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All Outputs (44)

Multiple sclerosis between genetics and infections: human endogenous retroviruses in monocytes and macrophages (2015)
Journal Article
Morandi, E., Tarlinton, R., & Gran, B. (2015). Multiple sclerosis between genetics and infections: human endogenous retroviruses in monocytes and macrophages. Frontiers in Immunology, 6,

The etiology of multiple sclerosis (MS) is still unknown, but there is strong evidence that genetic predisposition associated with environmental factors can trigger the disease. An estimated 30 million years ago, exogenous retroviruses are thought to... Read More about Multiple sclerosis between genetics and infections: human endogenous retroviruses in monocytes and macrophages.

Causal role of motor simulation in turn-taking behavior (2015)
Journal Article
Hadley, L. V., Novembre, G., Keller, P. E., & Pickering, M. J. (2015). Causal role of motor simulation in turn-taking behavior. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(50), 16516-16520.

© 2015 the authors. Overlap between sensory and motor representations has been documented for a range of human actions, from grasping (Rizzolatti et al., 1996b) to playing a musical instrument (Novembre and Keller, 2014). Such overlap suggests that i... Read More about Causal role of motor simulation in turn-taking behavior.

Glyceryl Trinitrate for Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Results From the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial, a Subgroup Analysis (2015)
Journal Article
Krishnan, K., Scutt, P., Woodhouse, L. J., Adami, A., Becker, J. L., Berge, E., Cala, L. A., Casado, A. M., Caso, V., Chen, C., Christensen, H., Collins, R., Czlonkowska, A., Dineen, R. A., Gommans, J., Koumellis, P., Lees, K. R., Ntaios, G., Ozturk, S., Phillips, S. J., …Bath, P. M. (in press). Glyceryl Trinitrate for Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Results From the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial, a Subgroup Analysis. Stroke, 47(1), 44-52.

Background and purpose: The Efficacy of Nitric oxide in Stroke (ENOS) trial found that transdermal glyceryl trinitrate (GTN, a nitric oxide donor) lowered blood pressure but did not improve functional outcome in patients with acute stroke. However, G... Read More about Glyceryl Trinitrate for Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Results From the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS) Trial, a Subgroup Analysis.

Prevalence and risk factors for reduced sound tolerance (hyperacusis) in children (2015)
Journal Article
Hall, A. J., Humphriss, R., Baguley, D. M., Parker, M., & Steer, C. D. (2016). Prevalence and risk factors for reduced sound tolerance (hyperacusis) in children. International Journal of Audiology, 55(3), 135-141.

Objective: To estimate the prevalence of reduced sound tolerance (hyperacusis) in a UK population of 11-year-old children and examine the association of early life and auditory risk factors with report of hyperacusis. Design: A prospective UK populat... Read More about Prevalence and risk factors for reduced sound tolerance (hyperacusis) in children.

Effect of culture medium on propagation and phenotype of corneal stroma-derived stem cells (2015)
Journal Article
Sidney, L. E., Branch, M. J., Dua, H. S., & Hopkinson, A. (2015). Effect of culture medium on propagation and phenotype of corneal stroma-derived stem cells. Cytotherapy, 17(12),

Background: The limbal area of the corneal stroma has been identified as a source of mesenchymal-like stem cells, which have potential for exploitation as a cell therapy. However, the optimal culture conditions are disputed and few direct media compa... Read More about Effect of culture medium on propagation and phenotype of corneal stroma-derived stem cells.

A nondestructive method to distinguish the internal constituent architecture of the intervertebral discs using 9.4 tesla magnetic resonance imaging (2015)
Journal Article
Wijayathunga, V. N., Ridgway, J. P., Ingham, E., Treanor, D., Carey, D., Bulpitt, A., Magee, D., Damion, R., & Wilcox, R. K. (2015). A nondestructive method to distinguish the internal constituent architecture of the intervertebral discs using 9.4 tesla magnetic resonance imaging. Spine, 40(24), E1315-E1322.

Study Design. An in vitro study of the intervertebral disc (IVD) structure using 9.4T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Objective. Investigate the potential of ultrahigh-field strength MRI for higher quality 3-dimensional (3D) volumetric MRI datasets... Read More about A nondestructive method to distinguish the internal constituent architecture of the intervertebral discs using 9.4 tesla magnetic resonance imaging.

Therapeutic effect of baicalin on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is mediated by SOCS3 regulatory pathway (2015)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y., Li, X., Ciric, B., Ma, C. G., Gran, B., Rostami, A., & Zhang, G. X. (2015). Therapeutic effect of baicalin on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is mediated by SOCS3 regulatory pathway. Scientific Reports, 5, Article 17407.

Natural compounds derived from medicinal plants have long been considered a rich source of novel therapeutic agents. Baicalin (Ba) is a bioactive flavonoid compound derived from the root of Scutellaria baicalensis, an herb widely used in traditional... Read More about Therapeutic effect of baicalin on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis is mediated by SOCS3 regulatory pathway.

Surgical caseload and the risk of surgical Never Events in England (2015)
Journal Article
Moppett, I., & Moppett, S. (2015). Surgical caseload and the risk of surgical Never Events in England. Anaesthesia, 71(1),

Never Events are medical errors that are believed to be preventable with appropriate measures. We surveyed all English acute NHS trusts to determine the number of surgical Never Events and surgical caseload for 2011–2014. There were 742 surgically re... Read More about Surgical caseload and the risk of surgical Never Events in England.

Current reported outcome domains in studies of adults with a focus on the treatment of tinnitus: protocol for a systematic review (2015)
Journal Article
Hall, D. A., Szczepek, A., & Kennedy, V. (2015). Current reported outcome domains in studies of adults with a focus on the treatment of tinnitus: protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open, 5, Article e009091.

Introduction: In Europe alone, over 70 million people experience tinnitus. Despite its considerable socioeconomic relevance, progress in developing successful treatments has been limited. Clinical effectiveness is judged according to change in primar... Read More about Current reported outcome domains in studies of adults with a focus on the treatment of tinnitus: protocol for a systematic review.

Baseline characteristics, analysis plan and report on feasibility for the Prevention Of Decline in Cognition After Stroke Trial (PODCAST) (2015)
Journal Article
Scutt, P., Blackburn, D., Krishnan, K., Ballard, C., Burns, A., Ford, G. A., Mant, J., Passmore, P., Pocock, S., Reckless, J., Sprigg, N., Stewart, R., Wardlaw, J. M., & Bath, P. M. (2015). Baseline characteristics, analysis plan and report on feasibility for the Prevention Of Decline in Cognition After Stroke Trial (PODCAST). Trials, 16(1), Article 509.


A common complication after stroke is development of cognitive impairment and dementia. However, effective strategies for reducing the risk of developing these problems remain undefined. Potential strategies include intensive lowering o... Read More about Baseline characteristics, analysis plan and report on feasibility for the Prevention Of Decline in Cognition After Stroke Trial (PODCAST).

Inhibition of TNF-α protects in vitro brain barrier from ischaemic damage (2015)
Journal Article
Abdullah, Z., Rakkar, K., Bath, P. M., & Bayraktutan, U. (2015). Inhibition of TNF-α protects in vitro brain barrier from ischaemic damage. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 69,

Cerebral ischaemia, associated with neuroinflammation and oxidative stress, is known to perturb blood–brain barrier (BBB) integrity and promote brain oedema formation. Using an in vitro model of human BBB composed of brain microvascular endothelial c... Read More about Inhibition of TNF-α protects in vitro brain barrier from ischaemic damage.

Increases in intracellular calcium perturb blood–brain barrier via protein kinase C-alpha and apoptosis (2015)
Journal Article
Rakkar, K., & Bayraktutan, U. (2016). Increases in intracellular calcium perturb blood–brain barrier via protein kinase C-alpha and apoptosis. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1862(1),

An increase in intracellular calcium represents one of the early events during an ischaemic stroke. It triggers many downstream processes which promote the formation of brain oedema, the leading cause of death after an ischaemic stroke. As impairment... Read More about Increases in intracellular calcium perturb blood–brain barrier via protein kinase C-alpha and apoptosis.

Risk scoring models for predicting peri-operative morbidity and mortality in people with fragility hip fractures: Qualitative systematic review (2015)
Journal Article
Marufu, T. C., Mannings, A., & Moppett, I. K. (2015). Risk scoring models for predicting peri-operative morbidity and mortality in people with fragility hip fractures: Qualitative systematic review. Injury, 46(12), 2325-2334.


Accurate peri-operative risk prediction is an essential element of clinical practice. Various risk stratification tools for assessing patients’ risk of mortality or morbidity have been developed and applied in clinical practice over the... Read More about Risk scoring models for predicting peri-operative morbidity and mortality in people with fragility hip fractures: Qualitative systematic review.

Effect of hyperacute administration (within 6 hours) of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, on outcome after stroke (2015)
Journal Article
Woodhouse, L. J., Scutt, P., Krishnan, K., Berge, E., Gommans, J., Ntaios, G., Wardlaw, J. M., Sprigg, N., & Bath, P. M. (2015). Effect of hyperacute administration (within 6 hours) of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, on outcome after stroke. Stroke, 46(11),

Background and Purpose — Nitric oxide donors are candidate treatments for acute stroke, potentially through hemodynamic, reperfusion, and neuroprotectant effects, especially if given early. Although the large Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS)... Read More about Effect of hyperacute administration (within 6 hours) of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate, a nitric oxide donor, on outcome after stroke.

Psychometric properties of the Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI): assessment in a UK research volunteer population (2015)
Journal Article
Fackrell, K. L., Hall, D. A., Barry, J. G., & Hoare, D. J. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI): assessment in a UK research volunteer population. Hearing Research, 335,


Questionnaires are essential for measuring tinnitus severity and intervention-related change but there is no standard instrument used routinely in research settings. Most tinnitus questionnaires are optimised for measuring severity but... Read More about Psychometric properties of the Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI): assessment in a UK research volunteer population.

Corneal Decellularization: A Method of Recycling Unsuitable Donor Tissue for Clinical Translation? (2015)
Journal Article
Wilson, S. L., Sidney, L. E., Dunphy, S. E., Dua, H. S., & Hopkinson, A. (2016). Corneal Decellularization: A Method of Recycling Unsuitable Donor Tissue for Clinical Translation?. Current Eye Research, 41(6), 769-782.

Background: There is a clinical need for biomimetic corneas that are as effective, preferably superior, to cadaveric donor tissue. Decellularized tissues are advantageous compared to synthetic or semi-synthetic engineered tissues in that the native m... Read More about Corneal Decellularization: A Method of Recycling Unsuitable Donor Tissue for Clinical Translation?.

Exploring the effects of the narrative embodied in the hearing aid fitting process on treatment outcomes (2015)
Journal Article
Naylor, G., Öberg, M., Wänström, G., & Lunner, T. (2015). Exploring the effects of the narrative embodied in the hearing aid fitting process on treatment outcomes. Ear and Hearing, 36(5), 517–526.

Objectives: There is strong evidence from other fields of health, and growing evidence in audiology, that characteristics of the process of intervention as perceived by the client (embodied narratives) can have significant effects on treatment outcom... Read More about Exploring the effects of the narrative embodied in the hearing aid fitting process on treatment outcomes.

Background sounds and hearing aid users: a scoping review (2015)
Journal Article
Gygi, B., & Hall, D. (2016). Background sounds and hearing aid users: a scoping review. International Journal of Audiology, 55(1), 1-10.

Objectives: A scoping review focused on background sounds and adult hearing-aid users, including aspects of aversiveness and interference. The aim was to establish the current body of knowledge, identify knowledge gaps, and to suggest possible future... Read More about Background sounds and hearing aid users: a scoping review.

Histological validation of high-resolution DTI in human post mortem tissue (2015)
Journal Article
Seehaus, A., Roebroeck, A., Bastiani, M., Fonseca, L., Bratzke, H., Lori, N., Vilanova, A., Goebel, R., & Galuske, R. (2015). Histological validation of high-resolution DTI in human post mortem tissue. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 9, Article 98.

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is amongst the simplest mathematical models available for diffusion magnetic resonance imaging, yet still by far the most used one. Despite the success of DTI as an imaging tool for white matter fibers, its anatomical u... Read More about Histological validation of high-resolution DTI in human post mortem tissue.

Consensus on hearing aid candidature and fitting for mild hearing loss, with and without tinnitus: Delphi review (2015)
Journal Article
Sereda, M., Hoare, D. J., Nicholson, R., Smith, S., & Hall, D. A. (2015). Consensus on hearing aid candidature and fitting for mild hearing loss, with and without tinnitus: Delphi review. Ear and Hearing, 36(4), 417-429.


In many countries including the United Kingdom, hearing aids are a first line of audiologic intervention for many people with tinnitus and aidable hearing loss. Nevertheless, there is a lack of high quality evidence to support that the... Read More about Consensus on hearing aid candidature and fitting for mild hearing loss, with and without tinnitus: Delphi review.