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Professor PHILIP SHIPWAY's Outputs (6)

Investigation on the plasticity accumulation of Ti-6Al-4V fretting wear by decoupling the effects of wear and surface profile in finite element modelling (2016)
Journal Article
Tobi, A. M., Sun, W., & Shipway, P. (in press). Investigation on the plasticity accumulation of Ti-6Al-4V fretting wear by decoupling the effects of wear and surface profile in finite element modelling. Tribology International,

A finite-element-based wear modelling methodology and a computational device for decoupling wear effects is presented in this study. The decoupling of wear effects facilitates the capture of plasticity accumulation on a particular wear-scarring profi... Read More about Investigation on the plasticity accumulation of Ti-6Al-4V fretting wear by decoupling the effects of wear and surface profile in finite element modelling.

A numerical methodology for predicting tool wear in Friction Stir Welding (2016)
Journal Article
Hasan, A., Bennett, C., Shipway, P., Cater, S., & Martin, J. (2017). A numerical methodology for predicting tool wear in Friction Stir Welding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 241,

A novel methodology for predicting tool wear in FSW based on a CFD model, coupled with a modified Archard equation, is presented considering the effect of the deformation of the highly viscous flow around the tool on tool wear. A validation process... Read More about A numerical methodology for predicting tool wear in Friction Stir Welding.

A combined wear-fatigue design methodology for fretting in the pressure armour layer of flexible marine risers (2016)
Journal Article
O'Halloran, S., Shipway, P., Connaire, A., Leen, S. B., & Harte, A. (2017). A combined wear-fatigue design methodology for fretting in the pressure armour layer of flexible marine risers. Tribology International, 108,

This paper presents a combined experimental and computational methodology for fretting wear-fatigue prediction of pressure armour wire in flexible marine risers. Fretting wear, friction and fatigue parameters of pressure armour material have been cha... Read More about A combined wear-fatigue design methodology for fretting in the pressure armour layer of flexible marine risers.

The roles of contact conformity, temperature and displacement amplitude on the lubricated fretting wear of a steel-on-steel contact (2016)
Journal Article
Warmuth, A., Sun, W., & Shipway, P. (2016). The roles of contact conformity, temperature and displacement amplitude on the lubricated fretting wear of a steel-on-steel contact. Royal Society Open Science, 3(10), Article 150637.

This paper investigates the effect of contact geometry, temperature and displacement amplitude on the fretting behaviour of an aero-turbo oil lubricated cylinder-on-flat contact. To be effective, the lubricant needed both to penetrate the contact and... Read More about The roles of contact conformity, temperature and displacement amplitude on the lubricated fretting wear of a steel-on-steel contact.

Derivation of a wear scar geometry-independent coefficient of friction from fretting loops exhibiting non-Coulomb frictional behaviour (2016)
Journal Article
Jin, X., Sun, W., & Shipway, P. (2016). Derivation of a wear scar geometry-independent coefficient of friction from fretting loops exhibiting non-Coulomb frictional behaviour. Tribology International, 102, 561-568.

One source of variation of the sliding tractional force in a gross-slip fretting cycle is the geometrical interaction of the developing wear scars on the opposing specimens. An existing model has been developed to include the compliance of the fretti... Read More about Derivation of a wear scar geometry-independent coefficient of friction from fretting loops exhibiting non-Coulomb frictional behaviour.

The role of geometry changes and debris formation associated with wear on the temperature field in fretting contacts (2016)
Journal Article
Jin, X., Sun, W., & Shipway, P. (2016). The role of geometry changes and debris formation associated with wear on the temperature field in fretting contacts. Tribology International, 102,

The temperature of a fretting contact is known to be a key factor in its development. However, as a test proceeds, the wear scar changes, both geometrically and through the formation of oxide-based debris-beds. Accordingly, the effects of these on th... Read More about The role of geometry changes and debris formation associated with wear on the temperature field in fretting contacts.