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Outputs (34)

Word and Multiword Processing (2022)
Book Chapter
Conklin, K., & Thul, R. (2022). Word and Multiword Processing. In A. Godfroid, & H. Hopp (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics (203-215). Routledge.

When we encounter linguistic input, both spoken and written, we need to identify words and multiword sequences (e.g., “spill the beans” meaning “to reveal a secret”), ascertain their meaning, and integrate them into our unfolding understanding of a s... Read More about Word and Multiword Processing.

Using GAMMs to model trial-by-trial fluctuations in experimental data: More risks but hardly any benefit (2021)
Journal Article
Thul, R., Conklin, K., & Barr, D. J. (2021). Using GAMMs to model trial-by-trial fluctuations in experimental data: More risks but hardly any benefit. Journal of Memory and Language, 120, Article 104247.

Data from each subject in a repeated-measures experiment forms a time series , which may include trial-by-trial fluctuations arising from human factors such as practice or fatigue. Concerns about the statistical implications of such effects have incr... Read More about Using GAMMs to model trial-by-trial fluctuations in experimental data: More risks but hardly any benefit.

A statistical view on calcium oscillations (2019)
Journal Article
Powell, J., Falcke, M., Skupin, A., Bellamy, T., Kypraios, T., & Thul, R. (2019). A statistical view on calcium oscillations. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1131, 799-826.

Transient rises and falls of the intracellular calcium concentration have been observed in numerous cell types and under a plethora of conditions. There is now a growing body of evidence that these whole-cell calcium oscillations are stochastic, whic... Read More about A statistical view on calcium oscillations.

On the phase space structure of IP3 induced Ca2+ signalling and concepts for predictive modeling (2018)
Journal Article
Falcke, M., Moein, M., Tilunaite, A., Thul, R., & Skupin, A. (2018). On the phase space structure of IP3 induced Ca2+ signalling and concepts for predictive modeling. Chaos, 28(4), Article 045115.

The correspondence between mathematical structures and experimental systems is the basis of the generalizability of results found with specific systems, and is the basis of the predictive power of theoretical physics. While physicists have confidence... Read More about On the phase space structure of IP3 induced Ca2+ signalling and concepts for predictive modeling.

Evolution of moments and correlations in non-renewal escape-time processes (2017)
Journal Article
Braun, W., Thul, R., & Longtin, A. (in press). Evolution of moments and correlations in non-renewal escape-time processes. Physical Review E, 95,

The theoretical description of non-renewal stochastic systems is a challenge. Analytical results are often not available or can only be obtained under strong conditions, limiting their applicability. Also, numerical results have mostly been obtained... Read More about Evolution of moments and correlations in non-renewal escape-time processes.

Sign changes as a universal concept in first-passage-time calculations (2017)
Journal Article
Braun, W., & Thul, R. (2017). Sign changes as a universal concept in first-passage-time calculations. Physical Review E, 95(12114),

First-passage-time problems are ubiquitous across many fields of study including transport processes in semiconductors and biological synapses, evolutionary game theory and percolation. Despite their prominence, first-passage-time calculations have p... Read More about Sign changes as a universal concept in first-passage-time calculations.

Neural field models with threshold noise (2016)
Journal Article
Thul, R., Coombes, S., & Laing, C. R. (2016). Neural field models with threshold noise. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 6, Article 3.

The original neural field model of Wilson and Cowan is often interpreted as the averaged behaviour of a network of switch like neural elements with a distribution of switch thresholds, giving rise to the classic sigmoidal population firing-rate funct... Read More about Neural field models with threshold noise.

Modelling cell cycle synchronisation in networks of coupled radial glial cells (2015)
Journal Article
Barrack, D., Thul, R., & Owen, M. R. (2015). Modelling cell cycle synchronisation in networks of coupled radial glial cells. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 377,

Radial glial cells play a crucial role in the embryonic mammalian brain. Their proliferation is thought to be controlled, in part, by ATP mediated calcium signals. It has been hypothesised that these signals act to locally synchronise cell cycles, so... Read More about Modelling cell cycle synchronisation in networks of coupled radial glial cells.

Unifying principles of calcium wave propagation: insights from a three-dimensional model for atrial myocytes (2015)
Journal Article
Thul, R., Rietdorf, K., Bootman, M. D., & Coombes, S. (2015). Unifying principles of calcium wave propagation: insights from a three-dimensional model for atrial myocytes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1853(9),

Atrial myocytes in a number of species lack transverse tubules. As a consequence the intracellular calcium signals occurring during each heartbeat exhibit complex spatio-temporal dynamics. These calcium patterns arise from saltatory calcium waves tha... Read More about Unifying principles of calcium wave propagation: insights from a three-dimensional model for atrial myocytes.

Cannabinoid-mediated short-term plasticity in hippocampus (2014)
Journal Article
Zachariou, M., & Thul, R. (2014). Cannabinoid-mediated short-term plasticity in hippocampus. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 37(3),

Endocannabinoids modulate both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in hippocampus via activation of pre-synaptic cannabinoid receptors. Here, we present a model for cannabinoid mediated short-term depression of excitation (DSE) based on our r... Read More about Cannabinoid-mediated short-term plasticity in hippocampus.

Time to blip – stochastic simulation of single channel opening (2014)
Journal Article
Thul, R. (2014). Time to blip – stochastic simulation of single channel opening. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols,

The stochastic dynamics of the inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor (IP3R) is key to understanding a wide range of observed calcium (Ca2+) signals (Falcke 2004). The stochastic nature results from the constant binding and unbinding of Ca2+ and... Read More about Time to blip – stochastic simulation of single channel opening.

Oscillations in a point models of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration (2014)
Journal Article
Thul, R. (2014). Oscillations in a point models of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols,

Oscillations in the intracellular calcium (Ca2+) concentration form one of the main pathways by which cells translate external stimuli into physiological responses (Thul et al. 2008; Dupont et al. 2011; Parekh 2011). The mechanisms that underlie the... Read More about Oscillations in a point models of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration.

Translating intracellular calcium signaling into models (2014)
Journal Article
Thul, R. (2014). Translating intracellular calcium signaling into models. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols,

The rich experimental data on intracellular calcium has put theoreticians in an ideal position to derive models of intracellular calcium signaling. Over the last 25 years, a large number of modeling frameworks have been suggested. Here, I will review... Read More about Translating intracellular calcium signaling into models.

Modelling the coupling between intracellular calcium release and the cell cycle during cortical brain development (2014)
Journal Article
Barrack, D., Thul, R., & Owen, M. R. (2014). Modelling the coupling between intracellular calcium release and the cell cycle during cortical brain development. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 347,

Most neocortical neurons formed during embryonic brain development arise from radial glial cells which communicate, in part, via ATP mediated calcium signals. Although the intercellular signalling mechanisms that regulate radial glia proliferation ar... Read More about Modelling the coupling between intracellular calcium release and the cell cycle during cortical brain development.

Persistence of pro-arrhythmic spatio-temporal calcium patterns in atrial myocytes: a computational study of ping waves (2012)
Journal Article
Thul, R., Coombes, S., & Bootman, M. D. (2012). Persistence of pro-arrhythmic spatio-temporal calcium patterns in atrial myocytes: a computational study of ping waves. Frontiers in Physiology, 3, Article 279.

Clusters of ryanodine receptors within atrial myocytes are confined to spatially separated layers. In many species, these layers are not juxtaposed by invaginations of the plasma membrane (transverse tubules; 'T-tubules'), so that calcium-induced-cal... Read More about Persistence of pro-arrhythmic spatio-temporal calcium patterns in atrial myocytes: a computational study of ping waves.

Neuronal spike-train responses in the presence of threshold noise (2012)
Journal Article
Coombes, S., Thul, R., Laudanski, J., Palmer, A., & Sumner, C. (in press). Neuronal spike-train responses in the presence of threshold noise. Frontiers in Life Science, 5(3-4),

The variability of neuronal firing has been an intense topic of study for many years. From a modelling perspective it has often been studied in conductance based spiking models with the use of additive or multiplicative noise terms to represent chan... Read More about Neuronal spike-train responses in the presence of threshold noise.

Subcellular calcium dynamics in a whole-cell model of an atrial myocyte (2012)
Journal Article
Thul, R., Coombes, S., Roderick, H. L., & Bootman, M. D. (2012). Subcellular calcium dynamics in a whole-cell model of an atrial myocyte. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(6), 2150-2155.

In this study, we present an innovative mathematical modeling approach that allows detailed characterization of Ca 2+ movement within the three-dimensional volume of an atrial myocyte. Essential aspects of the model are the geometrically realistic re... Read More about Subcellular calcium dynamics in a whole-cell model of an atrial myocyte.

Fundamental properties of Ca²⁺ signals (2011)
Journal Article
Thurley, K., Skupin, A., Thul, R., & Falcke, M. (2011). Fundamental properties of Ca²⁺ signals. BBA - General Subjects, 1820(8),

Ca²⁺ is a ubiquitous and versatile second messenger that transmits information through changes of the cytosolic Ca²⁺ concentration. Recent investigations changed basic ideas on the dynamic character of Ca²⁺ signals and challenge tradition... Read More about Fundamental properties of Ca²⁺ signals.

Nonsmooth dynamics in spiking neuron models (2011)
Journal Article
Coombes, S., Thul, R., & Wedgwood, K. C. (2012). Nonsmooth dynamics in spiking neuron models. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 241(22),

Large scale studies of spiking neural networks are a key part of modern approaches to understanding the dynamics of biological neural tissue. One approach in computational neuroscience has been to consider the detailed electrophysiological propertie... Read More about Nonsmooth dynamics in spiking neuron models.

Cardiac cell modelling: observations from the heart of the cardiac physiome project (2011)
Journal Article
Fink, M., Niederer, S. A., Cherry, E. M., Fenton, F. H., Koivumäki, J. T., Seemann, G., …Smith, N. P. (2011). Cardiac cell modelling: observations from the heart of the cardiac physiome project. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 104(1-3),

In this manuscript we review the state of cardiac cell modelling in the context of international initiatives such as the IUPS Physiome and Virtual Physiological Human Projects, which aim to integrate computational models across scales and physics. In... Read More about Cardiac cell modelling: observations from the heart of the cardiac physiome project.

Understanding cardiac alternans: a piecewise linear modeling framework (2010)
Journal Article
Thul, R., & Coombes, S. (2010). Understanding cardiac alternans: a piecewise linear modeling framework. Chaos, 20,

Cardiac alternans is a beat-to-beat alternation in action potential duration (APD) and intracellular calcium (Ca²⁺) cycling seen in cardiac myocytes under rapid pacing that is believed to be a precursor to fibrillation. The cellular mechanisms of the... Read More about Understanding cardiac alternans: a piecewise linear modeling framework.

Sensitisation waves in a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics (2009)
Journal Article
Thul, R., Coombes, S., & Smith, G. (2009). Sensitisation waves in a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 238,

We present a bidomain threshold model of intracellular calcium (Ca²⁺) dynamics in which, as suggested by recent experiments, the cytosolic threshold for Ca²⁺ liberation is modulated by the Ca²⁺ concentration in the releasing compartment. We explicitl... Read More about Sensitisation waves in a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics.

Towards a predictive model of Ca²⁺ puffs (2009)
Journal Article
Thul, R., Thurley, K., & Falcke, M. (2009). Towards a predictive model of Ca²⁺ puffs. Chaos, 19,

We investigate key characteristics of Ca²⁺ puffs in deterministic and stochastic frameworks that all incorporate the cellular morphology of IP[subscript]3 receptor channel clusters. In a first step, we numerically study Ca²⁺ liberation in a three dim... Read More about Towards a predictive model of Ca²⁺ puffs.

A bidomain threshold model of propagating calcium waves (2007)
Journal Article
Thul, R., Smith, G., & Coombes, S. (2008). A bidomain threshold model of propagating calcium waves. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 56(4),

We present a bidomain fire-diffuse-fire model that facilitates mathematical analysis of propagating waves of elevated intracellular calcium (Ca) in living cells. Modelling Ca release as a threshold process allows the explicit construction of travell... Read More about A bidomain threshold model of propagating calcium waves.

Waiting time distributions for clusters of complex molecules (2007)
Journal Article
Thul, R., & Falcke, M. (2007). Waiting time distributions for clusters of complex molecules. EPL, 79(3),

Waiting time distributions are in the core of theories for a large variety of subjects ranging from the analysis of patch clamp records to stochastic excitable systems. Here, we present a novel exact method for the calculation of waiting time distrib... Read More about Waiting time distributions for clusters of complex molecules.

Building oscillations bottom up: Elemental time scales of intracellular calcium dynamics (2007)
Book Chapter
Thul, R., & Falcke, M. (2007). Building oscillations bottom up: Elemental time scales of intracellular calcium dynamics. In L. Schimansky-Geier, B. Fiedler, J. Kurths, & E. Schöll (Eds.), Analysis and control of complex nonlinear processes in physics, chemistry and biology (293-324). World Scientific.

We analyze the elemental time scale of intracellular calcium dynamics. It is determined by the time course of Ca2+ puffs, which represent the fundamental quantum of Ca2+ release from intracellular storage compartments. Since Ca2+ puffs are truly rand... Read More about Building oscillations bottom up: Elemental time scales of intracellular calcium dynamics.

Calcium oscillations (2007)
Book Chapter
Thul, R., Bellamy, T., Roderick, L., Bootman, M., & Coombes, S. (2007). Calcium oscillations. In M. Maroto, & N. Monk (Eds.), Cellular Oscillatory Mechanisms. Springer

Changes in cellular calcium concentration control a wide range of physiological processes, from the subsecond release of synaptic neurotransmitters, to the regulation of gene expression over months or years. Calcium can also trigger cell death throu... Read More about Calcium oscillations.

Frequency of elemental events of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics (2006)
Journal Article
Thul, R., & Falcke, M. (2006). Frequency of elemental events of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics. Physical Review E, 73, Article 061923.

The dynamics of intracellular Ca²⁺ is driven by random events called Ca²⁺ puffs, in which Ca²⁺ is liberated from intracellular stores. We show that the emergence of Ca²⁺ puffs can be mapped to an escape process. The mean first passage times that corresp... Read More about Frequency of elemental events of intracellular Ca²⁺ dynamics.

Release currents of IP₃ receptor channel clusters and concentration profiles (2004)
Journal Article
Thul, R., & Falcke, M. (2004). Release currents of IP₃ receptor channel clusters and concentration profiles. Biophysical Journal, 86(5),

We simulate currents and concentration profiles generated by Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
to the cytosol through IP3 receptor channel clusters. Clusters are described as conducting pores in the lumenal membrane with a diameter f... Read More about Release currents of IP₃ receptor channel clusters and concentration profiles.

Stability of membrane bound reactions (2004)
Journal Article
Thul, R., & Falcke, M. (2004). Stability of membrane bound reactions. Physical Review Letters, 93(18),

We present a novel approach to the dynamics of reactions of diffusing chemical species with species fixed in space e.g. by binding to a membrane. The non-diffusing reaction partners are clustered in areas with a diameter smaller than the diffusion length... Read More about Stability of membrane bound reactions.

Landau-Gutzwiller quasi-particles (2003)
Journal Article
Bünemann, J., Gebhard, F., & Thul, R. (2003). Landau-Gutzwiller quasi-particles. Physical Review B, 67, Article 075103.

We define Landau quasiparticles within the Gutzwiller variational theory and derive their dispersion relation for general multiband Hubbard models in the limit of large spatial dimensions D. Thereby we reproduce our previous calculations which were ba... Read More about Landau-Gutzwiller quasi-particles.

Phase-amplitude descriptions of neural oscillator models
Journal Article
Wedgwood, K. C., Lin, K. K., Thul, R., & Coombes, S. Phase-amplitude descriptions of neural oscillator models. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 3(2),

Phase oscillators are a common starting point for the reduced description of many single neuron models that exhibit a strongly attracting limit cycle. The framework for analysing such models in response to weak perturbations is now particularly well... Read More about Phase-amplitude descriptions of neural oscillator models.