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Professor Roshan Nair's Outputs (5)

Implementing vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the UK National Health Service: a mixed-methods feasibility study (2024)
Journal Article
De Dios Perez, B., Holmes, J., Elder, T., Lindley, R., Evangelou, N., das Nair, R., Senior, C., Booth, V., Hassard, J., Ford, H. L., Newsome, I., & Radford, K. (2024). Implementing vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the UK National Health Service: a mixed-methods feasibility study. Disability and Rehabilitation,

Purpose: To implement a job retention vocational rehabilitation (VR) intervention (MSVR) for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and their employers in the UK National Health Service (NHS). Methods: Multicentre, single-arm feasibility study with post... Read More about Implementing vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the UK National Health Service: a mixed-methods feasibility study.

Development of a Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention to support Return to Work and Wellbeing following Major Trauma: A Person-Based Approach (2024)
Journal Article
Radford, K., Kettlewell, J., das Nair, R., Morriss, R., Holmes, J., Kellezi, B., Timmons, S., Jones, T., Tressider, H., Andrews, I., Bridger, K., Patel, P., Lindley, R., De Dios Perez, B., Statham, A., Jones, T., Hoffman, K., James, M., Kendrick, D., & ROWTATE study team. (2024). Development of a Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention to support Return to Work and Wellbeing following Major Trauma: A Person-Based Approach. BMJ Open, 14(10), Article e085724.

Objectives: Major trauma centres save lives but rehabilitation to support return-to-work (RTW) is lacking. This paper describes development of a vocational rehabilitation intervention (the ROWTATE intervention) to support RTW following traumatic inju... Read More about Development of a Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention to support Return to Work and Wellbeing following Major Trauma: A Person-Based Approach.

A qualitative study exploring how vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis can be integrated within existing healthcare services in the United Kingdom (2024)
Journal Article
De Dios Perez, B., Booth, V., das Nair, R., Evangelou, N., Hassard, J., Ford, H. L., Newsome, I., & Radford, K. (2024). A qualitative study exploring how vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis can be integrated within existing healthcare services in the United Kingdom. BMC Health Services Research, 24, Article 995.

To explore how a vocational rehabilitation (VR) intervention can be integrated within existing healthcare services for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) in the United Kingdom (UK) National Health Service (NHS).

Data from 37... Read More about A qualitative study exploring how vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis can be integrated within existing healthcare services in the United Kingdom.

Development of a Job Retention Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention for People with Multiple Sclerosis Following the Person-Based Approach (2024)
Journal Article
De Dios Pérez, B., das Nair, R., & Radford, K. (2024). Development of a Job Retention Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention for People with Multiple Sclerosis Following the Person-Based Approach. Clinical Rehabilitation, 38(7), 965-978.

To describe the process of developing a job retention vocational rehabilitation intervention for people with multiple sclerosis.

We used the person-based approach, to develop interventions through an iterative process incorporat... Read More about Development of a Job Retention Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention for People with Multiple Sclerosis Following the Person-Based Approach.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Employment of People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Multi-Methods Study (2024)
Journal Article
De Dios Perez, B., Pritchard, C., Powers, K., das Nair, R., Evangelou, N., Ford, H., Tallantyre, E., Dobson, R., & Radford, K. (2024). The Impact of COVID-19 on the Employment of People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Multi-Methods Study. International Journal of Ms Care, 26(Q3), 174-186.

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic led to approximately half of the working population in the United Kingdom being unable to work temporarily. This study aims to understand the employment needs and experiences of people with multiple sclerosis (MS) in... Read More about The Impact of COVID-19 on the Employment of People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Multi-Methods Study.