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Dr Andrew Parsons' Outputs (1)

Influence of screw holes and gamma sterilization on properties of phosphate glass fiber-reinforced composite bone plates (2011)
Journal Article
Han, N., Ahmed, I., Parsons, A. J., Harper, L., Scotchford, C. A., Scammell, B. E., & Rudd, C. D. (2013). Influence of screw holes and gamma sterilization on properties of phosphate glass fiber-reinforced composite bone plates. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 27(8), 990-1002.

Polymers prepared from polylactic acid (PLA) have found a multitude of uses as medical devices. For a material that degrades, the main advantage is that an implant would not necessitate a second surgical event for removal. In this study, fibers produ... Read More about Influence of screw holes and gamma sterilization on properties of phosphate glass fiber-reinforced composite bone plates.