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Professor CHRISTOPHER GERADA's Outputs (57)

Optimization and Analysis of a High Power Density and Fault Tolerant Starter–Generator for Aircraft Application (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, B., Vakil, G., Liu, Y., Yang, T., Zhang, Z., & Gerada, C. (2021). Optimization and Analysis of a High Power Density and Fault Tolerant Starter–Generator for Aircraft Application. Energies, 14(1), Article 113.

Permanent magnet synchronous machines provide many dramatic electromagnetic performances such as high efficiency and high power density, which make them more competitive in aircraft electrification, whereas, designing a permanent magnet starter–gener... Read More about Optimization and Analysis of a High Power Density and Fault Tolerant Starter–Generator for Aircraft Application.

Analysis and Performance of Five-Phase Piecewise-Random-Switching-Frequency Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (2020)
Journal Article
Bu, F., Liu, Q., Pu, T., Zhao, Y., Ma, B., Ma, C., Degano, M., & Gerada, C. (2021). Analysis and Performance of Five-Phase Piecewise-Random-Switching-Frequency Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 36(3), 2339-2347.

In order to better address the problem of many high-order harmonics' concentration in the output voltage, a novel five-phase piecewise-random-switching-frequency space vector pulse width modulation (PRSF-SVPWM) strategy is proposed for a five-phase v... Read More about Analysis and Performance of Five-Phase Piecewise-Random-Switching-Frequency Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation.

Electrical Machines for the More Electric Aircraft: Partial Discharges Investigation (2020)
Journal Article
Madonna, V., Giangrande, P., Zhao, W., Zhang, H., Gerada, C., & Galea, M. (2021). Electrical Machines for the More Electric Aircraft: Partial Discharges Investigation. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 57(2), 1389-1398.

Modern electrical machines employed in transportation applications are required to provide high performance in terms of power (and torque) density. At the same time, being these applications safety-critical, a significant level of reliability and/or... Read More about Electrical Machines for the More Electric Aircraft: Partial Discharges Investigation.

Analysis and Design of Dual-Rotor Synchronous Reluctance Machine (2020)
Journal Article
Alani, M., Degano, M., Bianchi, N., Mahmoud, H., & Gerada, C. (2021). Analysis and Design of Dual-Rotor Synchronous Reluctance Machine. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 9(4), 4376-4383.

To push the synchronous reluctance machine toward higher power densities to meet the requirement of automotive applications, a double-rotor (DR) synchronous reluctance topology has been thoroughly analyzed, designed, and investigated by means of fini... Read More about Analysis and Design of Dual-Rotor Synchronous Reluctance Machine.

Design Methodology and Parametric Design Study of the On-Board Electrical Power System for Hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Valente, G., Sumsurooah, S., Ian Hill, C., Rashed, M., Vakil, G., Bozhko, S., & Gerada, C. (2020, December). Design Methodology and Parametric Design Study of the On-Board Electrical Power System for Hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion. Presented at 10th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2020), Online

This paper presents parametric design studies of the on-board Electrical Power System (EPS) for a distributed hybrid aircraft propulsion. The work presents the methodology that has been adopted to develop the physics-based models of the EPS component... Read More about Design Methodology and Parametric Design Study of the On-Board Electrical Power System for Hybrid Electric Aircraft Propulsion.

Research and Realization of High-Power Medium-Voltage Active Rectifier Concepts for Future Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Generation (2020)
Journal Article
Trentin, A., Sala, G., Tarisciotti, L., Galassini, A., Degano, M., Connor, P. H., Golovanov, D., Gerada, D., Xu, Z., La Rocca, A., Eastwick, C. N., Pickering, S. J., Wheeler, P., Clare, J. C., & Gerada, C. (2021). Research and Realization of High-Power Medium-Voltage Active Rectifier Concepts for Future Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Generation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(12), 11684-11695.

In this article, we describe the research and development of a 3 kV active rectifier for a 4 MW aerospace generator drive system demonstrator. The converter is fed by a multiphase high-speed/high-frequency permanent magnet generator. The main aim of... Read More about Research and Realization of High-Power Medium-Voltage Active Rectifier Concepts for Future Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Generation.

Homothetic Design in Synchronous Reluctance Machines and Effects on Torque Ripple (2020)
Journal Article
Murataliyev, M., Degano, M., Di Nardo, M., Bianchi, N., Tessarolo, A., Jara, W., Galea, M., & Gerada, C. (2021). Homothetic Design in Synchronous Reluctance Machines and Effects on Torque Ripple. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 36(3), 2195-2205.

This paper presents a novel design concept for Synchronous Reluctance (SynRel) machines aimed at reducing the torque ripple. Two general sizing approaches based on the homothetic scaling principle are defined and compared. An in depth analysis on the... Read More about Homothetic Design in Synchronous Reluctance Machines and Effects on Torque Ripple.

A PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor with Two Slot-Pitch Winding (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhu, S., Cox, T., Xu, Z., & Gerada, C. (2020, November). A PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor with Two Slot-Pitch Winding. Presented at 2020 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Hamamatsu, Japan

This paper presents a novel electric motor solution to tackle the increasing demand on the traction motor for electric vehicles. The proposed electric motor has a 24 slots 10 poles fractional slot two-slot pitch winding and a PM-assisted synchronous... Read More about A PM-Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor with Two Slot-Pitch Winding.

PM Halbach Arrays in Motors: Loss Reduction and Performance Improvements (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hebala, A., Nuzzo, S., Connor, P. H., Giangrande, P., Gerada, C., & Galea, M. (2020, November). PM Halbach Arrays in Motors: Loss Reduction and Performance Improvements. Presented at 2020 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Hamamatsu, Japan

© 2020 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Halbach array configurations represent a common choice in high-performance electrical machines, since a stronger magnetic field is generated for the same Permanent Magnet (PM) volume. Hence, high... Read More about PM Halbach Arrays in Motors: Loss Reduction and Performance Improvements.

Comparison of slotted and slotless PM machines for high kW/kg aerospace applications (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dave, N., Vakil, G., Xu, Z., Gerada, C., Zhang, H., & Gerada, D. (2020, November). Comparison of slotted and slotless PM machines for high kW/kg aerospace applications. Presented at 2020 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Hamamatsu, Japan

With the ambitious targeted emissions reduction, the aircraft industry is moving towards drastically different aircraft architectures including hybrid-electric. These in turn require electrical machines with a step change improvement in power-density... Read More about Comparison of slotted and slotless PM machines for high kW/kg aerospace applications.

AC loss Analysis in Winding of Electrical Machines with varying Strands-in-hand and Bundle Shapes (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bardalai, A., Gerada, D., Xu, Z., & Gerada, C. (2020, November). AC loss Analysis in Winding of Electrical Machines with varying Strands-in-hand and Bundle Shapes. Presented at 2020 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Hamamatsu, Japan

This paper presents an investigation into the sensitivity of high-frequency AC effects on the winding with varying number of parallel strands. Based on numerical analysis, a methodology to segregate the losses into components is presented. It is show... Read More about AC loss Analysis in Winding of Electrical Machines with varying Strands-in-hand and Bundle Shapes.

Experimental Statistical Method Predicting AC Losses on Random Windings and PWM Effect Evaluation (2020)
Journal Article
Preci, E., Valente, G., Galassini, A., Yuan, X., Degano, M., Gerada, D., Buticchi, G., & Gerada, C. (2021). Experimental Statistical Method Predicting AC Losses on Random Windings and PWM Effect Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 36(3), 2287-2296.

Nowadays, one of the challenges in transport electrification is the reduction of the components' size and weight in order to improve the power density. This is often achieved by designing electrical machines with higher rotational speeds and excitati... Read More about Experimental Statistical Method Predicting AC Losses on Random Windings and PWM Effect Evaluation.

Multiphase fault tolerant distributed control techniques for integrated drives based on resonant regulators (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Savi, F., Barater, D., Buticchi, G., Wheeler, P., & Gerada, C. (2020, October). Multiphase fault tolerant distributed control techniques for integrated drives based on resonant regulators. Presented at IECON 2020 - 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, Singapore

One of the challenges brought forward by the gradual electrification undertaken by the aviation sector is the requirement of fault tolerance for machine drive systems to be used for critical on-board tasks such as propulsion or primary flight surface... Read More about Multiphase fault tolerant distributed control techniques for integrated drives based on resonant regulators.

Rectangular and Random Conductors: AC Losses Evaluations and Manufacturing Considerations (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Preci, E., Valente, G., Bardalai, A., Transi, T., Zou, T., Gerada, D., Degano, M., Buticchi, G., & Gerada, C. (2020, October). Rectangular and Random Conductors: AC Losses Evaluations and Manufacturing Considerations. Presented at IECON 2020 - 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, Singapore

This paper presents a comparison between hairpin and random distributed winding in electrical machines for automotive applications. Indeed, the overall performance of an electrical drive system is seriously affected by its winding design. The conside... Read More about Rectangular and Random Conductors: AC Losses Evaluations and Manufacturing Considerations.

Influence of Optimisation Target Functions on Synchronous Reluctance Machines Design (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Korman, O., Nardo, M. D., Degano, M., & Gerada, C. (2020, October). Influence of Optimisation Target Functions on Synchronous Reluctance Machines Design. Presented at IECON 2020 - 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, Singapore

Synchronous reluctance machines (SynRel) are becoming very attractive for different applications because of their reluctance nature, easy manufacturability and low cost. Their design still represents a challange because of the many degrees of freedom... Read More about Influence of Optimisation Target Functions on Synchronous Reluctance Machines Design.

Influence of Rotor Design on Electromagnetic Performance in Interior Permanent Magnet Machines (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Transi, T., Murataliyev, M., Degano, M., Preci, E., Gerada, D., & Gerada, C. (2020, October). Influence of Rotor Design on Electromagnetic Performance in Interior Permanent Magnet Machines. Presented at IECON 2020 - 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapore, Singapore

Nowadays, Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (IPMSM) are widely adopted in various sectors such as automotive, railway or public transportation (e- buses, trams, etc.). Among the benefits that these machines present, they offer a number o... Read More about Influence of Rotor Design on Electromagnetic Performance in Interior Permanent Magnet Machines.

Estimation of Oil Spray Cooling Heat Transfer Coefficients on Hairpin Windings With Reduced-Parameter Models (2020)
Journal Article
Liu, C., Gerada, D., Xu, Z., Chong, Y. C., Michon, M., Goss, J., Li, J., Gerada, C., & Zhang, H. (2021). Estimation of Oil Spray Cooling Heat Transfer Coefficients on Hairpin Windings With Reduced-Parameter Models. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 7(2), 793-803.

Hairpin windings and spray cooling are becoming an increasingly popular combination in the field of high-performance electrical machine design. Machines adopting hairpin windings can achieve higher torque and power densities while enabling them to be... Read More about Estimation of Oil Spray Cooling Heat Transfer Coefficients on Hairpin Windings With Reduced-Parameter Models.

Influence of Airgap Length on Performance of High Power PM-Assisted Syn-Rel Machines (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zou, T., Gerada, D., Walker, A., Vakil, G., La Rocca, S., La Rocca, A., Paciura, K., Barden, R., Ernest, E., Zhu, S., Qayyum, N., McQueen, A., Bardalai, A., Ram Kumar, R. M., Marfoli, A., & Gerada, C. (2020, October). Influence of Airgap Length on Performance of High Power PM-Assisted Syn-Rel Machines. Presented at 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2020), Detroit, MI, USA

In recent years, synchronous reluctance (Syn-Rel) machines are research hotspots in variable speed motor drives due to their robust rotor structure and wide constant power speed range (CPSR). More practically, when kVA limitation is considered, embed... Read More about Influence of Airgap Length on Performance of High Power PM-Assisted Syn-Rel Machines.

Analysis of a Five-Phase PM Vernier Machine Topology with Two-Slot Pitch Winding (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhu, S., Cox, T., Xu, Z., & Gerada, C. (2020, October). Analysis of a Five-Phase PM Vernier Machine Topology with Two-Slot Pitch Winding. Presented at 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, MI, USA

This paper presents a five-phase permanent magnet (PM) vernier machine topology equipped with a two-slot pitch winding. The two-slot pitch winding provides a trade-off between fractional slots concentrated winding (FSCW) and integrated slot distribut... Read More about Analysis of a Five-Phase PM Vernier Machine Topology with Two-Slot Pitch Winding.

Highly Ordered BN⊥–BN⊥ Stacking Structure for Improved Thermally Conductive Polymer Composites (2020)
Journal Article
Ghosh, B., Xu, F., Grant, D. M., Giangrande, P., Gerada, C., George, M. W., & Hou, X. (2020). Highly Ordered BN⊥–BN⊥ Stacking Structure for Improved Thermally Conductive Polymer Composites. Advanced Electronic Materials, 6(11), Article 2000627.

The substantial heat generation in modern electronic devices is one of the major issues requiring efficient thermal management. This work demonstrates a novel concept for the design of thermally conducting networks inside a polymer matrix for the dev... Read More about Highly Ordered BN⊥–BN⊥ Stacking Structure for Improved Thermally Conductive Polymer Composites.