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Professor CHRISTOPHER DAY's Outputs (6)

Policymaking in disruptive times: the development and impact of School Trust-designed policies on teacher and student outcomes (2021)
Day, C., & Taneva, S. K. (2021). Policymaking in disruptive times: the development and impact of School Trust-designed policies on teacher and student outcomes. University of Nottingham: ESRC

Research funded by the ESRC IAA and conducted by the University of Nottingham in collaboration with the Confederation of School Trusts, has tracked the leadership of 14 School Trusts from some of the most deprived areas in the Northern region of Engl... Read More about Policymaking in disruptive times: the development and impact of School Trust-designed policies on teacher and student outcomes.

Australian teachers' perceptions of effectiveness in a performative culture (2021)
Journal Article
Simpson, A., Day, C., Goulding, J., & Asha, J. (2022). Australian teachers' perceptions of effectiveness in a performative culture. Teaching and Teacher Education, 109, Article 103542.

Teachers' perceptions of effectiveness are shaped by myriad factors, including broad-based national education policy, personal values, and the demands of particular schools and students. Previous research has not investigated the shifting impact of i... Read More about Australian teachers' perceptions of effectiveness in a performative culture.

Developing, Sustaining and Retaining Teacher Quality: Factors That Count (2021)
Book Chapter
Day, C. (2021). Developing, Sustaining and Retaining Teacher Quality: Factors That Count. In X. Zhu, & H. Song (Eds.), Envisioning Teaching and Learning for Teachers of Excellence and Equity in Education (171-187). Springer Singapore.

Traditionally, teachers’ quality has been understood to rely upon their levels of subject, pedagogical content knowledge and classroom management skills. These are provided initially through a period of pre-service education and training; and may be... Read More about Developing, Sustaining and Retaining Teacher Quality: Factors That Count.

System leadership in disruptive times: robust policy making and enactment in School Trusts (2021)
Taneva, S., Day, C., & Smith, R. (2021). System leadership in disruptive times: robust policy making and enactment in School Trusts. University of Nottingham

The research discussed in this report is based upon a project, funded and conducted by the University of Nottingham, in collaboration with the Confederation of School Trusts and the CEOs of 15 Trusts in the Midlands region. This is part of larger sca... Read More about System leadership in disruptive times: robust policy making and enactment in School Trusts.

The new professionalism? how good teachers continue to teach to their best and well in challenging reform contexts (2021)
Book Chapter
Day, C. (2021). The new professionalism? how good teachers continue to teach to their best and well in challenging reform contexts. In E. Kuusisto, M. Ubani, P. Nokelainen, & A. Toom (Eds.), Good teachers for tomorrow's schools: purposes, values, and talents in education. Brill Academic Publishers.

Teacher professionalism has long been defined as being composed of a strong technical culture, service ethic, professional commitment, and autonomy. They have been regarded as the pillars which have defined teachers’ professionalism. In recent years,... Read More about The new professionalism? how good teachers continue to teach to their best and well in challenging reform contexts.