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Professor NADEEM QURESHI's Outputs (8)

Identifying, managing and supporting patients with a rare disease (2020)
Journal Article
Evans, W., McKay, L., & Qureshi, N. (2021). Identifying, managing and supporting patients with a rare disease. InnovAiT, 14(2), 92-99.

Rare diseases (RDs) are defined as diseases that affect less than 1 in 2000 people, 71.9% are genetic and 69.9% have symptom onset in childhood. There are an estimated 8000 rare diseases, and although individually rare, collectively they are common,... Read More about Identifying, managing and supporting patients with a rare disease.

Sex differences in cardiovascular morbidity associated with familial hypercholesterolaemia: A retrospective cohort study of the UK Simon Broome register linked to national hospital records (2020)
Journal Article
Iyen, B., Qureshi, N., Weng, S., Roderick, P., Kai, J., Capps, N., Durrington, P. N., McDowell, I. F., Soran, H., Neil, A., & Humphries, S. E. (2020). Sex differences in cardiovascular morbidity associated with familial hypercholesterolaemia: A retrospective cohort study of the UK Simon Broome register linked to national hospital records. Atherosclerosis, 315, 131-137.

Background and aims: The UK Simon Broome (SB) familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) register previously reported 3-fold higher standardised mortality ratio for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women compared to men from 2009 to 2015. Here we examined se... Read More about Sex differences in cardiovascular morbidity associated with familial hypercholesterolaemia: A retrospective cohort study of the UK Simon Broome register linked to national hospital records.

Specialist recommendation for chemoprevention medications in patients at familial risk of breast cancer: a cross-sectional survey in England (2020)
Journal Article
Lee, S. I., Curtis, H., Qureshi, S., Dutton, B., & Qureshi, N. (2021). Specialist recommendation for chemoprevention medications in patients at familial risk of breast cancer: a cross-sectional survey in England. Journal of Community Genetics, 12(1), 111–120.

In England, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guideline for familial breast cancer recommends chemoprevention for women at high and moderate familial risk of breast cancer. However, prescribing of chemoprevention has not improved... Read More about Specialist recommendation for chemoprevention medications in patients at familial risk of breast cancer: a cross-sectional survey in England.

Putting the voices and insights of migrants and diverse ethnic groups at the centre of our response to COVID-19 (2020)
Journal Article
Gogoi, M., Armitage, R., Brown, G., Ryan, B., Eborall, H., Qureshi, N., O’Donnell, C. A., Ciftci, Y., Pareek, M., & Nellums, L. B. (2021). Putting the voices and insights of migrants and diverse ethnic groups at the centre of our response to COVID-19. Public Health, 197, e1-e3.

There is increasing evidence of inequities in COVID-19 infection, disease severity, and mortality across diverse ethnic groups. Despite calls to ensure ethnicity is integral to COVID-19 research, opportunities have been missed to engage with individ... Read More about Putting the voices and insights of migrants and diverse ethnic groups at the centre of our response to COVID-19.

Managing hyperlipidaemia in patients with COVID-19 and during its pandemic: An expert panel position statement from HEART UK (2020)
Journal Article
Iqbal, Z., Ho, J. H., Adam, S., France, M., Syed, A., Neely, D., Rees, A., Khatib, R., Cegla, J., Byrne, C., Qureshi, N., Capps, N., Ferns, G., Payne, J., Schofield, J., Nicholson, K., Datta, D., Pottle, A., Halcox, J., Krentz, A., …Soran, H. (2020). Managing hyperlipidaemia in patients with COVID-19 and during its pandemic: An expert panel position statement from HEART UK. Atherosclerosis, 313, 126-136.

The emergence of the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which causes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has resulted in a pandemic. SARS-CoV-2 is highly contagious and its severity highly variable. The fatality rate i... Read More about Managing hyperlipidaemia in patients with COVID-19 and during its pandemic: An expert panel position statement from HEART UK.

The introduction of risk stratified screening into the NHS Breast Screening Programme: Views from British-Pakistani women (2020)
Journal Article
Woof, V. G., Ruane, H., French, D. P., Ulph, F., Qureshi, N., Khan, N., Evans, D. G., & Donnelly, L. S. (2020). The introduction of risk stratified screening into the NHS Breast Screening Programme: Views from British-Pakistani women. BMC Cancer, 20, Article 452.

Background: UK national guidelines suggest women at high-risk of breast cancer should be offered more frequent screening or preventative medications. Currently, only 1 in 6 high-risk women are identified. One route to identify more high-risk women is... Read More about The introduction of risk stratified screening into the NHS Breast Screening Programme: Views from British-Pakistani women.

How genomic information is accessed in clinical practice: an electronic survey of UK general practitioners (2020)
Journal Article
R. H. Evans, W., Tranter, J., Rafi, I., Hayward, J., & Qureshi, N. (2020). How genomic information is accessed in clinical practice: an electronic survey of UK general practitioners. Journal of Community Genetics, 11(3), 377–386.

Genomic technologies are having an increasing impact across medicine, including primary care. To enable their wider adoption and realise their potential, education of primary healthcare practitioners will be required. To enable the development of suc... Read More about How genomic information is accessed in clinical practice: an electronic survey of UK general practitioners.

Characteristics predicting recommendation for familial breast cancer referral in a cohort of women from primary care (2020)
Journal Article
Lee, S. I., Kai, J., Qureshi, N., Dutton, B., & Weng, S. (2020). Characteristics predicting recommendation for familial breast cancer referral in a cohort of women from primary care. Journal of Community Genetics, 11, 331–338.

© 2020, The Author(s). Family history of breast and related cancers can indicate increased breast cancer (BC) risk. In national familial breast cancer (FBC) guidelines, the risk is stratified to guide referral decisions. We aimed to identify characte... Read More about Characteristics predicting recommendation for familial breast cancer referral in a cohort of women from primary care.