Social capital, bounded agency and fuzzy logic: making data work in real world applications
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clancy, S., & Palmer, C. (2017, November). Social capital, bounded agency and fuzzy logic: making data work in real world applications. Paper presented at 1st European Symposium on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science: Inequality and Imbalance
All Outputs (2)
Utopianism and the New Age – modern man in search of himself: Sir George Trevelyan and the Shropshire Adult Education College (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
CLANCY, S. (2017, July). Utopianism and the New Age – modern man in search of himself: Sir George Trevelyan and the Shropshire Adult Education College. Paper presented at SCUTREA - Proceedings of the 46th Annual SCUTREA Conference