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Dr VANESSA PUPAVAC's Outputs (17)

Dual Migrations in Croatia: The Technopopulist Strains of Statebuilding in the New Borderlands of Europe (2024)
Journal Article
Pupavac, V., & Pupavac, M. (2024). Dual Migrations in Croatia: The Technopopulist Strains of Statebuilding in the New Borderlands of Europe. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 1-25.

This article examines the technopopulist strains of statebuilding in Croatia, drawing on the history, language, and culture approaches in Slavonic studies. Through its exploration of EU migration governance in Croatia, the article discusses the dual... Read More about Dual Migrations in Croatia: The Technopopulist Strains of Statebuilding in the New Borderlands of Europe.

Changing European visions of disaster and development : rekindling Faust's humanism (2020)
Pupavac, V., & Pupavac, M. (2020). Changing European visions of disaster and development : rekindling Faust's humanism. Rowman & Littlefield

Goethe’s 1832 poem Faust offers a vision of humanity realising freedom and prosperity through transcending natural adversity. Changing European Visions of Disaster and Development returns to Faust as a way of exploring the rise and fall of European h... Read More about Changing European visions of disaster and development : rekindling Faust's humanism.

Punishing Childhoods: Contradictions in Children's Rights and Global Governance (2011)
Journal Article
Pupavac, V. (2011). Punishing Childhoods: Contradictions in Children's Rights and Global Governance. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 5(3), 285-312.

The article considers efforts to eradicate corporal punishment as an aspect of the global governance of childhood and raises problems relevant to global governance more broadly. The article analyses contradictions in children’s rights advocacy betwee... Read More about Punishing Childhoods: Contradictions in Children's Rights and Global Governance.

Between compassion and conservatism: a genealogy of British humanitarian sensibilities (2010)
Book Chapter
Pupavac, V. (2010). Between compassion and conservatism: a genealogy of British humanitarian sensibilities. In D. Fassin, & M. Pandolfi (Eds.), Contemporary states of emergency: the politics of military and humanitarian interventions. Zone Books

Abstract: The chapter explores continuities in modern British humanitarianism at its birth two hundred years ago and today. Modern British humanitarianism arose out of the contradictions between humanist ideals, expanding social sympathies, and fears... Read More about Between compassion and conservatism: a genealogy of British humanitarian sensibilities.

Changing international health policy and changing international development goals (2008)
Book Chapter
Pupavac, V. (2008). Changing international health policy and changing international development goals. In D. Wainwright (Ed.), A sociology of health. Sage

The World Health Organisation (WHO) was founded in 1948 with a remit to promote public health around the world. The WHO’s constitution sets out its objective as ‘the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health’ (WHO, 1948). The... Read More about Changing international health policy and changing international development goals.

Hamlet’s crisis of meaning, mental wellbeing and meaninglessness in the War on Terror (2008)
Journal Article
Pupavac, V. (2008). Hamlet’s crisis of meaning, mental wellbeing and meaninglessness in the War on Terror. Mental Health Review Journal, 13(1),

Drawing on Shakespeare, and in particular Hamlet's psychological crisis, this paper examines the relationship between emotions and meaning, a key theme in artistic work, but, it is argued, neglected in social psychology. Hamlet's psychological crisis... Read More about Hamlet’s crisis of meaning, mental wellbeing and meaninglessness in the War on Terror.

Discriminating language rights and politics in the post-Yugoslav states (2006)
Journal Article
Pupavac, V. (2006). Discriminating language rights and politics in the post-Yugoslav states. Patterns of Prejudice, 40(2),

Pupavac examines the rise of linguistic human rights advocacy and its approach in a case study of language politics in the post-Yugolav states. A core concern of contemporary linguistic rights advocacy has been to tackle ethnically based discriminati... Read More about Discriminating language rights and politics in the post-Yugoslav states.

Reconstructing post-conflict cultures: a case study of Bosnia (2006)
Book Chapter
Pupavac, V. (2006). Reconstructing post-conflict cultures: a case study of Bosnia. In Post-conflict cultures: rituals of representation. Zoilus Press

Over the last decade tremendous interest has been expressed by international organisations such as UNESCO in the “deep cultural roots” of war. Cultural reform programmes are regarded today as a crucial component of international peace efforts. This c... Read More about Reconstructing post-conflict cultures: a case study of Bosnia.

The politics of emergency and the demise of the developing state: problems for humanitarian advocacy (2006)
Journal Article
Pupavac, V. (2006). The politics of emergency and the demise of the developing state: problems for humanitarian advocacy. Development in Practice, 16(3),

This article discusses the dilemmas of humanitarian advocacy in the contemporary world. First the article considers the crisis of humanitarianism within the wider crisis of meaning in international politics which encouraged humanitarian advocacy. Hum... Read More about The politics of emergency and the demise of the developing state: problems for humanitarian advocacy.

Framing post-conflict societies: an analysis of the international pathologisation of Cambodia and the post-Yugoslav states (2005)
Journal Article
Hughes, C., & Pupavac, V. (2005). Framing post-conflict societies: an analysis of the international pathologisation of Cambodia and the post-Yugoslav states. Third World Quarterly, 26(6),

The article examines the pathologisation of post-conflict societies through a comparison of the framing of the Cambodian and post-Yugoslav states. The notion of failed states fixes culpability for war on societies in question, rendering the domestic... Read More about Framing post-conflict societies: an analysis of the international pathologisation of Cambodia and the post-Yugoslav states.

Empowering women? An assessment of international gender policies in Bosnia (2005)
Journal Article
Pupavac, V. (2005). Empowering women? An assessment of international gender policies in Bosnia. International Peacekeeping, 12(3),

International policy-making promises to empower women in Bosnia through encouraging their participation in the political process, giving them voice in civil society and through providing enhanced opportunities for economic independence. This paper ch... Read More about Empowering women? An assessment of international gender policies in Bosnia.

Human security and the rise of global therapeutic governance (2005)
Journal Article
Pupavac, V. (2005). Human security and the rise of global therapeutic governance. Conflict, Security and Development, 5(2),

This article discusses the emergence of global therapeutic governance or the influence of social psychology on international development policy. Therapeutic governance links psychosocial well-being and security, and seeks to foster personalities able... Read More about Human security and the rise of global therapeutic governance.

Multiculturalism and its discontents in SFR Yugoslavia and Bosnia: a critique of the multiculturalist rights model (2005)
Book Chapter
Pupavac, V. (2005). Multiculturalism and its discontents in SFR Yugoslavia and Bosnia: a critique of the multiculturalist rights model. In The UN, human rights and post-conflict situations. Manchester University Press

In this chapter I seek to contribute to debates over multiculturalism and highlight problems with ethnic rights strategies. I hope to facilitate understanding of the failures to overcome ethnic divisions in Bosnia, as well as to suggest how critiques... Read More about Multiculturalism and its discontents in SFR Yugoslavia and Bosnia: a critique of the multiculturalist rights model.

Psychosocial interventions and the demoralisation of humanitarianism (2004)
Journal Article
Pupavac, V. (2004). Psychosocial interventions and the demoralisation of humanitarianism. Journal of Biosocial Science, 36(4), 491-504.

Summary: This paper critically analyses from a political sociology standpoint the international conceptualization of war-affected populations as traumatized and in need of therapeutic interventions. It argues for the importance of looking beyond the... Read More about Psychosocial interventions and the demoralisation of humanitarianism.

War on the couch: the emotionology of the new international security paradigm (2004)
Journal Article
Pupavac, V. (2004). War on the couch: the emotionology of the new international security paradigm. European Journal of Social Theory, 7(2), 149-170.

The emotional state of war-affected populations has become a central concern for international policy-makers over the last decade. Growing interest in war trauma is influenced by contemporary Anglo-American emotionology, or emotional norms, which ten... Read More about War on the couch: the emotionology of the new international security paradigm.

Politics and language rights: a case study of language politics in Croatia (2003)
Book Chapter
Pupavac, V. (2003). Politics and language rights: a case study of language politics in Croatia. In G. Hogan-Brun, & S. Wolff (Eds.), Minority languages in Europe: frameworks, status, prospects. Palgrave Macmillan

This chapter discusses language and national aspirations through a case study of language politics in Croatia. Not only is language crucially influenced by national politics, but language politics has played a significant role in national politics in... Read More about Politics and language rights: a case study of language politics in Croatia.

Pathologizing populations and colonizing minds: internatioinal psychosocial programmes in Kosovo (2002)
Journal Article
Pupavac, V. (2002). Pathologizing populations and colonizing minds: internatioinal psychosocial programmes in Kosovo. Alternatives, 27,

Through a case study of international responses in Kosovo, this article critically analyses how the international therapeutic model constructs war-affected populations as traumatised and subject to psychosocial dysfunctionalism. The international the... Read More about Pathologizing populations and colonizing minds: internatioinal psychosocial programmes in Kosovo.