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Dr ANDREW FOGARTY's Outputs (104)

The Linear Association of Chest Radiograph Opacification With Both Respiratory Physiology and Systemic Inflammation in Hospital In-Patients With Covid-19 Infection (2025)
Journal Article
Crooks, C., Shaw, D., Card, T., Au-Yong, I., Higashi, Y., Giannotti, E., & Fogarty, A. (2025). The Linear Association of Chest Radiograph Opacification With Both Respiratory Physiology and Systemic Inflammation in Hospital In-Patients With Covid-19 Infection. Clinical Respiratory Journal, 19(2), Article e70056.

Background: Chest radiographs are generally used for diagnostic purposes. They also have potential to quantify disease severity. This analysis tested the hypothesis that there was an association between chest radiograph opacification and measures of... Read More about The Linear Association of Chest Radiograph Opacification With Both Respiratory Physiology and Systemic Inflammation in Hospital In-Patients With Covid-19 Infection.

Is NEWS2 the optimal evidence-based surveillance tool for all respiratory patients or does it just represent the beginning of an iterative development process? (2025)
Journal Article
Shaw, D., & Fogarty, A. W. (2025). Is NEWS2 the optimal evidence-based surveillance tool for all respiratory patients or does it just represent the beginning of an iterative development process?. Thorax, Article thorax-2024-222335.

Medical practice is built on the foundations of evidence-based medicine. Hence, the more common the clinical intervention, the more comprehensive the evidence on which that intervention should be based. Although the widespread adoption of a national... Read More about Is NEWS2 the optimal evidence-based surveillance tool for all respiratory patients or does it just represent the beginning of an iterative development process?.

Modelling the distribution of the oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve in vivo: An observational study (2025)
Journal Article
Crooks, C. J., West, J., Morling, J. R., Simmonds, M., Juurlink, I., Briggs, S., Cruickshank, S., Hammond-Pears, S., Shaw, D., Card, T. R., & Fogarty, A. W. (2025). Modelling the distribution of the oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve in vivo: An observational study. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 333, Article 104400.

Few studies have explored the variability of the oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve in vivo.

96,428 blood gas measurements were obtained (80,376 arterial, 6959 venous) from a cohort of 7656 patients who were admitted to a large UK teaching hosp... Read More about Modelling the distribution of the oxygen-haemoglobin dissociation curve in vivo: An observational study.

Improving patient flow - Ethnicity and socioeconomic status are associated with delayed discharge from hospital in patients with Covid-19 infection Background (2024)
Journal Article
Crooks, C., West, J., Gazis, T., Morling, J., Simmonds, M., Juurlink, I., Briggs, S., Cruickshank, S., Hammond-Pears, S., Shaw, D., Card, T., & Fogarty, A. (in press). Improving patient flow - Ethnicity and socioeconomic status are associated with delayed discharge from hospital in patients with Covid-19 infection Background. Journal of Research in Nursing,

Prospective study of exposure to smoking imagery in films and changes in susceptibility to smoking in a cohort of school students in Southern India (2024)
Journal Article
Kamath, V. G., Kulkarni, M. M., Kamath, A., Lewis, S., Bogdanovica, I., Bains, M., Cranwell, J., Fogarty, A., Arora, M., Bahl, D., Nazar, G. P., Naik, A. K., Ballal, K., Bhagawath, R., & Britton, J. (2024). Prospective study of exposure to smoking imagery in films and changes in susceptibility to smoking in a cohort of school students in Southern India. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 22(May), Article 88.

INTRODUCTION India has unique tobacco-free film and TV rules designed to prevent tobacco uptake. In this study, we examined the potential influence of exposure to smoking imagery in regionally famous films, on susceptibility to smoke in teenagers enr... Read More about Prospective study of exposure to smoking imagery in films and changes in susceptibility to smoking in a cohort of school students in Southern India.

A requirement for the use of supplementary oxygen to guide medical treatment decisions may introduce bias against non-white individuals (2024)
Journal Article
Crooks, C. J., West, J., Morling, J. R., Simmonds, M., Juurlink, I., Briggs, S., Cruickshank, S., Hammond-Pears, S., Shaw, D., Card, T. R., & Fogarty, A. W. (2024). A requirement for the use of supplementary oxygen to guide medical treatment decisions may introduce bias against non-white individuals. European Respiratory Journal, 63(6), Article 2302320.

Prevalence, regional patterns and socio-demographic factors associated with poly-tobacco use in India: A secondary data analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Bantwal, P., Kulkarni, M. M., Kamath, V. G., Naik, A. K., Fogarty, A. W., Dhar, M., & Ahankari, A. S. (2024). Prevalence, regional patterns and socio-demographic factors associated with poly-tobacco use in India: A secondary data analysis. PLOS Global Public Health, 4(3), Article e0002999.

Background: Tobacco use is associated with early, intermediate and long-term complications throughout the life course. With an influx of newer products containing nicotine, poly-tobacco use is slowly emerging as a public health concern, that is defin... Read More about Prevalence, regional patterns and socio-demographic factors associated with poly-tobacco use in India: A secondary data analysis.

The association between living alone, loneliness and suicide mortality and effect modification by age: A case:control study (2024)
Journal Article
Alothman, D., Lewis, S., Card, T., Tyrrell, E., & Fogarty, A. W. (2024). The association between living alone, loneliness and suicide mortality and effect modification by age: A case:control study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 352, 278-280.

Background: Social isolation is a potentially reversible risk factor for suicide. Methods: A matched case control study design was used. The study population was from England and identified from an electronic primary case database with linkage to a s... Read More about The association between living alone, loneliness and suicide mortality and effect modification by age: A case:control study.

Primary care consultation patterns prior to suicide: a nationally representative case-control study. (2024)
Journal Article
Alothman, D., Lewis, S., Fogarty, A. W., Card, T., & Tyrrell, E. (2024). Primary care consultation patterns prior to suicide: a nationally representative case-control study. British Journal of General Practice, 74(744), e426-e433.

Consultation with primary health care may provide an opportunity to identify patients at higher suicide risk. To explore primary care consultation patterns in the 5 years before suicide to identify suicide high-risk groups and common reasons for cons... Read More about Primary care consultation patterns prior to suicide: a nationally representative case-control study..

Evaluation of common prescription analgesics and adjuvant analgesics as markers of suicide risk: a longitudinal population-based study in England (2023)
Journal Article
Alothman, D., Tyrrell, E., Lewis, S., Card, T., & Fogarty, A. W. (2023). Evaluation of common prescription analgesics and adjuvant analgesics as markers of suicide risk: a longitudinal population-based study in England. The Lancet Regional Health Europe, 32, Article 100695.

Background: Analgesics prescriptions may provide a marker for identifying individuals at higher risk of suicide. In particular, awareness of which analgesics are implicated may help clinicians assess and modify risk. Method: A case–control study in E... Read More about Evaluation of common prescription analgesics and adjuvant analgesics as markers of suicide risk: a longitudinal population-based study in England.

Respiratory rate responses to both hypercapnia and acidaemia are modified by age in patients with acidosis (2023)
Journal Article
Crooks, C. J., West, J., Morling, J. R., Simmonds, M., Juurlink, I., Briggs, S., Cruickshank, S., Hammond-Pears, S., Shaw, D., Card, T. R., Marshall, C. R., & Fogarty, A. W. (2023). Respiratory rate responses to both hypercapnia and acidaemia are modified by age in patients with acidosis. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 315, Article 104098.

To explore the associations between arterial pO2, pCO2 and pH and how these are modified by age.

An analysis of 2598 patients admitted with a diagnosis of Covid-19 infection to a large UK teaching hospital.

There we... Read More about Respiratory rate responses to both hypercapnia and acidaemia are modified by age in patients with acidosis.

Anaemia of acute inflammation: a higher acute systemic inflammatory response is associated with a larger decrease in blood haemoglobin levels in patients with COVID-19 infection (2023)
Journal Article
Crooks, C. J., West, J., Morling, J. R., Simmonds, M., Juurlink, I., Briggs, S., Cruickshank, S., Hammond-Pears, S., Shaw, D., Card, T. R., & Fogarty, A. W. (2023). Anaemia of acute inflammation: a higher acute systemic inflammatory response is associated with a larger decrease in blood haemoglobin levels in patients with COVID-19 infection. Clinical Medicine, 23(3), 201-205.

AIMS: The study tests the hypothesis that a higher acute systemic inflammatory response was associated with a larger decrease in blood hemoglobin levels in patients with Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) infection. METHODS: All patients with either suspect... Read More about Anaemia of acute inflammation: a higher acute systemic inflammatory response is associated with a larger decrease in blood haemoglobin levels in patients with COVID-19 infection.

Prevalence and risk factors for tobacco, khat and alcohol consumption among high school students in Ethiopia (2023)
Journal Article
Hirpa, S., Fogarty, A. W., Addissie, A., Bauld, L., Frese, T., Unverzagt, S., Kantelhardt, E. J., Getachew, S., & Deressa, W. (2023). Prevalence and risk factors for tobacco, khat and alcohol consumption among high school students in Ethiopia. BMC Public Health, 23, Article 226.

Tobacco, khat, alcohol and marijuana are the main risk factors for non-communicable diseases. There are limited studies on substance use in Ethiopia, especially among secondary school students. This study aims to determine the epidemiol... Read More about Prevalence and risk factors for tobacco, khat and alcohol consumption among high school students in Ethiopia.

Inverse association between blood pressure and pulse oximetry accuracy: an observational study in patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection (2022)
Journal Article
Crooks, C. J., West, J., Morling, J., Simmonds, M., Juurlink, I., Briggs, S., Cruickshank, S., Hammond-Pears, S., Shaw, D., Card, T., & Fogarty, A. W. (2023). Inverse association between blood pressure and pulse oximetry accuracy: an observational study in patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection. Emergency Medicine Journal, 40(3), 216-220.

Pulse oximeters are a standard non-invasive tool to measure blood oxygen levels, and are used in multiple healthcare settings. It is important to understand the factors affecting their accuracy to be able to use them optimally and safely.... Read More about Inverse association between blood pressure and pulse oximetry accuracy: an observational study in patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection.

Risk of Suicide After Dementia Diagnosis (2022)
Journal Article
Alothman, D., Card, T., Lewis, S., Tyrrell, E., Fogarty, A. W., & Marshall, C. R. (2022). Risk of Suicide After Dementia Diagnosis. JAMA Neurology, 79(11), 1148-1154.

Importance: Patients with dementia may be at an increased suicide risk. Identifying groups at greatest risk of suicide would support targeted risk reduction efforts by clinical dementia services.

Objectives: To examine the association between a d... Read More about Risk of Suicide After Dementia Diagnosis.

Differential pulse oximetry readings between ethnic groups and delayed transfer to intensive care units (2022)
Journal Article
Crooks, C. J., West, J., Morling, J. R., Simmonds, M., Juurlink, I., Briggs, S., Cruickshank, S., Hammond-Pears, S., Shaw, D., Card, T. R., & Fogarty, A. W. (2023). Differential pulse oximetry readings between ethnic groups and delayed transfer to intensive care units. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 116(1), 63-67.

Summary Background Pulse oximeters are widely used to monitor blood oxygen saturations, although concerns exist that they are less accurate in individuals with pigmented skin. Aims This study aimed to determine if patients with pigmented skin were mo... Read More about Differential pulse oximetry readings between ethnic groups and delayed transfer to intensive care units.