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Professor AMIR GHAEMMAGHAMI's Outputs (4)

Glycosylation of surface Ig creates a functional bridge between human follicular lymphoma and microenvironmental lectins (2010)
Journal Article
Coelho, V., Krysov, S., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Emara, M., Potter, K. N., Johnson, P., Packham, G., Martinez-Pomares, L., & Stevenson, F. K. (2010). Glycosylation of surface Ig creates a functional bridge between human follicular lymphoma and microenvironmental lectins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(43), 18587-18592.

Surface Ig (sIg) of follicular lymphoma (FL) is vital for tumor cell survival. We found previously that the Ig in FL is unusual, because the variable region genes carry sequence motifs for N-glycan addition. These are introduced by somatic mutation a... Read More about Glycosylation of surface Ig creates a functional bridge between human follicular lymphoma and microenvironmental lectins.

Label-free molecular imaging of immunological synapses between dendritic and T cells by Raman micro-spectroscopy (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zoladek, A. B., Johal, R. K., Garcia-Nieto, S., Pascut, F., Shakesheff, K. M., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., & Notingher, I. (2010, June). Label-free molecular imaging of immunological synapses between dendritic and T cells by Raman micro-spectroscopy. Presented at SPEC 2010 Shedding Light on Disease: Optical Diagnosis for the New Millennium, Manchester, UK

Confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy (CRMS) was used to measure spectral images of immunological synapse formation between dendritic and T cells without using molecular labels or other invasive procedures. The purpose-built inverted CRMS instrument inte... Read More about Label-free molecular imaging of immunological synapses between dendritic and T cells by Raman micro-spectroscopy.

The mannose receptor mediates the uptake of diverse native allergens by dendritic cells and determines allergen-induced T cell polarization through modulation of IDO Activity (2010)
Journal Article
Royer, P. J., Emara, M., Yang, C., Al-Ghouleh, A., Tighe, P., Jones, N., Sewell, H. F., Shakib, F., Martinez-Pomares, L., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2010). The mannose receptor mediates the uptake of diverse native allergens by dendritic cells and determines allergen-induced T cell polarization through modulation of IDO Activity. Journal of Immunology, 185(3), 1522-1531.

The mannose receptor (MR) is a C-type lectin expressed by dendritic cells (DCs). We have investigated the ability of MR to recognize glycosylated allergens. Using a gene silencing strategy, we have specifically inhibited the expression of MR on human... Read More about The mannose receptor mediates the uptake of diverse native allergens by dendritic cells and determines allergen-induced T cell polarization through modulation of IDO Activity.

Laminin and fibronectin treatment leads to generation of dendritic cells with superior endocytic capacity (2010)
Journal Article
García-Nieto, S., Johal, R. K., Shakesheff, K. M., Emara, M., Pierre-Joseph, R., Chau, D. Y., Shakib, F., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2010). Laminin and fibronectin treatment leads to generation of dendritic cells with superior endocytic capacity. PLoS ONE, 5(4), Article e10123.

Background: Sampling the microenvironment at sites of microbial exposure by dendritic cells (DC) and their subsequent interaction with T cells in the paracortical area of lymph nodes are key events for initiating immune responses. Most of our knowled... Read More about Laminin and fibronectin treatment leads to generation of dendritic cells with superior endocytic capacity.