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All Outputs (106)

Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy of bromobenzene and its perdeuterated isotopologue: Assignment of the vibrations of the S0, S1, and D0+ states of bromobenzene and the S0 and D0+ states of iodobenzene (2015)
Journal Article
Andrejeva, A., Tuttle, W. D., Harris, J. P., & Wright, T. G. (2015). Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy of bromobenzene and its perdeuterated isotopologue: Assignment of the vibrations of the S0, S1, and D0+ states of bromobenzene and the S0 and D0+ states of iodobenzene. Journal of Chemical Physics, 143(24), 244320.

We report vibrationally-resolved spectra of the S1  S0 transition of bromobenzene using resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy. We study bromobenzene-h5 as well as its perdeuterated isotopologue, bromobenzene-d5. The form of... Read More about Resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy of bromobenzene and its perdeuterated isotopologue: Assignment of the vibrations of the S0, S1, and D0+ states of bromobenzene and the S0 and D0+ states of iodobenzene.

Whole genome sequence and manual annotation of Clostridium autoethanogenum, an industrially relevant bacterium (2015)
Journal Article
Humphreys, C. M., McLean, S., Schatschneider, S., Millat, T., Henstra, A. M., Annan, F. J., Breitkopf, R., Pander, B., Piatek, P., Rowe, P., Wichlacz, A. T., Woods, C., Norman, R., Blom, J., Goesman, A., Hodgman, C., Barrett, D., Thomas, N. R., Winzer, K., & Minton, N. P. (2015). Whole genome sequence and manual annotation of Clostridium autoethanogenum, an industrially relevant bacterium. BMC Genomics, 16(1), Article 1085.

© 2015 Humphreys et al. Background: Clostridium autoethanogenum is an acetogenic bacterium capable of producing high value commodity chemicals and biofuels from the C1 gases present in synthesis gas. This common industrial waste gas can act as the so... Read More about Whole genome sequence and manual annotation of Clostridium autoethanogenum, an industrially relevant bacterium.

Structure–function characterization reveals new catalytic diversity in the galactose oxidase and glyoxal oxidase family (2015)
Journal Article
Yin, D., Urresti, S., Lafond, M., Johnston, E. M., Derikvand, F., Ciano, L., Berrin, J.-G., Henrissat, B., Walton, P. H., Davies, G. J., & Brumer, H. (2015). Structure–function characterization reveals new catalytic diversity in the galactose oxidase and glyoxal oxidase family. Nature Communications, 6(1), Article 10197.

Alcohol oxidases, including carbohydrate oxidases, have a long history of research that has generated fundamental biological understanding and biotechnological applications. Despite a long history of study, the galactose 6-oxidase/glyoxal oxidase fam... Read More about Structure–function characterization reveals new catalytic diversity in the galactose oxidase and glyoxal oxidase family.

Defining the intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain of SSB reveals DNA-mediated compaction (2015)
Journal Article
Green, M., Hatter, L., Brookes, E., Soultanas, P., & Scott, D. (2016). Defining the intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain of SSB reveals DNA-mediated compaction. Journal of Molecular Biology, 428(2), 357-364.

The bacterial single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein SSB is a strictly conserved and essential protein involved in diverse functions of DNA metabolism, including replication and repair. SSB comprises a well-characterized tetrameric core of N-ter... Read More about Defining the intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain of SSB reveals DNA-mediated compaction.

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as a probe of rhodium-ligand interaction in ionic liquids (2015)
Journal Article
Men, S., Lovelock, K., & Licence, P. (2016). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as a probe of rhodium-ligand interaction in ionic liquids. Chemical Physics Letters,

We use X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to identify the interaction between the rhodium atom and phosphine ligands in six 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids ([C8C1Im][X]). The formation of a mono-phosphine rhodium complex based upo... Read More about X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as a probe of rhodium-ligand interaction in ionic liquids.

Thionated perylene diimides with intense absorbance in the near-IR (2015)
Journal Article
Llewellyn, B. A., Davies, S. E., Pfeiffer, C. R., Cooper, M., Lewis, W., & Champness, N. R. (2015). Thionated perylene diimides with intense absorbance in the near-IR. Chemical Communications,

A synthetic strategy involving a combination of tetra-thionation and amine substitution in the bay region of a perylene diimide (PDI) leads to remarkable examples of neutral PDIs with intense absorption maxima in the near infrared. Generation of the... Read More about Thionated perylene diimides with intense absorbance in the near-IR.

Tetrathiotetracene thin film morphology and electrical properties (2015)
Journal Article
Pudzs, K., Vembris, A., Busenbergs, J., Rutkis, M., & Woodward, S. (in press). Tetrathiotetracene thin film morphology and electrical properties. Thin Solid Films, 598,

The electrical properties of organic thin films are determined by their chemical constituents and the morphology of the films deposited. In this paper the morphology of vacuum sublimed (7∙10-6 mbar) tetrathiotetracene (TTT) thin films is shown to be... Read More about Tetrathiotetracene thin film morphology and electrical properties.

Molecular Design of Squalene/Squalane Countertypes via the Controlled Oligomerization of Isoprene and Evaluation of Vaccine Adjuvant Applications (2015)
Journal Article
Adlington, K., El harfi, J., Li, J., Carmichael, K., Guderian, J. A., Fox, C. B., & Irvine, D. (2015). Molecular Design of Squalene/Squalane Countertypes via the Controlled Oligomerization of Isoprene and Evaluation of Vaccine Adjuvant Applications. Biomacromolecules, 17(1), 165-172.

The potential to replace shark-derived squalene in vaccine adjuvant applications with synthetic squalene/poly(isoprene) oligomers, synthesized by the controlled oligomerization of isoprene is demonstrated. Following on from our previous work regardin... Read More about Molecular Design of Squalene/Squalane Countertypes via the Controlled Oligomerization of Isoprene and Evaluation of Vaccine Adjuvant Applications.

Conceptualising cosmopolitan values in internationalised higher education: a capabilities approach (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bridges, S. Conceptualising cosmopolitan values in internationalised higher education: a capabilities approach. Presented at Converging Concepts in Global Higher Education Research: Local, National and International Perspectives

The increasingly internationalised nature of higher education has enhanced the potential for students to benefit from a more diverse student body, yet there are gaps between the rhetoric and ideals of internationalisation and the lived realities for... Read More about Conceptualising cosmopolitan values in internationalised higher education: a capabilities approach.

How does dense phase CO2 influence the phase behaviour of block copolymers synthesised by dispersion polymerisation? (2015)
Journal Article
Jennings, J., Bassett, S., Hermida-Merino, D., Portale, G., Bras, W., Knight, L., Titman, J. J., Higuchi, T., Jinnari, H., & Howdle, S. (2015). How does dense phase CO2 influence the phase behaviour of block copolymers synthesised by dispersion polymerisation?. Polymer Chemistry,

Block copolymers synthesised in supercritical CO2 dispersion undergo in situ self-assembly which can result in a range of nanostructured microparticles. However, our previous study revealed that copolymers with different block combinations possessed... Read More about How does dense phase CO2 influence the phase behaviour of block copolymers synthesised by dispersion polymerisation?.

Physisorption controls the conformation and density of states of an adsorbed porphyrin (2015)
Journal Article
Jarvis, S. P., Taylor, S., Baran, J. D., Thompson, D., Saywell, A., Mangham, B., Champness, N. R., Larsson, J. A., & Moriarty, P. (2015). Physisorption controls the conformation and density of states of an adsorbed porphyrin. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119(50), 27982-27994.

Conformational changes caused by adsorption can dramatically affect a molecule’s properties. Despite extensive study, however, the exact mechanisms underpinning conformational switching are often unclear. Here we show that the conformation of a proto... Read More about Physisorption controls the conformation and density of states of an adsorbed porphyrin.

Chain walking of allylrhodium species towards esters during rhodium-catalyzed nucleophilic allylations of imines (2015)
Journal Article
Martínez, J. I., Smith, J. S., Hepburn, H. B., & Lam, H. W. (2016). Chain walking of allylrhodium species towards esters during rhodium-catalyzed nucleophilic allylations of imines. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55(3), 1108-1112.

Allylrhodium species derived from δ-trifluoroboryl β,γ-unsaturated esters undergo chain walking towards the ester moiety.The resulting allylrhodium species react with imines to give products containing two new stereocenters and a Z-alkene. By using a... Read More about Chain walking of allylrhodium species towards esters during rhodium-catalyzed nucleophilic allylations of imines.

Alkaline Earth Complexes of a Sterically Demanding Guanidinate Ligand: Alkaline Earth Guanidinate Complexes (2015)
Journal Article
Moxey, G. J., Blake, A. J., Lewis, W., & Kays, D. L. (2015). Alkaline Earth Complexes of a Sterically Demanding Guanidinate Ligand: Alkaline Earth Guanidinate Complexes. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015(36), 5892-5902.

The synthesis of the guanidine MesN{C(NCy2)}N(H)Mes (LH; Mes = 2,4,6-Me3C6H2, Cy = cyclohexyl), and its use as a proligand for the synthesis of alkaline earth metal complexes are reported. Described herein are (i) an unusual Hauser base cubane, (ii)... Read More about Alkaline Earth Complexes of a Sterically Demanding Guanidinate Ligand: Alkaline Earth Guanidinate Complexes.

A Versatile Precursor System for Supercritical Fluid Electrodeposition of Main-Group Materials (2015)
Journal Article
Suleiman, N., Bartlett, P. N., Burt, J., Cook, D. A., Cummings, C. Y., George, M. W., Hector, A. L., Hasan, M. M., Ke, J., Levason, W., Pugh, D., Reid, G., Richardson, P. W., Smith, D. C., Spencer, J., & Zhang, W. (2016). A Versatile Precursor System for Supercritical Fluid Electrodeposition of Main-Group Materials. Chemistry - A European Journal, 22(1), 302-309.

For the first time, a versatile electrolyte bath is described that can be used to electrodeposit a wide range of p-block elements from supercritical difluoromethane (scCH2F2). The bath comprises the tetrabutylammonium chlorometallate complex of the e... Read More about A Versatile Precursor System for Supercritical Fluid Electrodeposition of Main-Group Materials.

Biomass-derived activated carbon with simultaneously enhanced CO2 uptake for both pre and post combustion capture applications (2015)
Journal Article
Coromina, H. M., Walsh, D. A., & Mokaya, R. (2015). Biomass-derived activated carbon with simultaneously enhanced CO2 uptake for both pre and post combustion capture applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4(1),

We report on the synthesis and CO2 uptake capabilities of a series of activated carbons derived from biomass raw materials, Jujun grass and Camellia japonica. The carbons were prepared via hydrothermal carbonization of the raw materials, which yielde... Read More about Biomass-derived activated carbon with simultaneously enhanced CO2 uptake for both pre and post combustion capture applications.

Bottom-up hierarchical self-assembly of chiral porphyrins through coordination and hydrogen bonds (2015)
Journal Article
Oliveras-Gonzalez, C., Di Meo, F., Gonzalez-Campo, A., Beljonne, D., Norman, P., Maite, S.-S., Linares, M., & Amabilino, D. A. (in press). Bottom-up hierarchical self-assembly of chiral porphyrins through coordination and hydrogen bonds. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(50),

A series of chiral synthetic compounds is reported that show intricate but specific hierarchical assembly because of varying positions of coordination and hydrogen bonds. The evolution of the aggregates (followed by absorption spectroscopy and temper... Read More about Bottom-up hierarchical self-assembly of chiral porphyrins through coordination and hydrogen bonds.

A monometallic lanthanide bis(methanediide) single molecule magnet with a large energy barrier and complex spin relaxation behaviour (2015)
Journal Article
Gregson, M., Chilton, N. F., Ariciu, A. M., Tuna, F., Crowe, I. F., Lewis, W., Blake, A. J., Collison, D., McInnes, E. J., Winpenny, R. E., & Liddle, S. T. (2015). A monometallic lanthanide bis(methanediide) single molecule magnet with a large energy barrier and complex spin relaxation behaviour. Chemical Science, 7(1), 155-165.

© The Royal Society of Chemistry. We report a dysprosium(iii) bis(methanediide) single molecule magnet (SMM) where stabilisation of the highly magnetic states and suppression of mixing of opposite magnetic projections is imposed by a linear arrangeme... Read More about A monometallic lanthanide bis(methanediide) single molecule magnet with a large energy barrier and complex spin relaxation behaviour.