perinatal experience... Read More about Episiotomy and Initiation of Human Milk Feeds: A Retrospective Observational Study.

Systemic effects of Optos versus indirect ophthalmoscopy for retinopathy of prematurity screening (2018)
Journal Article
Fung, T. H., Abramson, J., Ojha, S., & Holden, R. (2018). Systemic effects of Optos versus indirect ophthalmoscopy for retinopathy of prematurity screening. Ophthalmology: Journal of The American Academy of Ophthalmology, 125(11), 1829–1832.

Many regions of the world have a relative shortage of ophthalmologists trained and willing to screen for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).1 As a result, many regions have turned to retinal imaging and telemedicine.2 Optos ultrawide-field retinal imag... Read More about Systemic effects of Optos versus indirect ophthalmoscopy for retinopathy of prematurity screening.

A prospective study of adverse drug reactions to antiepileptic drugs in children (2015)
Journal Article
Anderson, M., Egunsola, O., Cherrill, J., Millward, C., Fakis, A., & Choonara, I. (2015). A prospective study of adverse drug reactions to antiepileptic drugs in children. BMJ Open, 5, Article e008298.

Objectives To prospectively determine the nature and rate of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in children on antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and to prospectively evaluate the effect of AEDs on behaviour.

Setting A single centre prospective observational s... Read More about A prospective study of adverse drug reactions to antiepileptic drugs in children.

Children's access to medicines (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alkahtani, S., Cherrill, J., Tambe, P., Millward, C., Hilliam, R., Sammons, H., & Choonara, I. Children's access to medicines

Sunday 13 November - Short paper session 2: Children's access to medicines

Clinical trials: the viewpoint of children with a chronic illness compared with healthy children (2009)
Journal Article
Cherrill, J., Hudson, H., Cocking, C., Unsworth, V., Franck, L., Fakis, A., McIntyre, J., & Choonara, I. (2009). Clinical trials: the viewpoint of children with a chronic illness compared with healthy children. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 95(3), 229-232.

The views of over 200 children (11–16 years old, who were either healthy or attending paediatric medical clinics with a chronic illness) on issues relating to paediatric clinical trials were determined by a questionnaire. Children with a chronic illn... Read More about Clinical trials: the viewpoint of children with a chronic illness compared with healthy children.

Safety in paediatric clinical trials - a 7-year review (2008)
Journal Article
Sammons, H., Gray, C., Hudson, H., Cherrill, J., & Choonara, I. (2008). Safety in paediatric clinical trials - a 7-year review. Acta Paediatrica, 97(4), 474-477.

Aim: The safety of clinical trials in children has not been previously studied. We aimed to identify how safety is monitored and the extent of adverse drug reactions (ADRs).

Methods: A literature review of the Medline Database for therapeutic clin... Read More about Safety in paediatric clinical trials - a 7-year review.

Randomized controlled trial of the intraligamental use of a local anaesthetic (lignocaine 2%) versus controls in paediatric tooth extraction (2007)
Journal Article
Sammons, H. M., Unsworth, . V., Gray, C., Choonara, I., Cherrill, . J., & Quirke, W. (2007). Randomized controlled trial of the intraligamental use of a local anaesthetic (lignocaine 2%) versus controls in paediatric tooth extraction. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 17(4), 297-303.

Background. Children still experience pain upon waking following dental extraction under general anaesthesia. Local anaesthetic has been shown to reduce this pain, but needs to be administered via a method that causes minimum injury or distress to th... Read More about Randomized controlled trial of the intraligamental use of a local anaesthetic (lignocaine 2%) versus controls in paediatric tooth extraction.

Clinical trials: the viewpoint of children (2007)
Journal Article
Cherrill, J., Hudson, H., Cocking, C., Unsworth, V., Franck, L., McIntyre, J., & Choonara, I. (2007). Clinical trials: the viewpoint of children. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 92(8), 712-713.

The views of 30 children (8–16 years old) attending paediatric medical clinics on paediatric clinical trials were determined by semi-structured interviews. Nineteen children recognised that there were risks involved with taking part in clinical trial... Read More about Clinical trials: the viewpoint of children.