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Dr CORNELIA DE MOOR's Outputs (16)

Cordycepin generally inhibits growth factor signal transduction in a systems pharmacology study (2024)
Journal Article
Lawrence, S., Lin, J., Khurshid, A., Utami, W., Singhania, R., Ashraf, S., Thorn, G. J., Mangangcha, I. R., Spriggs, K., Kim, D., Barrett, D., & de Moor, C. H. (2025). Cordycepin generally inhibits growth factor signal transduction in a systems pharmacology study. FEBS Letters, 599(3), 415-435.

Cordycepin (3′ deoxyadenosine) has been widely researched as a potential cancer therapy, but many diverse mechanisms of action have been proposed. Here, we confirm that cordycepin triphosphate is likely to be the active metabolite of cordycepin and t... Read More about Cordycepin generally inhibits growth factor signal transduction in a systems pharmacology study.

A Systematic Review of the Biological Effects of Cordycepin (2021)
Journal Article
Radhi, M., Ashraf, S., Lawrence, S., Tranholm, A. A., Wellham, P. A. D., Hafeez, A., Khamis, A. S., Thomas, R., McWilliams, D., & De Moor, C. H. (2021). A Systematic Review of the Biological Effects of Cordycepin. Molecules, 26(19), Article 5886.

We conducted a systematic review of the literature on the effects of cordycepin on cell survival and proliferation, inflammation, signal transduction and animal models. A total of 1204 publications on cordycepin were found by the cut-off date of 1 Fe... Read More about A Systematic Review of the Biological Effects of Cordycepin.

Culture degeneration reduces sex-related gene expression, alters metabolite production and reduces insect pathogenic response in cordyceps militaris (2021)
Journal Article
Wellham, P. A. D., Hafeez, A., Gregori, A., Brock, M., Kim, D. H., Chandler, D., & de Moor, C. H. (2021). Culture degeneration reduces sex-related gene expression, alters metabolite production and reduces insect pathogenic response in cordyceps militaris. Microorganisms, 9(8), Article 1559.

Cordyceps militaris is an entomopathogenic ascomycete, known primarily for infecting lepidopteran larval (caterpillars) and pupal hosts. Cordycepin, a secondary metabolite produced by this fungus has anti-inflammatory properties and other pharmacolog... Read More about Culture degeneration reduces sex-related gene expression, alters metabolite production and reduces insect pathogenic response in cordyceps militaris.

Cordycepin, a metabolite of Cordyceps militaris, reduces immune-related gene expression in insects (2020)
Journal Article
Woolley, V. C., Teakle, G. R., Prince, G., de Moor, C. H., & Chandler, D. (2020). Cordycepin, a metabolite of Cordyceps militaris, reduces immune-related gene expression in insects. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 177, Article 107480.

Hypocrealean entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota) are natural regulators of insect populations in terrestrial environments. Their obligately-killing life-cycle means that there is likely to be strong selection pressure for trait... Read More about Cordycepin, a metabolite of Cordyceps militaris, reduces immune-related gene expression in insects.

A novel nucleoside rescue metabolic pathway may be responsible for therapeutic effect of orally administered cordycepin (2019)
Journal Article
Lee, J. B., Radhi, M., Cipolla, E., Gandhi, R. D., Sarmad, S., Zgair, A., Kim, T. H., Feng, W., Qin, C., Adrower, C., Ortori, C., Barrett, D. A., Kagan, L., Fischer, P. M., De Moor, C. H., & Gershkovich, P. (2019). A novel nucleoside rescue metabolic pathway may be responsible for therapeutic effect of orally administered cordycepin. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 15760.

Although adenosine and its analogues have been assessed in the past as potential drug candidates due to the important role of adenosine in physiology, only little is known about their absorption following oral administration. In this work, we have st... Read More about A novel nucleoside rescue metabolic pathway may be responsible for therapeutic effect of orally administered cordycepin.

Nuclear poly(A) tail size is regulated by Cnot1 during the serum response (2019)
Singhania, R., Thorn, G. J., Williams, K., Gandhi, R. D., Daher, C., Barthet-Barateig, A., Parker, H. N., Utami, W., Al-Siraj, M., Barrett, D. A., Wattis, J. A., & de Moor, C. H. (2019). Nuclear poly(A) tail size is regulated by Cnot1 during the serum response

The poly(A) tail removal from mRNAs introduces a delay between mRNA synthesis and decay. We measured levels and poly(A) tail sizes of serum-induced mRNAs and used mathematical modelling to compare their deadenylation time with the delay in decay and... Read More about Nuclear poly(A) tail size is regulated by Cnot1 during the serum response.

DEAD-box helicase eIF4A2 inhibits CNOT7 deadenylation activity (2019)
Journal Article
Meijer, H. A., Schmidt, T., Gillen, S. L., Langlais, C., Jukes-Jones, R., de Moor, C. H., Cain, K., Wilczynska, A., & Bushell, M. (2019). DEAD-box helicase eIF4A2 inhibits CNOT7 deadenylation activity. Nucleic Acids Research, 47(15), 8224-8238.

The CCR4–NOT complex plays an important role in the translational repression and deadenylation of mRNAs. However, little is known about the specific roles of interacting factors. We demonstrate that the DEAD-box helicases eIF4A2 and DDX6 interact dir... Read More about DEAD-box helicase eIF4A2 inhibits CNOT7 deadenylation activity.

The polyadenylation inhibitor cordycepin reduces pain, inflammation and joint pathology in rodent models of osteoarthritis (2019)
Journal Article
Ashraf, S., Radhi, M., Gowler, P., Burston, J. J., Gandhi, R. D., Thorn, G. J., Piccinini, A. M., Walsh, D. A., Chapman, V., De Moor, C. H., & Chapman, V. (2019). The polyadenylation inhibitor cordycepin reduces pain, inflammation and joint pathology in rodent models of osteoarthritis. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-17.

Clinically, osteoarthritis (OA) pain is significantly associated with synovial inflammation. Identification of the mechanisms driving inflammation could reveal new targets to relieve this prevalent pain state. Herein, a role of polyadenylation in OA... Read More about The polyadenylation inhibitor cordycepin reduces pain, inflammation and joint pathology in rodent models of osteoarthritis.

Development of cordycepin formulations for preclinical and clinical studies (2017)
Journal Article
Lee, J. B., Adrower, C., Qin, C., Fischer, P. M., de Moor, C. H., & Gershkovich, P. (2017). Development of cordycepin formulations for preclinical and clinical studies. AAPS PharmSciTech, 18(8), 3219-3226.

There is extensive literature on in vivo studies with cordycepin but these studies were generally conducted without validation of the various formulations, especially in terms of the solubility of cordycepin in the dosing vehicles used. Cordycepin is... Read More about Development of cordycepin formulations for preclinical and clinical studies.

Lung function associated gene Integrator Complex subunit 12 regulates protein synthesis pathways (2017)
Journal Article
Kheirallah, A. K., de Moor, C. H., Faiz, A., Sayers, I., & Hall, I. P. (2017). Lung function associated gene Integrator Complex subunit 12 regulates protein synthesis pathways. BMC Genomics, 18(1), Article 248.

BACKGROUND: Genetic studies of human lung function and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease have identified a highly significant and reproducible signal on 4q24. It remains unclear which of the two candidate genes within this locus may regulate lung... Read More about Lung function associated gene Integrator Complex subunit 12 regulates protein synthesis pathways.

Hyperlipidaemia alone and in combination with acidosis can increase the incidence and severity of statin-induced myotoxicity (2017)
Journal Article
Taha, D. A., Zgair, A., Lee, J. B., de Moor, C. H., Barrett, D. A., Bruce, K. D., Sungelo, M., Eckel, R. H., & Gershkovich, P. (2017). Hyperlipidaemia alone and in combination with acidosis can increase the incidence and severity of statin-induced myotoxicity. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 100, 163-175.

The association of lipophilic statins with plasma lipoproteins in the presence of disturbed acid-base balance can modify the pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of these drugs, resulting in alteration in their efficacy and toxicity profiles. The... Read More about Hyperlipidaemia alone and in combination with acidosis can increase the incidence and severity of statin-induced myotoxicity.

The role of acid-base imbalance in statin-induced myotoxicity (2016)
Journal Article
Taha, D. A., de Moor, C. H., Barrett, D. A., Lee, J. B., Gandhi, R. D., Hoo, C. W., & Gershkovich, P. (2016). The role of acid-base imbalance in statin-induced myotoxicity. Translational Research, The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 174, 140-160.e14.

Disturbances in acid-base balance, such as acidosis and alkalosis, have potential to alter the pharmacological and toxicological outcomes of statin therapy. Statins are commonly prescribed for elderly patients who have multiple co-morbidities such as... Read More about The role of acid-base imbalance in statin-induced myotoxicity.

Genome-wide analysis of PAPS1-dependent polyadenylation identifies novel roles for functionally specialized poly(A) polymerases in Arabidopsis thaliana (2015)
Journal Article
Kappel, C., Trost, G., Cseznick, H., Ramming, A., Kolbe, B., Vi, S. L., Becker, J. D., de Moor, C. H., & Lenhard, M. (2015). Genome-wide analysis of PAPS1-dependent polyadenylation identifies novel roles for functionally specialized poly(A) polymerases in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics, 11(8), Article e1005474.

The poly(A) tail at 3’ ends of eukaryotic mRNAs promotes their nuclear export, stability and translational efficiency, and changes in its length can strongly impact gene expression. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes three canonical nuclear poly... Read More about Genome-wide analysis of PAPS1-dependent polyadenylation identifies novel roles for functionally specialized poly(A) polymerases in Arabidopsis thaliana.

GSM1386775: Ler - sample 1 - long fraction (2015)
Michael, L., Cornelia, D. M., Christian, K., Gerda, T., H, C., Anna, R., Son L, V., C, B., & JD, B. (2015). GSM1386775: Ler - sample 1 - long fraction. [Data]

The poly(A) tail at 3' ends of eukaryotic mRNAs promotes their nuclear export, stability and translational efficiency, and changes in its length can strongly impact gene expression. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes three canonical nuclear poly... Read More about GSM1386775: Ler - sample 1 - long fraction.

GSM1386776: Ler - sample 1 -short fraction (2015)
Cornelia, D. M., Michael, L., Christian, K., Gerda, T., H, C., Anna, R., L, V. S., C, B., & JD, B. (2015). GSM1386776: Ler - sample 1 -short fraction. [Data]

The poly(A) tail at 3' ends of eukaryotic mRNAs promotes their nuclear export, stability and translational efficiency, and changes in its length can strongly impact gene expression. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes three canonical nuclear poly... Read More about GSM1386776: Ler - sample 1 -short fraction.

Specificity factors in cytoplasmic polyadenylation (2013)
Journal Article
Charlesworth, A., Meijer, H. A., & de Moor, C. H. (2013). Specificity factors in cytoplasmic polyadenylation. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA, 4(4),

Poly(A) tail elongation after export of an messenger RNA (mRNA) to the cytoplasm is called cytoplasmic polyadenylation. It was first discovered in oocytes and embryos, where it has roles in meiosis and development. In recent years, however, has been... Read More about Specificity factors in cytoplasmic polyadenylation.