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Infection prevention and control in cystic fibrosis: An update of a systematic review of interventions (2024)
Journal Article
Rowbotham, N. J., Smith, S., Jahnke, N., Milczanowski, S., Elliott, Z. C., Prayle, A. P., & Smyth, A. R. (2024). Infection prevention and control in cystic fibrosis: An update of a systematic review of interventions. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis,

Preventing transmissible infection is a priority in cystic fibrosis (CF) care. This is an update of a systematic review of the evidence for infection prevention and control interventions in CF.

Our full protocol can be found on PROSPERO (CRD420181... Read More about Infection prevention and control in cystic fibrosis: An update of a systematic review of interventions.

Working in partnership with the patient community to develop outline trial designs in CF (2021)
Journal Article
Rowbotham, N. J., Smith, S., Davies, G., Leighton, P., Rayner, O., Elliott, Z., Daniels, T., & Smyth, A. R. (2022). Working in partnership with the patient community to develop outline trial designs in CF. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 21(2), 300-301.

In a collaboration between health professionals and the patient community, we previously identified the Top 10 priorities for clinical research in CF [ [1] ]. Here, we have used a similar approach to explore four of these priorities further and sugge... Read More about Working in partnership with the patient community to develop outline trial designs in CF.

Exploring the challenges of accessing medication for patients with cystic fibrosis (2021)
Journal Article
Herbert, S., Rowbotham, N., Smith, S., Wilson, P., Elliott, Z., Leighton, P., Duff, A., & Smyth, A. R. (2022). Exploring the challenges of accessing medication for patients with cystic fibrosis. Thorax, 77(3), 295-297.

Reducing treatment burden in cystic fibrosis (CF) is the top research priority for patients and clinicians. Difficulty accessing medication is one aspect of treatment burden. We investigated this with an online survey available globally for patients... Read More about Exploring the challenges of accessing medication for patients with cystic fibrosis.

Outcomes and endpoints reported in studies of pulmonary exacerbations in people with cystic fibrosis: A systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
McLeod, C., Wood, J., Schultz, A., Norman, R., Smith, S., Blyth, C. C., Webb, S., Smyth, A. R., & Snelling, T. L. (2020). Outcomes and endpoints reported in studies of pulmonary exacerbations in people with cystic fibrosis: A systematic review. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 19(6), 858-867.

Background: There is no consensus about which outcomes should be evaluated in studies of pulmonary exacerbations in people with cystic fibrosis (CF). Outcomes used for evaluation should be meaningful; that is, they should capture how people feel, fun... Read More about Outcomes and endpoints reported in studies of pulmonary exacerbations in people with cystic fibrosis: A systematic review.

How can we relieve gastrointestinal symptoms in people with cystic fibrosis? An international qualitative survey (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, S., Rowbotham, N., Davies, G., Gathercole, K., Collins, S. J., Elliott, Z., Herbert, S., Allen, L., Ng, C., & Smyth, A. (2020). How can we relieve gastrointestinal symptoms in people with cystic fibrosis? An international qualitative survey. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 7(1), Article e000614.

Introduction Relieving gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms was identified as a ‘top ten’ priority by our James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership in cystic fibrosis (CF). We conducted an online survey to find out more about the effect of GI sympto... Read More about How can we relieve gastrointestinal symptoms in people with cystic fibrosis? An international qualitative survey.

What effective ways of motivation, support and technologies help people with cystic fibrosis improve and sustain adherence to treatment? (2020)
Journal Article
Calthorpe, R. J., Smith, S. J., Rowbotham, N. J., Leighton, P. A., Davies, G., Daniels, T., Gathercole, K., Allen, L., Elliott, Z. C., & Smyth, A. R. (2020). What effective ways of motivation, support and technologies help people with cystic fibrosis improve and sustain adherence to treatment?. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 7(1), Article e000601.

Introduction: “What effective ways of motivation, support and technologies help people with cystic fibrosis improve and sustain adherence to treatment?” was identified as one of the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership’s top 10 research q... Read More about What effective ways of motivation, support and technologies help people with cystic fibrosis improve and sustain adherence to treatment?.

Characterising burden of treatment in cystic fibrosis to identify priority areas for clinical trials (2019)
Journal Article
Davies, G., Rowbotham, N. J., Smith, S., Elliot, Z. C., Gathercole, K., Rayner, O., Leighton, P. A., Herbert, S., Duff, A. J., Chandran, S., Daniels, T., Nash, E. F., & Smyth, A. R. (2020). Characterising burden of treatment in cystic fibrosis to identify priority areas for clinical trials. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 19(3), 499-502.

In a recent James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership in cystic fibrosis (CF) the top priority clinical research question was: “What are effective ways of simplifying the treatment burden of people with CF?” We aimed to summarise the lived exp... Read More about Characterising burden of treatment in cystic fibrosis to identify priority areas for clinical trials.

Using digital technology for home monitoring, adherence and self-management in cystic fibrosis: A state of the art review (2019)
Journal Article
Calthorpe, R. J., Smith, S., Gathercole, K., & Smyth, A. R. (2020). Using digital technology for home monitoring, adherence and self-management in cystic fibrosis: A state of the art review. Thorax, 75(1), 72-77.

Digital healthcare is a rapidly growing healthcare sector. Its importance has been recognised at both national and international level, with the WHO recently publishing its first global strategy for digital health. The use of digital technology withi... Read More about Using digital technology for home monitoring, adherence and self-management in cystic fibrosis: A state of the art review.

Do current clinical trials in cystic fibrosis match the priorities of patients and clinicans? A systematic review (2019)
Journal Article
Kalaitzis, I., Rowbotham, N., Smith, S., & Smyth, A. (2019). Do current clinical trials in cystic fibrosis match the priorities of patients and clinicans? A systematic review. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis,

There are many uncertainties regarding Cystic Fibrosis (CF) treatment. Recently, the first James Lind Alliance (JLA) Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) in CF was completed, bringing clinicians, patients and carers together to identify the Top 10 rese... Read More about Do current clinical trials in cystic fibrosis match the priorities of patients and clinicans? A systematic review.

Gaps in the evidence for treatment decisions in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
Rowbotham, N., Smith, S., Robinson, K., & Smyth, A. (2019). Gaps in the evidence for treatment decisions in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review. Thorax, 74(3), 229-236.

Introduction:Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multisystem disorder. Treatment is complex and evidence for treatment decisions may be absent. Characterising gaps in the research evidence will highlight treatment uncertainties and help prioritise research que... Read More about Gaps in the evidence for treatment decisions in cystic fibrosis: a systematic review.

Working with the patient and clinical community to deliver clinical research in cystic fibrosis: James Lind CF Phase II (2018)
Smith, S., Rowbotham, N. J., & Smyth, A. R. (2018). Working with the patient and clinical community to deliver clinical research in cystic fibrosis: James Lind CF Phase II. London

This is a protocol which sets out the aims, objectives and commitments of the second phase of the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership in Cystic Fibrosis and the basic roles and responsibilities of the partners therein.

The James Lind... Read More about Working with the patient and clinical community to deliver clinical research in cystic fibrosis: James Lind CF Phase II.

The top 10 research priorities in cystic fibrosis developed by a partnership between people with CF and health care providers (2017)
Journal Article
Rowbotham, N. J., Smith, S., Leighton, P., Rayner, O. C., Gathercole, K., Elliott, Z., Nash, E. F., Daniels, T., Duff, A., Collins, S., Chandran, S., Peaple, U., Hurley, M., Brownlee, K., & Smyth, A. R. (2018). The top 10 research priorities in cystic fibrosis developed by a partnership between people with CF and health care providers. Thorax, 73(4), 388-390.

There remain many treatment uncertainties in cystic fibrosis (CF). With limited resources, research should focus on questions which are most important to the CF community. We conducted a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership in CF. Researc... Read More about The top 10 research priorities in cystic fibrosis developed by a partnership between people with CF and health care providers.

Do guidelines for treating chest disease in children use Cochrane Reviews effectively?: a systematic review (2017)
Journal Article
Prayle, A., Cox, T., Smith, S., Rycroft-Malone, J., Thomas, K. S., Hughes, D. A., & Smyth, A. R. (in press). Do guidelines for treating chest disease in children use Cochrane Reviews effectively?: a systematic review. Thorax,

Cochrane Reviews summarise best evidence and should inform guidelines. We assessed the use of Cochrane Reviews in the UK guidelines for paediatric respiratory disease. We found 21 guidelines which made 1025 recommendations, of which 96 could be infor... Read More about Do guidelines for treating chest disease in children use Cochrane Reviews effectively?: a systematic review.

Cycling infrastructure for reducing cycling injuries in cyclists (2015)
Journal Article
Mulvaney, C. A., Smith, S., Watson, M. C., Parkin, J., Coupland, C., Miller, P., Kendrick, D., & McClintock, H. (2015). Cycling infrastructure for reducing cycling injuries in cyclists. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,

Background: Cycling is an attractive form of transport. It is beneficial to the individual as a form of physical activity that may fit more readily into an individual’s daily routine, such as for cycling to work and to the shops, than other physical... Read More about Cycling infrastructure for reducing cycling injuries in cyclists.

General practice characteristics associated with rates of testing and detection of hepatitis C: Cross-sectional study in Nottingham and Derbyshire (2006)
Journal Article
Coupland, C., Hippisley-Cox, J., Smith, S., Irving, W., Pringle, M., Ryder, S., Neal, K., Cater, R., Thomson, B., Pugh, S., Bicknell, M., & Bullock, D. (2006). General practice characteristics associated with rates of testing and detection of hepatitis C: Cross-sectional study in Nottingham and Derbyshire. British Journal of General Practice, 56(529), 620-623

The aim of this study was to determine general practice characteristics associated with testing rates for hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the proportion of tests with a positive result. The study included all patients tested for HCV from all general prac... Read More about General practice characteristics associated with rates of testing and detection of hepatitis C: Cross-sectional study in Nottingham and Derbyshire.

A systematic review to identify how the current clinical trials landscape reflects the James Lind Alliance top 10 research priorities for cystic fibrosis
Kalaitzis, I., Rowbotham, N. J., Smith, S., & Smyth, A. A systematic review to identify how the current clinical trials landscape reflects the James Lind Alliance top 10 research priorities for cystic fibrosis

This is a protocol to describe the methodology for a systematic review of clinical trials registries to identify intervention trials in the treatment of CF and map them to priorities for CF research.