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Dr WALTER VAN HEUVEN's Outputs (8)

Representation and processing of multi-word expressions in the brain (2017)
Journal Article
Siyanova-Chanturia, A., Conklin, K., Caffarra, S., Kaan, E., & van Heuven, W. J. (2017). Representation and processing of multi-word expressions in the brain. Brain and Language, 175,

Language comprehension is sensitive to the predictability of the upcoming information. Prediction allows for smooth, expedient and successful communication. While general discourse-based constraints have been investigated in detail, more specific phr... Read More about Representation and processing of multi-word expressions in the brain.

Making sense of the Sense Model: translation priming with Japanese-English bilinguals (2015)
Journal Article
Allen, D., Conklin, K., & van Heuven, W. J. (2015). Making sense of the Sense Model: translation priming with Japanese-English bilinguals. Mental Lexicon, 10(1),

Many studies have reported that first language (L1) translation primes speed responses to second language (L2) targets, whereas L2 translation primes generally do not speed up responses to L1 targets in lexical decision. According to the Sense Model... Read More about Making sense of the Sense Model: translation priming with Japanese-English bilinguals.

The role of verbal and pictorial information in multimodal incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary (2014)
Journal Article
Bisson, M. J., van Heuven, W. J., Conklin, K., & Tunney, R. J. (2014). The role of verbal and pictorial information in multimodal incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(7), 1306-1326.

© 2014 The Author. Published by Taylor & Francis. This study used eye tracking to investigate the allocation of attention to multimodal stimuli during an incidental learning situation, as well as its impact on subsequent explicit learning. Particip... Read More about The role of verbal and pictorial information in multimodal incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary.

The role of repeated exposure to multimodal input in incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary (2014)
Journal Article
Bisson, M.-J., van Heuven, W. J., Conklin, K., & Tunney, R. J. (2014). The role of repeated exposure to multimodal input in incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary. Language Learning, 64(4),

Prior research has reported incidental vocabulary acquisition with complete beginners in a foreign language (FL), within 8 exposures to auditory and written FL word forms presented with a picture depicting their meaning. However, important questions... Read More about The role of repeated exposure to multimodal input in incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary.

Incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary through brief multi-modal exposure (2013)
Journal Article
Bisson, M.-J., van Heuven, W. J., Conklin, K., & Tunney, R. J. (2013). Incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary through brief multi-modal exposure. PLoS ONE, 8(4), Article 7.

First language acquisition requires relatively little effort compared to foreign language acquisition and happens more naturally through informal learning. Informal exposure can also benefit foreign language learning, although evidence for this has b... Read More about Incidental acquisition of foreign language vocabulary through brief multi-modal exposure.

Electrophysiological measures of conflict detection and resolution in the Stroop task (2011)
Journal Article
Coderre, E. L., Conklin, K., & van Heuven, W. J. (2011). Electrophysiological measures of conflict detection and resolution in the Stroop task. Brain Research, 1413,

Conflict detection and resolution is crucial in a cognitive task like the Stroop task. Previous studies have identified an early negativity component (Ninc) as a prominent marker of Stroop conflict in event-related potentials (ERPs). However, to what... Read More about Electrophysiological measures of conflict detection and resolution in the Stroop task.

Seeing a phrase “time and again” matters: the role of phrasal frequency in the processing of multiword sequences (2011)
Journal Article
Siyanova-Chanturia, A., Conklin, K., & van Heuven, W. J. (2011). Seeing a phrase “time and again” matters: the role of phrasal frequency in the processing of multiword sequences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37(3),

Are speakers sensitive to the frequency with which phrases occur in language. The authors report an eye-tracking study that investigates this by examining the processing of multiword sequences that differ in phrasal frequency by native and proficient... Read More about Seeing a phrase “time and again” matters: the role of phrasal frequency in the processing of multiword sequences.

Fast automatic translation and morphological decomposition in Chinese- English bilinguals (2011)
Journal Article
Zhang, T., van Heuven, W. J., & Conklin, K. (2011). Fast automatic translation and morphological decomposition in Chinese- English bilinguals. Psychological Science, 22(10),

In this study, we investigated automatic translation from English to Chinese and subsequent morphological decomposition of translated Chinese compounds. In two lexical decision tasks, Chinese-English bilinguals responded to English target words that... Read More about Fast automatic translation and morphological decomposition in Chinese- English bilinguals.