Refining Ovarian Cancer Test accuracy Scores (ROCkeTS): protocol for a prospective longitudinal test accuracy study to validate new risk scores in women with symptoms of suspected ovarian cancer
Journal Article
Sundar, S., Rick, C., Dowling, F., Au, P., Snell, K., Rai, N., Champaneria, R., Stobart, H., Neal, R., Davenport, C., Mallett, S., Sutton, A., Kehoe, S., Timmerman, D., Bourne, T., Van Calster, B., Gentry-Maharaj, A., Menon, U., & Deeks, J. (2016). Refining Ovarian Cancer Test accuracy Scores (ROCkeTS): protocol for a prospective longitudinal test accuracy study to validate new risk scores in women with symptoms of suspected ovarian cancer. BMJ Open, 6(8), Article e010333.
© 2016 Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. Ovarian cancer (OC) is associated with non-specific symptoms such as bloating, making accurate diagnosis challenging: only 1 in 3 women with OC presents through primary care referral. National Ins... Read More about Refining Ovarian Cancer Test accuracy Scores (ROCkeTS): protocol for a prospective longitudinal test accuracy study to validate new risk scores in women with symptoms of suspected ovarian cancer.