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Professor SARAH SHARPLES's Outputs (74)

Using Co-Simulation to Explore Distributed Situation Awareness in AV Remote Operation (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Parr, H., Harvey, C., Large, D., & Sharples, S. (2025, April). Using Co-Simulation to Explore Distributed Situation Awareness in AV Remote Operation. Presented at Contemporary Ergonomics & Human Factors, Burton upon Trent, UK

We introduce a highly novel, multi-participant co-simulation study to explore distributed situation awareness between a remote operator, a connected and automated vehicle (CAV) system and CAV user in two highly automated vehicle use cases. Initial re... Read More about Using Co-Simulation to Explore Distributed Situation Awareness in AV Remote Operation.

Culture and Sketching: Comparative Analysis of UK and Chinese Designers (2024)
Journal Article
Tang, P., Lawson, G., Sun, X., & Sharples, S. (2024). Culture and Sketching: Comparative Analysis of UK and Chinese Designers. Journal of Creative Behavior,

This research investigates the influence of culture on sketching by comparing UK and Chinese designers. We employed a novel dual-method approach: machine learning algorithms analyzed a dataset of 2,090 digitized sketches from student designers, while... Read More about Culture and Sketching: Comparative Analysis of UK and Chinese Designers.

Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research and funding: reflections from a digital manufacturing research network (2024)
Journal Article
Fisher, O. J., Fearnshaw, D., Watson, N. J., Green, P., Charnley, F., McFarlane, D., & Sharples, S. (2024). Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research and funding: reflections from a digital manufacturing research network. Research Integrity and Peer Review, 9(1), Article 5.

Background: Equal, diverse, and inclusive teams lead to higher productivity, creativity, and greater problem-solving ability resulting in more impactful research. However, there is a gap between equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) research and p... Read More about Promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research and funding: reflections from a digital manufacturing research network.

Investigating levels of remote operation in high-level on-road autonomous vehicles using operator sequence diagrams (2024)
Journal Article
Parr, H., Harvey, C., Burnett, G., & Sharples, S. (2024). Investigating levels of remote operation in high-level on-road autonomous vehicles using operator sequence diagrams. Cognition, Technology and Work, 26, 207-223.

The continuing development of autonomous vehicle technology is making the presence of fully autonomous vehicles (SAE Level 5 of Driving Automation) on the road an ever more likely possibility. Similarly, regulation changes show countries are preparin... Read More about Investigating levels of remote operation in high-level on-road autonomous vehicles using operator sequence diagrams.

When High Mental Workload is Good and Low Mental Workload is Bad (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shaban, J., Roy, M., Stephens-Marsh, M., Wilson, M. L., & Sharples, S. (2023, September). When High Mental Workload is Good and Low Mental Workload is Bad. Paper presented at The Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics, Athens, Greece and online

Brain-related wearables are now freely available on the market, and with even wrist-worn devices making estimates about cognitive activity, understanding cognitive personal informatics has become a pressing issue. Mental Workload is an emotionally ag... Read More about When High Mental Workload is Good and Low Mental Workload is Bad.

Designing Apps to Track Mental Workload (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wilson, M., Shaban, J., Ma, X., Shalliker, M., Midha, S., & Sharples, S. (2023, September). Designing Apps to Track Mental Workload. Paper presented at The Future of Cognitive Personal Informatics, Athens, Greece and online

Brain-related wearables are now freely available on the market, and with even wrist-worn devices making estimates about cognitive activity, understanding Cognitive Personal Informatics (CogPI) has become a pressing issue. In this paper, we present a... Read More about Designing Apps to Track Mental Workload.

Designing for Reflection on our Daily Mental Workload (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Shaban, J., Wilson, M. L., & Sharples, S. (2023, April). Designing for Reflection on our Daily Mental Workload. Presented at CHI Workshop 2023: Integrating Individual and Social Contexts into Self-Reflection Technologies, Hamburg, Germany

This paper presents a research plan, at the outset of new doctoral research, designing for reflection on cognitive personal informatics and self-tracking of Mental Workload. The research will build upon the Mental Workload cycle, considering how peop... Read More about Designing for Reflection on our Daily Mental Workload.

The future of manufacturing: Utopia or dystopia? (2022)
Journal Article
Marinescu, A., Argyle, E. M., Duvnjak, J., Wilson, M. L., Lawson, G., Sharples, S., Hubbard, E., & Justham, L. (2023). The future of manufacturing: Utopia or dystopia?. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, 33(2), 184-200.

Digital manufacturing technologies (DMTs) have the potential to transform industry productivity, but their introduction into the workplace is often a complex process, requiring not only technical expertise but also an awareness of ethical and societa... Read More about The future of manufacturing: Utopia or dystopia?.

Ethical Concerns and Perceptions of Consumer Neurotechnology from Lived Experiences of Mental Workload Tracking (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Midha, S., Wilson, M. L., & Sharples, S. (2022, June). Ethical Concerns and Perceptions of Consumer Neurotechnology from Lived Experiences of Mental Workload Tracking. Presented at FAccT '22: 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Seoul Republic of Korea

With rapid growth in the development of consumer neurotechnology, it is imperative to consider the ethical implications that this might have in order to minimise consumer harm. Whilst ethical and legal guidelines for commercialisation have previously... Read More about Ethical Concerns and Perceptions of Consumer Neurotechnology from Lived Experiences of Mental Workload Tracking.

Lived Experiences of Mental Workload in Everyday Life (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Midha, S., Wilson, M. L., & Sharples, S. (2022, April). Lived Experiences of Mental Workload in Everyday Life. Presented at CHI '22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans LA USA

We can now buy consumer brain-computer interface devices to help us meditate and focus, but what are we aiming to achieve? Mental workload (MWL) is an established concept, and as a form of personal data could be useful for making positive life change... Read More about Lived Experiences of Mental Workload in Everyday Life.

Understanding factors that influence unintentional insider threat: a framework to counteract unintentional risks (2021)
Journal Article
Khan, N., Houghton, R., & Sharples, S. (2022). Understanding factors that influence unintentional insider threat: a framework to counteract unintentional risks. Cognition, Technology and Work, 24, 393-421.

The exploitation of so-called insiders is increasingly recognised as a common vector for cyberattacks. Emerging work in this area has considered the phenomenon from various perspectives including the technological, the psychological and the sociotech... Read More about Understanding factors that influence unintentional insider threat: a framework to counteract unintentional risks.

Probing cultural differences in product design and consumer evaluation using repertory grid analysis (2021)
Journal Article
Tang, P., Lawson, G., Sun, X., & Sharples, S. (2022). Probing cultural differences in product design and consumer evaluation using repertory grid analysis. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 32, 1875-1894.

Culture plays an essential role in the success of product design, especially in the age of a global economy where there is a high probability of discrepancy between the designer's intention and the consumer's response. However, the role of culture is... Read More about Probing cultural differences in product design and consumer evaluation using repertory grid analysis.

Measuring Mental Workload Variations in Office Work Tasks using fNIRS (2020)
Journal Article
Midha, S., Maior, H. A., Wilson, M. L., & Sharples, S. (2021). Measuring Mental Workload Variations in Office Work Tasks using fNIRS. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 147, Article 102580.

The motivation behind using physiological measures to estimate cognitive activity is typically to build technology that can help people to understand themselves and their work, or indeed for systems to do so and adapt. While functional Near Infrared... Read More about Measuring Mental Workload Variations in Office Work Tasks using fNIRS.

Physiological Indicators of Task Demand, Fatigue, and Cognition in Future Digital Manufacturing Environments (2020)
Journal Article
Argyle, E. M., Marinescu, A., Wilson, M. L., Lawson, G., & Sharples, S. (2021). Physiological Indicators of Task Demand, Fatigue, and Cognition in Future Digital Manufacturing Environments. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 145, Article 102522.

As Digital Manufacturing transforms traditionally physical work into more system-monitoring tasks, new methods are required for understanding people's mental workload and prolonged capacity for focused attention.

Many physiological measures have... Read More about Physiological Indicators of Task Demand, Fatigue, and Cognition in Future Digital Manufacturing Environments.

Modelling decision-making within rail maintenance control rooms (2020)
Journal Article
Dadashi, N., Golightly, D., & Sharples, S. (2021). Modelling decision-making within rail maintenance control rooms. Cognition, Technology and Work, 23(2), 255–271.

This paper presents a cognitive task analysis to derive models of decision-making for rail maintenance processes. Maintenance processes are vital for safe and continuous availability of rail assets and services. These processes are increasingly embra... Read More about Modelling decision-making within rail maintenance control rooms.

Factors Influencing Perceptions of Productivity Associated with Digital Manufacturing Technology (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sandhu, T., Argyle, E., & Sharples, S. (2020, April). Factors Influencing Perceptions of Productivity Associated with Digital Manufacturing Technology. Presented at Ergonomics and Human Factors (EHF) 2020, Virtual

Industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution, has the potential to transform manufacturing productivity through the integration of digital manufacturing technology. Although digital technologies are considered to have the potential to enhance or... Read More about Factors Influencing Perceptions of Productivity Associated with Digital Manufacturing Technology.

An interview analysis of coordination behaviours in out-of-hours secondary care (2019)
Journal Article
Martindale, S., Golightly, D., Pinchin, J., Shaw, D., Blakey, J., Perez, I., & Sharples, S. (2019). An interview analysis of coordination behaviours in out-of-hours secondary care. Applied Ergonomics, 81, Article 102861.

This paper seeks to elicit and structure the factors that shape the execution and, in particular, the coordination of work in Out of Hours care. Evenings and weekends in UK hospitals are managed by specific Out of Hours (OoH) care arrangements, and a... Read More about An interview analysis of coordination behaviours in out-of-hours secondary care.

How Stress and Mental Workload are Connected (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alsuraykh, N. H., Wilson, M. L., Tennent, P., & Sharples, S. (2019, May). How Stress and Mental Workload are Connected. Presented at PervasiveHealth'19: The 13th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Trento, Italy

Mental Workload (MWL) can be both good and bad; we can thrive under high MWL, or our performance can drop if the demands become either too low or too high. Similarly, stress is not always bad, short term stress can be beneficial to overcome a challen... Read More about How Stress and Mental Workload are Connected.

Young adults' attitudes to sharing whole-genome sequencing information: a university-based survey (2019)
Journal Article
Stringer, P., Sharples, S., Thomson, B. J., & Garibaldi, J. M. (2019). Young adults' attitudes to sharing whole-genome sequencing information: a university-based survey. BMC Medical Genomics, 12, Article 55.

Genomic services are increasingly accessible to young adults starting their independent lives with responsibility for their self-care, yet their attitudes to sharing genomic information remain under-researched. This study explored attitud... Read More about Young adults' attitudes to sharing whole-genome sequencing information: a university-based survey.

The impact of an electronic patient bedside observation and handover system on clinical practice: mixed-methods evaluation (2019)
Journal Article
Lang, A., Simmonds, M., Pinchin, J., Sharples, S., Dunn, L., Clarke, S., Bennett, O., Wood, S., & Swinscoe, C. (2019). The impact of an electronic patient bedside observation and handover system on clinical practice: mixed-methods evaluation. JMIR Medical Informatics, 7(1), Article e11678.

Background: Patient safety literature has long reported the need for early recognition of deteriorating patients. Early warning scores (EWSs) are commonly implemented as “track and trigger,” or rapid response systems for monitoring and early recognit... Read More about The impact of an electronic patient bedside observation and handover system on clinical practice: mixed-methods evaluation.