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Professor CHRISTOPHER DAY's Outputs (2)

Sustaining the turnaround: what capacity building means in practice (2014)
Journal Article
Day, C. (2014). Sustaining the turnaround: what capacity building means in practice. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 12(1),

The purpose of this paper is to show how successful, sustained school improvement in schools in urban settings which serve highly disadvantaged communities relies upon the qualities and skills of their principals to engage, simultaneously, in capacit... Read More about Sustaining the turnaround: what capacity building means in practice.

Using mixed methods to investigate school improvement and the role of leadership: an example of a longitudinal study in England (2014)
Journal Article
Sammons, P., Davis, S., Day, C., & Gu, Q. (2014). Using mixed methods to investigate school improvement and the role of leadership: an example of a longitudinal study in England. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(5),

Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of mixed methods research in a major three year project and focuses on the contribution of quantitative and qualitative approaches to study school improvement. It discusses the procedures and mu... Read More about Using mixed methods to investigate school improvement and the role of leadership: an example of a longitudinal study in England.