Spoken communication and patient safety: A new direction for healthcare communication policy, research, education and practice?
Journal Article
Ledema, R., Greenhaigh, T., Russell, J., Amer-Sharif, K., Alexander, J., Gardner, P., Juniper, M., Majahan, K., Lawton, R., McGuire, P., Roberts, C., Robson, W., Timmons, S., & Wilkinson, L. (2019). Spoken communication and patient safety: A new direction for healthcare communication policy, research, education and practice?. BMJ Open Quality, 8(3), Article e000742. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjoq-2019-000742
This report sets out the findings of an NHS Improvement Working Group on Care Communication which included clinicians, patients, patient representatives, NHSI staff, and academics from different disciplines. The Group’s activities included running fo... Read More about Spoken communication and patient safety: A new direction for healthcare communication policy, research, education and practice?.