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Mr PAT BRUNDELL's Outputs (12)

Somatic Safety: An Embodied Approach Towards Safe Human-Robot Interaction (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benford, S., Schneiders, E., Martinez Avila, J. P., Caleb-Solley, P., Brundell, P. R., Castle-Green, S., Zhou, F., Garrett, R., Höök, K., Whatley, S., Marsh, K., & Tennent, P. (2025, March). Somatic Safety: An Embodied Approach Towards Safe Human-Robot Interaction. Presented at HRI '25: Proceedings of the 2025 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Melbourne, Australia

As robots enter the messy human world so the vital matter of safety takes on a fresh complexion with physical contact becoming inevitable and even desirable. We report on an artistic-exploration of how dancers, working as part of a multidisciplinary... Read More about Somatic Safety: An Embodied Approach Towards Safe Human-Robot Interaction.

How Artists Improvise and Provoke Robotics (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benford, S., Garrett, R., Schneiders, E., Tennent, P., Chamberlain, A., Avila, J., Brundell, P., & Castle-Green, S. (2024, October). How Artists Improvise and Provoke Robotics. Poster presented at 16th International Conference on Social Robotics + AI (ICSR + AI) 2024, Odense, Denmark

We explore transdisciplinary collaborations between artists and roboticists across a portfolio of artworks. Brendan Walker's Bronco-matic was a breath controlled mechanical rodeo bull ride. Blast Theory's Cat Royale deployed a robot arm to play with... Read More about How Artists Improvise and Provoke Robotics.

Infrastructures for Virtual Volunteering at Online Music Festivals (2023)
Journal Article
Benford, S., Manninen, K., Martindale, S., Hazzard, A., Avila, J. P. M., Tennent, P., Spence, J., Castle-Green, T., Brundell, P., Barnard, P., & Darzentas, D. P. (2023). Infrastructures for Virtual Volunteering at Online Music Festivals. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7(CSCW1), 1-26.

Volunteering benefits recipients, volunteers, communities, and society, while digital technologies establish new opportunities for virtual volunteering. We describe how volunteers transitioned the UK's long-established Oxjam grassroots music festival... Read More about Infrastructures for Virtual Volunteering at Online Music Festivals.

Abstract Machines: Overlaying Virtual Worlds on Physical Rides (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tennent, P., Marshall, J., Brundell, P., Walker, B., & Benford, S. (2019, May). Abstract Machines: Overlaying Virtual Worlds on Physical Rides. Presented at CHI '19: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Overlaying virtual worlds onto existing physical rides and altering the sensations of motion can deliver new experiences of thrill, but designing how motion is mapped between physical ride and virtual world is challenging. In this paper , we present... Read More about Abstract Machines: Overlaying Virtual Worlds on Physical Rides.

The challenges of Visual-Kinaesthetic experience (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tennent, P., Benford, S., Marshall, J., Walker, B., & Brundell, P. (2017, June). The challenges of Visual-Kinaesthetic experience. Presented at DIS 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland

Virtual reality experiences typically isolate the user from the real world. Notions of immersion are conventionally associated with the idea of convincing users that they are in another place, disassociated from physical reality. Given the user is ho... Read More about The challenges of Visual-Kinaesthetic experience.

Families and mobile devices in museums: designing for integrated experiences (2016)
Journal Article
Rennick-Egglestone, S., Brundell, P., Koleva, B., Roussou, M., Chaffardon, C., & Benford, S. (2016). Families and mobile devices in museums: designing for integrated experiences. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 9(2), Article 11.

This paper presents an observational study of eight families engaging with a bespoke tablet experience produced for a space science centre. It documents the various ways in which family members orientate themselves to the usage of technology in this... Read More about Families and mobile devices in museums: designing for integrated experiences.

Digital records and the Digital Replay System (2015)
Book Chapter
Crabtree, A., Tennent, P., Brundell, P., & Knight, D. (2015). Digital records and the Digital Replay System. In P. Halfpenny, & R. Procter (Eds.), Innovations in Digital Research Methods. SAGE Publications

From front-end to back-end and everything in-between: work practice in game development (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Koleva, B., Tolmie, P., Brundell, P., Benford, S., & Rennick-Egglestone, S. From front-end to back-end and everything in-between: work practice in game development. Presented at Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY '15)

This paper addresses a paucity in the literature of studies of actual game development. It presents the initial findings from a questionnaire addressed to game development companies together with an ethnographic case study that drills into how resour... Read More about From front-end to back-end and everything in-between: work practice in game development.

House rules: the collaborative nature of policy in domestic networks (2015)
Journal Article
Crabtree, A., Rodden, T., Tolmie, P., Mortier, R., Lodge, T., Brundell, P., & Pantidi, N. (2015). House rules: the collaborative nature of policy in domestic networks. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 19(1),

We draw on ethnographic studies to understand the collaborative nature of network policies or rules in domestic settings. We outline the technical nature of network policy in enterprise domains and how this contrasts with the social or collaborative... Read More about House rules: the collaborative nature of policy in domestic networks.

Indoors and outdoors: designing mobile experiences for Cité de l’espace (2013)
Book Chapter
Rennick-Egglestone, S., Roussou, M., Brundell, P., Chaffardon, C., Kourtis, V., Koleva, B., & Benford, S. (2013). Indoors and outdoors: designing mobile experiences for Cité de l’espace. In Proceedings of NODEM 2013. NODEM

The CHESS project has been working with Cité de l’espace, a space technology centre, to explore the use of tablets and mobile phones to deliver visitor experiences that integrate across multiple experiences. In this paper, we articulate three key cha... Read More about Indoors and outdoors: designing mobile experiences for Cité de l’espace.

Re-tracing the past: mixing realities in museum settings
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fraser, M., Bowers, J., Brundell, P., O'Malley, C., Reeves, S., Benford, S., Ciolfi, L., Ferris, K., Gallagher, P., Hall, T., Bannon, L., Taxén, G., & Hellström, S. O. Re-tracing the past: mixing realities in museum settings. Presented at Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment (ACE)

Interactive exhibits are now commonplace in museum settings, providing ‘edutainment’ for visitors. However, many technologies co-exist uneasily with more traditional methods of display. In this paper we describe a design strategy for mixing realities... Read More about Re-tracing the past: mixing realities in museum settings.

Developing immersive experience at Caistor Roman Town: Final report on AHRC Next Generation of Immersive Experiences Project (2018)
Bowden, W., Brundell, P., Harlow, N., Martin-Jones, A., & Mullen, A. (2018). Developing immersive experience at Caistor Roman Town: Final report on AHRC Next Generation of Immersive Experiences Project (2018). Nottingham: Arts and Humanities Research Council

This case study documents the approach taken to developing and evaluating a mobile app for the Roman town at Venta Icenorum and includes a qualitative summary of the AR technique and evaluation of its effectiveness, for use by other researchers under... Read More about Developing immersive experience at Caistor Roman Town: Final report on AHRC Next Generation of Immersive Experiences Project (2018).