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Dr CAROLINE HOAD's Outputs (43)

Magnetic resonance imaging of the gastrointestinal tract shows reduced small bowel motility and altered chyme in cystic fibrosis compared to controls (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
Dellschaft, N. S., Ng, C., Hoad, C., Marciani, L., Spiller, R., Stewart, I., Menys, A., Barr, H., Gowland, P. A., Major, G., & Smyth, A. R. Magnetic resonance imaging of the gastrointestinal tract shows reduced small bowel motility and altered chyme in cystic fibrosis compared to controls

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease affecting mucosal secretions. Most patients experience digestive symptoms, but the mechanisms are incompletely understood. Here we explore causes and consequences of slower gastrointestinal transit using magn... Read More about Magnetic resonance imaging of the gastrointestinal tract shows reduced small bowel motility and altered chyme in cystic fibrosis compared to controls.

Chronic constipation in adults: Contemporary perspectives and clinical challenges. 1: Epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical associations, pathophysiology and investigation (2020)
Journal Article
Scott, S. M., Simrén, M., Farmer, A. D., Dinning, P. G., Carrington, E. V., Benninga, M. A., Burgell, R. E., Dimidi, E., Fikree, A., Ford, A. C., Fox, M., Hoad, C. L., Knowles, C. H., Krogh, K., Nugent, K., Remes-Troche, J. M., Whelan, K., & Corsetti, M. (2021). Chronic constipation in adults: Contemporary perspectives and clinical challenges. 1: Epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical associations, pathophysiology and investigation. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 33(6), 1-21.

Chronic constipation is a prevalent disorder that affects patients’ quality of life and consumes resources in healthcare systems worldwide. In clinical practice, it is still considered a challenge as clinicians frequently are unsure as to which treat... Read More about Chronic constipation in adults: Contemporary perspectives and clinical challenges. 1: Epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical associations, pathophysiology and investigation.

Processing Apples to Puree or Juice Speeds Gastric Emptying and Reduces Postprandial Intestinal Volumes and Satiety in Healthy Adults (2020)
Journal Article
Krishnasamy, S., Lomer, M. C. E., Marciani, L., Hoad, C. L., Pritchard, S. E., Paul, J., Gowland, P. A., & Spiller, R. C. (2020). Processing Apples to Puree or Juice Speeds Gastric Emptying and Reduces Postprandial Intestinal Volumes and Satiety in Healthy Adults. Journal of Nutrition, 150(11), 2890-2899.

Background: Whole apples produce greater satiety than processed apples, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.
Objective: Our aim was to assess the intragastric processing of apple preparations and the associated small and large bowel conten... Read More about Processing Apples to Puree or Juice Speeds Gastric Emptying and Reduces Postprandial Intestinal Volumes and Satiety in Healthy Adults.

The MRI colonic function test: Reproducibility of the Macrogol stimulus challenge (2020)
Journal Article
Wilkinson-Smith, V., Menys, A., Bradley, C., Corsetti, M., Marciani, L., Atkinson, D., Coupland, C., Taylor, S., Gowland, P., Spiller, R., & Hoad, C. (2020). The MRI colonic function test: Reproducibility of the Macrogol stimulus challenge. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 32(11), Article e13942.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the colonic response to a macrogol challenge drink can be used to assess the mechanisms underlying severe constipation. We measured the intra-subject reproducibility of MRI measures of colonic funct... Read More about The MRI colonic function test: Reproducibility of the Macrogol stimulus challenge.

Alginate and HM-pectin in sports-drink give rise to intra-gastric gelation in-vivo (2019)
Journal Article
Marciani, L., Lopez-Sanchez, P., Pettersson, S., Hoad, C., Abrehart, N., Ahnoff, M., & Strömf, A. (2019). Alginate and HM-pectin in sports-drink give rise to intra-gastric gelation in-vivo. Food and Function, 10(12), 7892-7899.

The addition of gelling polysaccharides to sport-drinks may provide improved tolerability of drinks with high concentration of digestible carbohydrates (CHO), otherwise known to increase the risk of gastro-intestinal complaints among athletes under p... Read More about Alginate and HM-pectin in sports-drink give rise to intra-gastric gelation in-vivo.

Gastrointestinal peptides and small bowel hypomotility are possible causes for fasting and postprandial symptoms in active Crohn’s disease (2019)
Journal Article
Khalaf, A., Hoad, C. L., Menys, A., Nowak, A., Radford, S., Taylor, S. A., Latief, K., Lingaya, M., Falcone, Y., Singh, G., Spiller, R. C., Gowland, P. A., Marciani, L., & Moran, G. W. (2020). Gastrointestinal peptides and small bowel hypomotility are possible causes for fasting and postprandial symptoms in active Crohn’s disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 111(1), 131–140.

Crohn's disease (CD) patients suffer postprandial aversive symptoms, which can lead to anorexia and malnutrition. Changes in the regulation of gut hormones and gut dysmotility are believed to play a role.

This study aimed t... Read More about Gastrointestinal peptides and small bowel hypomotility are possible causes for fasting and postprandial symptoms in active Crohn’s disease.

Enhancing our understanding of small bowel function using modern imaging techniques (2019)
Journal Article
Hoad, C., & Spiller, R. (2020). Enhancing our understanding of small bowel function using modern imaging techniques. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 32(1), Article e13616.

Small intestinal function is critical to digestive health and patients believe an abnormal reaction to food is responsible for many of their symptoms. Despite this, our ability to assess disturbed function in clinical practice has been limited, parti... Read More about Enhancing our understanding of small bowel function using modern imaging techniques.

Spatio-Temporal Motility MRI (STMM) analysis of the stomach and colon (2019)
Journal Article
Menys, A., Hoad, C., Spiller, R., Scott, M., Atkinson, D., Marciani, L., & Taylor, S. (2019). Spatio-Temporal Motility MRI (STMM) analysis of the stomach and colon. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 31(5),

MRI is increasingly used to objectively assess gastrointestinal motility. However, motility metrics often do no not offer insights into the nature of contractile action. This study introduces a systematic method of making spatiotemporal... Read More about Spatio-Temporal Motility MRI (STMM) analysis of the stomach and colon.

Spatio-Temporal Motility MRI analysis of the stomach and colon (2019)
Journal Article
Menys, A., Hoad, C., Spiller, R., Scott, M., Atkinson, D., Marciani, L., & Taylor, S. (2019). Spatio-Temporal Motility MRI analysis of the stomach and colon. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 31(5), Article e13557.

Background: MRI is increasingly used to objectively assess gastrointestinal motility. However, motility metrics often do no not offer insights into the nature of contractile action. This study introduces a systematic method of making spatiotemporal m... Read More about Spatio-Temporal Motility MRI analysis of the stomach and colon.

Cine MRI assessment of motility in the unprepared small bowel in the fasting and fed state: beyond the breath-hold (2018)
Journal Article
Hoad, C., Marciani, L., Spiller, R., Gowland, P., & Moran, G. (2019). Cine MRI assessment of motility in the unprepared small bowel in the fasting and fed state: beyond the breath-hold. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 31(1), e13466.


The symptoms of functional bowel disorders are common in postprandial but investigations are generally undertaken in the fasted state using invasive procedures. MRI provides a noninvasive tool to study the gastrointestinal tract in an u... Read More about Cine MRI assessment of motility in the unprepared small bowel in the fasting and fed state: beyond the breath-hold.

Gastric motor and sensory function in health assessed by magnetic resonance imaging: Establishment of reference intervals for the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects (2018)
Journal Article
Parker, H., Hoad, C. L., Tucker, E., Costigan, C., Marciani, L., Gowland, P., & Fox, M. (2018). Gastric motor and sensory function in health assessed by magnetic resonance imaging: Establishment of reference intervals for the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 30(12), Article e13463.

Background: Current investigations of gastric emptying rarely identify the cause of symptoms or provide a definitive diagnosis in patients with dyspepsia. This study assessed gastric function by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using the modular "Not... Read More about Gastric motor and sensory function in health assessed by magnetic resonance imaging: Establishment of reference intervals for the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects.

Demonstration of differences in colonic volumes, transit, chyme consistency and response to psyllium between healthy and constipated subjects using magnetic resonance imaging (2018)
Journal Article
Major, G., Murray, K., Singh, G., Nowak, A., Hoad, C. L., Marciani, L., Silos-Santiago, A., Kurtz, C. B., Johnston, J., Gowland, P., & Spiller, R. C. (2018). Demonstration of differences in colonic volumes, transit, chyme consistency and response to psyllium between healthy and constipated subjects using magnetic resonance imaging. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 30(9), Article e13400.

Background: In functional gastrointestinal disorders a lack of objective biomarkers limits evaluation of underlying mechanisms. We aimed to demonstrate the utility of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for this task using psyllium, an effective constip... Read More about Demonstration of differences in colonic volumes, transit, chyme consistency and response to psyllium between healthy and constipated subjects using magnetic resonance imaging.

A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects (2018)
Journal Article
Sloan, T. J., Jalanka, J., Major, G. A. D., Krishnasamy, S., Pritchard, S., Abdelrazig, S., Korpela, K., Singh, G., Mulvenna, C., Hoad, C. L., Marciani, L., Barrett, D. A., Lomer, M. C. E., de Vos, W. M., Gowland, P. A., & Spiller, R. C. (2018). A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects. PLoS ONE, 13(7), Article e0201410.

Background & aims

Ingestion of poorly digested, fermentable carbohydrates (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols; FODMAPs) have been implicated in exacerbating intestinal symptoms and the reduction of intake with symptom alleviatio... Read More about A low FODMAP diet is associated with changes in the microbiota and reduction in breath hydrogen but not colonic volume in healthy subjects.

MRI assessment of the postprandial gastrointestinal motility and peptide response in healthy humans (2017)
Journal Article
Khalaf, A., Hoad, C., Menys, A., Nowak, A., Taylor, S. A., Paparo, S., Lingaya, M., Falcone, Y., Singh, G., Spiller, R. C., Gowland, P. A., Marciani, L., & Moran, G. W. (2018). MRI assessment of the postprandial gastrointestinal motility and peptide response in healthy humans. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 30(1), Article e13182.

Background: Feeding triggers inter-related gastrointestinal (GI) motor, peptide and appetite responses. These are rarely studied together due to methodological limitations. Recent MRI advances allow pan-intestinal, non-invasive assessment of motility... Read More about MRI assessment of the postprandial gastrointestinal motility and peptide response in healthy humans.

Magnetic resonance imaging quantification of fasted state colonic liquid pockets in healthy humans (2017)
Journal Article
Murray, K., Hoad, C. L., Mudie, D. M., Wright, J., Heissam, K., Abrehart, N., Pritchard, S. E., Al Atwah, S., Gowland, P. A., Garnett, M. C., Amidon, G. E., Spiller, R. C., Amidon, G. L., & Marciani, L. (2017). Magnetic resonance imaging quantification of fasted state colonic liquid pockets in healthy humans. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 14(8), 2629-2638.

The rate and extent of drug dissolution and absorption from solid oral dosage forms is highly dependent on the volume of liquid in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). However, little is known about the time course of GIT liquid volumes after drinking a... Read More about Magnetic resonance imaging quantification of fasted state colonic liquid pockets in healthy humans.

Clinical assessment of gastric emptying and sensory function utilizing gamma scintigraphy: Establishment of reference intervals for the liquid and solid components of the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects (2017)
Journal Article
Parker, H. L., Tucker, E., Blackshaw, E., Hoad, C., Marciani, L., Perkins, A., Menne, D., & Fox, M. (2017). Clinical assessment of gastric emptying and sensory function utilizing gamma scintigraphy: Establishment of reference intervals for the liquid and solid components of the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 29(11), e13122.

Background: Current investigations of stomach function are based on small test meals that do not reliably induce symptoms and analysis techniques that rarely detect clinically relevant dysfunction. This study presents the reference intervals of the m... Read More about Clinical assessment of gastric emptying and sensory function utilizing gamma scintigraphy: Establishment of reference intervals for the liquid and solid components of the Nottingham test meal in healthy subjects.

Assessment of motion of colonic contents in the human colon using MRI tagging (2017)
Journal Article
Pritchard, S. E., Paul, J., Major, G., Marciani, L., Gowland, P. A., Spiller, R. C., & Hoad, C. (2017). Assessment of motion of colonic contents in the human colon using MRI tagging. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 29(9), Article e13091.

Background We have previously reported a non-invasive, semi-automated technique to assess motility of the wall of the ascending colon (AC) using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. This study investigated the feasibility of using a tagged MRI technique to vi... Read More about Assessment of motion of colonic contents in the human colon using MRI tagging.

Colon hypersensitivity to distension, rather than excessive gas production, produces carbohydrate-related symptoms in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (2016)
Journal Article
Major, G., Pritchard, S. E., Murray, K., Alappadan, J. P., Hoad, C., Marciani, L., Gowland, P. A., & Spiller, R. C. (2017). Colon hypersensitivity to distension, rather than excessive gas production, produces carbohydrate-related symptoms in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology, 152(1), 124-133.e2.

Background & Aims: Poorly digested, fermentable carbohydrates may induce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), via unclear mechanisms. We performed a randomized trial with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analysis to investigate correlations be... Read More about Colon hypersensitivity to distension, rather than excessive gas production, produces carbohydrate-related symptoms in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome.

Corticotrophin releasing factor increases ascending colon volume after a fructose test meal in healthy humans: a randomised control trial (2016)
Journal Article
Murray, K., Lam, C., Rehman, S., Marciani, L., Costigan, C., Hoad, C., Lingaya, M., Banwait, R., Bawden, S., Gowland, P. A., & Spiller, R. C. (2016). Corticotrophin releasing factor increases ascending colon volume after a fructose test meal in healthy humans: a randomised control trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 103(5),

Background: Poorly absorbed, fermentable carbohydrates can provoke irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms by escaping absorption in the small bowel and being rapidly fermented in the colon in some susceptible subjects. IBS patients are often anxious... Read More about Corticotrophin releasing factor increases ascending colon volume after a fructose test meal in healthy humans: a randomised control trial.

Colon wall motility: comparison of novel quantitative semi-automatic measurements using cine MRI (2015)
Journal Article
Hoad, C., Menys, A., Garsed, K., Marciani, L., Hamy, V., Murray, K., Costigan, C., Atkinson, D., Major, G., Spiller, R. C., Taylor, S., & Gowland, P. A. (2016). Colon wall motility: comparison of novel quantitative semi-automatic measurements using cine MRI. Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 28(3), 327-335.


Recently, cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has shown promise for visualizing movement of the colonic wall, although assessment of data has been subjective and observer dependent. This study aimed to develop an objective and semi-au... Read More about Colon wall motility: comparison of novel quantitative semi-automatic measurements using cine MRI.