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Professor TIM COLEMAN's Outputs (137)

Predictors of postpartum return to smoking: a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Orton, S., Coleman, T., Coleman-Haynes, T., & Ussher, M. (in press). Predictors of postpartum return to smoking: a systematic review. Nicotine and Tobacco Research,

Background: Finding effective ways to help pregnant women quit smoking and remain abstinent is a major public health issue. Approximately half of UK women who smoke attempt cessation after conception; unfortunately, up to 75% return to smoking within... Read More about Predictors of postpartum return to smoking: a systematic review.

Large multi-centre pilot randomized controlled trial testing a low-cost, tailored, self-help smoking cessation text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit): randomized controlled trial of MiQuit (2017)
Journal Article
Naughton, F., Cooper, S., Foster, K., Leonardi-Bee, J., Emery, J., Sutton, S., Jones, M., Ussher, M., Whitemore, R., Leighton, M., Montgomery, A., Parrott, S., & Coleman, T. (2017). Large multi-centre pilot randomized controlled trial testing a low-cost, tailored, self-help smoking cessation text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit): randomized controlled trial of MiQuit. Addiction, 112(7), 1238-1249.

Aims: To estimate the effectiveness of pregnancy smoking cessation support delivered by short message service (SMS) text message and key parameters needed to plan a definitive trial.
Design: Multi‐centre, parallel‐group, single‐blinded, individual r... Read More about Large multi-centre pilot randomized controlled trial testing a low-cost, tailored, self-help smoking cessation text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit): randomized controlled trial of MiQuit.

A randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to reduce children’s exposure to secondhand smoke in the home (2017)
Journal Article
Ratschen, E., Thorley, R., Jones, L. L., Opazo Breton, M., Cook, J., McNeill, A., Britton, J., Coleman, T., & Lewis, S. (2018). A randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to reduce children’s exposure to secondhand smoke in the home. Tobacco Control, 27(2), 155-162.

Objectives: Exposing children to secondhand tobacco smoke (SHS) causes significant harm and occurs predominantly through smoking by caregivers in the family home. We report a trial of a complex intervention designed to reduce secondhand smoke exposur... Read More about A randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to reduce children’s exposure to secondhand smoke in the home.

Smoking cessation support by text message during pregnancy: a qualitative study of views and experiences of the MiQuit intervention (2017)
Journal Article
Sloan, M., Hopewell, S., Coleman, T., Cooper, S., & Naughton, F. (2017). Smoking cessation support by text message during pregnancy: a qualitative study of views and experiences of the MiQuit intervention. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 19(5),

Introduction: SMS text messaging is increasingly used for delivering smoking cessation support and pilot studies suggest this may also be useful in pregnancy. This study explores the views of women who received a tailored text messaging cessation int... Read More about Smoking cessation support by text message during pregnancy: a qualitative study of views and experiences of the MiQuit intervention.

Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking in pregnancy (2017)
Journal Article
Chamberlain, C., O'Mara-Eves, A., Porter, J., Coleman, T., Perlen, S. M., Thomas, J., & McKenzie, J. E. (2017). Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking in pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Article CD001055.

Background: Tobacco smoking remains one of the few preventable factors associated with complications in pregnancy, and has serious long-term implications for women and babies. Smoking in pregnancy is decreasing in high-income countries, but is strong... Read More about Psychosocial interventions for supporting women to stop smoking in pregnancy.

English stop-smoking services: one-year outcomes (2016)
Journal Article
Bauld, L., Hiscock, R., Dobbie, F., Aveyard, P., Coleman, T., Leonardi-Bee, J., McRobbie, H., & McEwan, A. (2016). English stop-smoking services: one-year outcomes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(12), Article 1175.

The UK is a global leader in stop-smoking support—providing free behavioral support and cessation medication via stop smoking services (SSS) without charge to smokers. This study aimed to explore the client and service characteristics associated with... Read More about English stop-smoking services: one-year outcomes.

Antenatal clinic and Stop Smoking Services staff views on "Opt-Out" referrals for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a framework analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Campbell, K., Bowker, K., Naughton, F., Sloan, M., Cooper, S., & Coleman, T. (2016). Antenatal clinic and Stop Smoking Services staff views on "Opt-Out" referrals for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a framework analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(10), Article 1004.

Introduction: UK guidance recommends routine exhaled carbon monoxide (CO) screening for pregnant women and “opt-out” referrals to stop smoking services (SSS) of those with CO ≥ 4 ppm. We explored staff views on this referral pathway when implemented... Read More about Antenatal clinic and Stop Smoking Services staff views on "Opt-Out" referrals for smoking cessation in pregnancy: a framework analysis.

Protecting children from secondhand smoke: a mixed-methods feasibility study of a novel smoke-free home intervention (2016)
Journal Article
Marsh, J., McNeill, A., Lewis, S., Coleman, T., Bains, M., Larwood, A., Purdy, J., & Jones, L. L. (2016). Protecting children from secondhand smoke: a mixed-methods feasibility study of a novel smoke-free home intervention. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2, Article 53.

Background: Globally, 40 % of children under 14 years are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke (SHS), typically in their homes. There is limited evidence of the effectiveness of interventions to reduce children’s SHS exposure,and so the aim of this... Read More about Protecting children from secondhand smoke: a mixed-methods feasibility study of a novel smoke-free home intervention.

Real-world uptake of a tailored, text message pregnancy smoking cessation programme (MiQuit) when offered online (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Emery, J., Coleman, T., Sutton, S., Cooper, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., Jones, M., & Naughton, F. (2016, August). Real-world uptake of a tailored, text message pregnancy smoking cessation programme (MiQuit) when offered online. Presented at EHPS/DHP Conference 2016

Background: Prenatal smoking is a major public health concern and uptake of NHS cessation support is low in this group. Text message-based self-help is a promising intervention for this population but little is known about its likely real-world uptak... Read More about Real-world uptake of a tailored, text message pregnancy smoking cessation programme (MiQuit) when offered online.

Multicentre, randomised controlled trial of a low-cost smoking cessation text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit) (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Naughton, F., Foster, K., Emery, J., Cooper, S., Sutton, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., Jones, M., Ussher, M., Whitemore, R., Leighton, M., Montgomery, A., Parrott, S., & Coleman, T. (2016, August). Multicentre, randomised controlled trial of a low-cost smoking cessation text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit). Presented at European Health Psychology Society and British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Conference 2016 (EHPS/DHP 2016)

Background: Text message cessation programmes have potential to change smoking behaviour during pregnancy but their effectiveness is unknown. This study aimed to estimate key parameters, including effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, for delivering... Read More about Multicentre, randomised controlled trial of a low-cost smoking cessation text message intervention for pregnant smokers (MiQuit).

Smoking in pregnancy: who makes quit attempts whilst pregnant and what types of cessation support do they prefer? (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brotherton, E., Orton, S., & Coleman, T. Smoking in pregnancy: who makes quit attempts whilst pregnant and what types of cessation support do they prefer?. Presented at UKCRC16 Public Health Research Centres of Excellence Conference

Smoking in pregnancy is strongly associated with adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes. In England, 26% of women smoke at some point during pregnancy, and 12% smoke throughout. Reducing smoking during pregnancy is therefore an NHS priority... Read More about Smoking in pregnancy: who makes quit attempts whilst pregnant and what types of cessation support do they prefer?.

The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vaz, L. R., Aveyard, P., Cooper, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., & Coleman, T. The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy. Presented at SAPC Annual Conference 2016

Background: In non-pregnant “quitters,” adherence to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) increases smoking cessation. We investigated relationships between adherence to placebo or NRT patches and cessation in pregnancy, including an assessment of reve... Read More about The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy.

“I was a full time proper smoker”: A qualitative exploration of smoking in the home after childbirth among women who relapse postpartum (2016)
Journal Article
Orton, S., Coleman, T., Lewis, S., Cooper, S., & Jones, L. L. (2016). “I was a full time proper smoker”: A qualitative exploration of smoking in the home after childbirth among women who relapse postpartum. PLoS ONE, 11(6), e0157525.

Many women stop smoking during pregnancy but relapse shortly afterwards, potentially putting their infants at risk of secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure. Women who were able to stop during pregnancy may be a motivated group, receptive to m... Read More about “I was a full time proper smoker”: A qualitative exploration of smoking in the home after childbirth among women who relapse postpartum.

‘Opt-out’ referrals after identifying pregnant smokers using exhaled air carbon monoxide: impact on engagement with smoking cessation support (2016)
Journal Article
Campbell, K., Cooper, S., Fahy, S., Bowker, K., Leonardi-Bee, J., McEwen, A., Whitemore, R., & Coleman, T. (2017). ‘Opt-out’ referrals after identifying pregnant smokers using exhaled air carbon monoxide: impact on engagement with smoking cessation support. Tobacco Control, 26(3), 300-306.

Background. In the UK, free smoking cessation support is available to pregnant women; only a minority access this. ‘Opt-out’ referrals to stop smoking services (SSS) are recommended by UK guidelines. These involve identifying pregnant smokers using e... Read More about ‘Opt-out’ referrals after identifying pregnant smokers using exhaled air carbon monoxide: impact on engagement with smoking cessation support.

Which measures of cigarette dependence are predictors of smoking cessation during pregnancy? Analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial (2016)
Journal Article
Riaz, M., Lewis, S., Coleman, T., Aveyard, P., West, R., Naughton, F., & Ussher, M. (in press). Which measures of cigarette dependence are predictors of smoking cessation during pregnancy? Analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial. Addiction, 111(9),

Aims: To examine the ability of different common measures of cigarette dependence to predict smoking cessation during pregnancy.

Design: Secondary analysis of data from a parallel-group randomized controlled trial of physical activity for smoking... Read More about Which measures of cigarette dependence are predictors of smoking cessation during pregnancy? Analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial.

Screening for atrial fibrillation: a cross-sectional survey of healthcare professionals in primary care (2016)
Journal Article
Taggar, J., Coleman, T., Lewis, S., & Jones, M. (2016). Screening for atrial fibrillation: a cross-sectional survey of healthcare professionals in primary care. PLoS ONE, 11(4), Article e0152086.

Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) in primary care has been recommended; however, the views of healthcare professionals (HCPs) are not known. This study aimed to determine the opinions of HCP about the feasibility of implementing s... Read More about Screening for atrial fibrillation: a cross-sectional survey of healthcare professionals in primary care.

The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial (2016)
Journal Article
Vaz, L. R., Aveyard, P., Cooper, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., & Coleman, T. (2016). The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 18(10),


In non-pregnant ‘quitters’, adherence to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) increases smoking cessation. We investigated relationships between adherence to placebo or NRT patches and cessation in pregnancy, including an assessment of... Read More about The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial.

Re-starting smoking in the postpartum period after receiving a smoking cessation intervention: a systematic review (2016)
Journal Article
Jones, M., Lewis, S., Parrott, S., Wormall, S., & Coleman, T. (2016). Re-starting smoking in the postpartum period after receiving a smoking cessation intervention: a systematic review. Addiction, 111(6), 981-990.

Aims: In pregnant smoking cessation trial participants, to estimate (1) among women abstinent at the end of pregnancy, the proportion who re-start smoking at time-points afterwards (primary analysis) and (2) among all trial participants, the proporti... Read More about Re-starting smoking in the postpartum period after receiving a smoking cessation intervention: a systematic review.

Pregnant women’s experiences and views on an “opt-out” referral pathway to specialist smoking cessation support: a qualitative evaluation (2016)
Journal Article
Sloan, M., Campbell, K., Bowker, K., Coleman, T., Cooper, S., Brafman-Price, B., & Naughton, F. (in press). Pregnant women’s experiences and views on an “opt-out” referral pathway to specialist smoking cessation support: a qualitative evaluation. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 18(5),

Introduction: Smoking in pregnancy remains an important and costly public health concern with policy makers worldwide researching methods to aid cessation. UK government guidelines recommend implementation of an “opt-out” (ie, whether requested or no... Read More about Pregnant women’s experiences and views on an “opt-out” referral pathway to specialist smoking cessation support: a qualitative evaluation.