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Professor PHIL WILLIAMS's Outputs (5)

Teleoperated Astropharmaceutical Payload for Long-Duration Space Missions: Project VITA! (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Izcan, S., Tsinidis, M., Pushparaj, N., Williams, P., & Cappelletti, C. (2024, October). Teleoperated Astropharmaceutical Payload for Long-Duration Space Missions: Project VITA!. Presented at 75th International Astronautical Congress, Milan, Italy

The VITA (Visualizing In-space Tx-Tl Astropharmaceuticals) mission is a teleoperated Astropharmaceutical cube-payload that will launch a biological experiment to the ICE Cubes Facility (ICF) on board the International Space Station (ISS) as a selecte... Read More about Teleoperated Astropharmaceutical Payload for Long-Duration Space Missions: Project VITA!.

Microflow synthesis of a formulation of phosphorus fertiliser to enhance the P content in soil and P uptake in wheat (2023)
Journal Article
Nguyen Quang Le, T., Robertson, K., Escribà-Gelonch, M., Marschner, P., Nghiep Tran, N., Williams, P. M., Fisk, I., & Hessel, V. (2023). Microflow synthesis of a formulation of phosphorus fertiliser to enhance the P content in soil and P uptake in wheat. Green Chemistry, 25(22), 9422-9437.

Highly soluble commercial phosphorus (P) fertilisers have been the most common form of P applied in agriculture for decades, but their releasing efficiency can be low because phosphate ions can easily bind with cations in the soil to form precipitate... Read More about Microflow synthesis of a formulation of phosphorus fertiliser to enhance the P content in soil and P uptake in wheat.

Generation and Characterization of a Library of Novel Biologically Active Functional Surfactants (Surfmers) Using Combined High-Throughput Methods (2021)
Journal Article
Cuzzucoli Crucitti, V., Contreas, L., Taresco, V., Howard, S. C., Dundas, A. A., Limo, M. J., Nisisako, T., Williams, P. M., Williams, P., Alexander, M. R., Wildman, R. D., Muir, B. W., & Irvine, D. J. (2021). Generation and Characterization of a Library of Novel Biologically Active Functional Surfactants (Surfmers) Using Combined High-Throughput Methods. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13(36), 43290-43300.

We report the first successful combination of three distinct high-throughput techniques to deliver the accelerated design, synthesis, and property screening of a library of novel, bio-instructive, polymeric, comb-graft surfactants. These three-dimens... Read More about Generation and Characterization of a Library of Novel Biologically Active Functional Surfactants (Surfmers) Using Combined High-Throughput Methods.

Droplet Microfluidic Optimisation Using Micropipette Characterisation of Bio-Instructive Polymeric Surfactants (2021)
Journal Article
Henshaw, C. A., Dundas, A. A., Cuzzucoli Crucitti, V., Alexander, M. R., Wildman, R., Rose, F. R. A. J., Irvine, D. J., & Williams, P. M. (2021). Droplet Microfluidic Optimisation Using Micropipette Characterisation of Bio-Instructive Polymeric Surfactants. Molecules, 26(11), Article 3302.

Droplet microfluidics can produce highly tailored microparticles whilst retaining monodispersity. However, these systems often require lengthy optimisation, commonly based on a trial-and-error approach, particularly when using bio-instructive, polyme... Read More about Droplet Microfluidic Optimisation Using Micropipette Characterisation of Bio-Instructive Polymeric Surfactants.

Development of a Cubesat Platform for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical LEO Experiments (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Robson, D., Cappelletti, C., Segal, J., Williams, P., & Szewczyk, N. (2020, January). Development of a Cubesat Platform for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical LEO Experiments. Presented at Fifth IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Rome, Italy

Undertaking biology experiments in space is a necessary and important part of understanding evolution, adaption, and ageing, and crucial to the enablement of safe human exploration away from Earth. Access to space, however, is difficult, costly and r... Read More about Development of a Cubesat Platform for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical LEO Experiments.